Why is it that we are all so attracted by what Major Sir Henry Segrave has rightly named the Lure of Speed ?” What is it that compels us to open wide the throttles of our Motor Cycles, and press our accelerators firmly down against the floor boards of our cars ? We are all fascinated by this

extraordinary sensation SPEED. But why ? Can it be explained ? The lure is as great to the aged, as it is to the young, nor is it confined to the motorist and motor cyclist. This strange longing for speed is experienced in all forms of movement. The horseman at full gallop, the Skier leaping from dizzy heights, the cyclist whizzing through the air at 15 m.p.h. They are all striving to attain one end—’ Speed. The lure is not a desire for any definite number

of miles per hour. No 1, it is the all out feeling that is really the great aspiration. Like some soothing drug, speed causes an exquisite sensation of rapturousness. More speed and yet still more, the ground flies from under us. We advance the ignition to the uttermost; we open wide the extra air. Perhaps the supercharger comes into action. We lay curselves flat upon the tank of our Motor Cycle and endeavour to reach that extra mile per hour, which is so thrilling and exhilerating, and we are forgetful of all around us in sheer obliviousness. The ecstasy of what ? Can it be explained ?