here and there, September 1927
HERE AND THERE. MOTORCYCLING NOTES. THE INTERNATIONAL SIX DAYS. The results of the International Six Days Trial which are now announced in full show overwhelming successes for British machines. It…
As a result of arrangements made with the authorities concerned, the R.A.C. is now in a position to issue Customs papers to Members and Associate Members touring abroad for the following 31
countries :—Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Czecho-Slovakia, Denmark, Egypt, Esthonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary. Irish Free State, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, and Yugo-Slavia.
A scheme is also in operation whereby in the event of a car or motor cycle breaking down and spare parts being required, these can be forwarded through the Club on receipt of a cable stating what is required. These and the other facilities offered by the R.A.C. are undoubtedly most valuable to motorists touring abroad, and are to a large extent the cause of the rapid growth in foreign touring during recent years.