A Special 2-litre Aston-Martin
A Special 2-litre Aston-Martin RECENTLY we had an opportunity of inspecting a rather unusual 2-litre Aston-Martin which has distinct possibilities as a post-war road car of very high performance. At…
One of the new stra:glit-8 Alfa-Romcw. proved to be the winner n the ninth Grand Pr;x of Italy, luld at Monza, on 24th of last month. The car was driven by Campari and Nuvolari, and their average speed during the 10 hours duration of the race worked out a no less than 153.5 k.p.h. The second car home was also an Alfa straight8 (dr;ven by Minoia and Borzocchini, Diva and Bouriat (Bugatti) were third, while another Bugatti and a Mercedes took fourth and fifth places respectively. As announced elsewhere, Arcangeli was killed in practising on the day prior to the event.