A NEW 1,074 c.c. H.R.G.
wmvir 1,074 c.c. -crescr. Just over a year ago MOTOR SPORT drew attention to the dearth of small sports-cars in the E,200-000 class. Since that time the position has not…
Brief Specification. Engine: Eight-cylinders. Bore 77.78′ mm,, capacity 4,585 c.c. R.A.C. Rating 30.01 h.p. Side-by-side valves. Single Stromberg down
draft carburetter. Centrifugal supercharger. Coil ignition.
Gear-box : Three speeds and reverse. Svnchro-mesh second and top. Overall gear-ratios in confunition with dual-ratio back axle :—Itigh series, 3, 5.05 and 8.6 to 1. Low series, 4.5, 7.57 and 12.9 to I.
Suspension : front and rear.
irlrakes: Lockheed hydraulic. M1’125106′ Wheelbase 10ft.
T rack, Front, 41t. 1 un. Rear. 5ft. 2in. Wi•ight with open two-Seattv body 33),
Price £795.