Cars I have owned, by Alex Tulloch
Major Alex Tulloch, grey-haired, slightly-built, camera-carrier with an eye for a good picture, and possessing a fund of reminiscences, was a fearless driver of his very potent Hudson Special in…
RRRAVIiN Caravans are the lightest, cheapest, most up to date and comfortable. AVEN Caravan designs are the result of years of practical use and experience. AVEN Caravans 1931 models, fitted with bay windows fitted sinks, wardrobes, interiorsprung mattresses.
lOrp AVEN Caravans, Standard models from 8 ft. -LAJ 2-berth Austin 7hp. model, £70, to laft. 3 room model for 13.9hp. at £175. RAVEN Caravans, All models fully equipped with stove, oven, crockery and cutlery. AVEN Horse Box Trailet, £75; double box,
£120. Lightest on the market.
RAVEN Trailers are fitted with balloon tyres, automatic brakes, spring tow bars.
AVEN CARAVANS offer second-hand 1930 w caravans at prices ranging from £35 upwards. All fully equipped, fully guaranteed and as new Only a few left.
-rAirli,`N CARAVANS. Complete range of up-toit) date caravan trailers for hire, 2-4 berths, 1-3 rooms, suitable for Austin 7hp. and Bentley, from 50s. per week.
AVEN CARAVANS, 2 Ravenscourt Sq., Gold.1t’ hawk Rd., Hammersmith, Riverside 0353. Write for catalogue, M.S. Hire-purchase terms.