2024 Porsche 718 Spyder RS review: Boxster moves up a gear
It has been my great fortune to do some mad things in Porsches over the years, usually involving one or more of its implausibly powerful racing cars. But right now,…
One of the new stra:glit-8 Alfa-Romcw. proved to be the winner n the ninth Grand Pr;x of Italy, luld at Monza, on 24th of last month. The car was driven by Campari and Nuvolari, and their average speed during the 10 hours duration of the race worked out a no less than 153.5 k.p.h. The second car home was also an Alfa straight8 (dr;ven by Minoia and Borzocchini, Diva and Bouriat (Bugatti) were third, while another Bugatti and a Mercedes took fourth and fifth places respectively. As announced elsewhere, Arcangeli was killed in practising on the day prior to the event.