THE decision of the good folk of Antwerp to run a motor-race on the outskirts of their city has been crowned with complete success. A crowd of over 100,000 people witnessed an event which, although not particularly exciting, augurs well for the future.

The race was confined to sports-cars, and was divided into two categories, under 2-litres and between 2 and 41-litres. In the junior division two British drivers, Alex. Todd (M.G. Magnette) and Freddie Clifford (Aston-Martin) were pitted against another Aston-Martin driven by the Dutchman, Hertzberger, two Rileys driven by Forestier and Gatsonides (the latter well known for his drives in the Monte Carlo Rally with a Hillman Minx), a trio of Imperias driven by Guilleaume, Sauerwein, and Orssich, a Bugatti driven by Schiffelers, three Lancia Aprilias driven by Real, Gouvion and Thellussion, and four formidable B.M.W.s in the hands of Roese, Brem, Hein.emann, and Prince Schaumburg-Lippe. In the big-car class, there were two British cars, S.S. Jaguars driven by Sven

and Van Lennep. British drivers in T.A. S. 0. Mathieson (3.3-litre Bugatti), J. Willing and the Australian Snow (both on Delahayes) were opposed by Tremoulet, Viale, .Mazaud and Daniell (Delahayes), Cornet on an Alfa, Ravanel on a Bugatti, and our old friend Gerard with his Delage.

The circuit measures just under four miles, and was on perfectly flat country, so that the whole of it could be seen easily. The start and finish, with grandstand and pits, were situated on a very wide kilometre straight, at the end of which a rightangle bend led to a short straight of half a kilometre. Another right-angle to the right brought the cars out onto a fine straight of 21 kilometres. This was followed by an acute and very tricky corner and another straight of 11 kilometres before reaching the pits once more.

Practice, carried on in a howling gale and pouring rain, had shown that the course was easy on the drivers, with the exception of the aforementioned tricky bend at the end of the longest straight. Although no times were announced, it was apparent that the winner would be found among the troupe of Delahayes. The weather fortunately cleared on the day of the rate, and a fine crowd had assembled all round the course by zero hour. The lead was taken at the start by Mazatid (Delahaye), but he was soon passed by Viale and Gerard, who thereupon engaged in a battle royal. Never more than a few lengths separated them, and their duel finally ended with the retirement of Viale with a broken back axle. All this while Mazaud had been trailing along behind the two leaders, biding his time. When Viale dropped out Gerard slowed up considerably, probably due to reaction, and the wily Mazaud had no difficulty at all in passing him and building up a comfortable lead which he

maintained to the finish. A nicely judged piece of work.

Of the .British drivers, Willing did well to finish fifth in his first big race, only making one mistake—and that without serious. consequences. ” Taso ” Mathieson had the misfortune to run out of fuel. Snow was outstandingly good and finished fourth but he always seemed to have plenty in hand. Both the S.S. Jaguars attracted favourable comment on their regularity, although naturally they were ontpaced by the bigger French cars. In the 2-litre class a duel had been anticipated between the local hero, Hertzberger, on Dick Seaman’s old T.T. Aston-Martin, and the white B.M.W.s. Unfortunately the Aston broke a ‘piston, as did Clifford’s 1 /-litre of the same make, with the result that the German cars had matters all their own way. Todd also had engine trouble with his Magnette, and it was left to Forestier to uphold British prestige with his Riley, which

finished fourth. A special prize was awarded to Real, for his excellent performance on a standard Lancia Aprilia saloon. The one thing that marred an otherwise well-run race was the timing arrangements, which went sadly wrong. Publication of the results was followed by a deluge

of protests, but everything was adjusted satisfactorily in the end.


Over 2,000 c.c.

1. Mamtul (Delahaye), 84 laps in 311. 48m. 28., 82.40 m.p.h.

2. Gerard (Delage), 83 laps.

3. Tremotllet (Delahaye), 82 laps.

4. Snow (Delahaye), 82 laps.

5. Willing (Delabaye), 81 laps.

6. Ravanel (Bugatt1), 78 laps. 7 Cornet (Ails-Romeo), 58 laps. 8.Sven (S.S,), 08 laps.

Under 2,000 e.e.

1. Roese (13.M.W.). His time was 4b. 7m. 88. 122.4 k.p.h.

2. Brem (B.M.W.) 118.6 k.p.h.

3. Heinemann (13.M.W.).

4. Fortier (Riley).

5. Prince Sehaurnburg-Lippe (B.M.W.). 6. Real (Lancia). •

7. Thellussion (Lancia).