How T.V.R.s are made
A visit to Blackpool's sports-car factory This year the R.A.C. International Rally started from Blackpool and so, being in this famous Lancashire seaside resort, it was opportune to pay a…
THE 28-9 h.p. Nash Advanced Six, though admittedly not a sports car, deserves some mention in the pages of this Journal in that its engine is of such advanced design. The six cylinder engine has a bore and stroke of 88 mm x 127 mm respectively, giving a cubic capacity of 4,600 c.c. with an R.A.C. rating of 28.9 h.p. The seven bearing crankshaft is fitted with hollow crankpins and has a Torsional Vibration damper at the front end. The Bohnalite aluminium alloy pistons are fitted with a steel Invar strut, which controls the contraction and expansion of the aluminium piston, thus maintaining correct clearances between piston and cylinder wall at all temperatures. The twin ignition is supplied by two coils with a single double
distributor and two sets of points. This feature coupled with the high compression ratio, no doubt accounts in no small measure for the car’s good performance. The overhead valves are operated by push rods and the two sparking plugs per cylinder are mounted one on each side of the cylinder head. The three forward speed and reverse gear box and clutch are built in unit with the engine, the drive to the rear axle being by means of an open propeller shaft.
The steering is delightfully easy at all speeds and ample lock is provided. The braking system consists of external contracting bands on the rear wheels with internal expanding shoes on the front. The hand brake operates on the transmission shaft. The rear springing is by means of semi-elliptic springs as also the front.
GOOD PERFORMANCE. One of the most interesting facts about the particular car we tested, which was fitted with a saloon body, was, that it already had over 11,000 miles to its credit, so that in addition to being well run in, the car was able to demonstrate its durability and wearing qualities. The first thing that impressed itself upon us on taking over the wheel was the car’s extraordinary performance in top gear. On this gear it is possible to crawl along in traffic at 4 m.p.h., and when opportunity presents itself to accelerate away without transmission snatch or judder by simply depressing the throttle. I he maximum speed obtained by this particular car fitted with a four door saloon body was 74 m.p.h., but this could have been ex ceeded had opportunity presented itself. At this speed the springing was all that could be desired for
a car of this class, as also was the steering. The action of the brakes was very efficient.
Due, no doubt, to the well balanced crankshaft, engine vibration was particularly unobtrusive at all speeds, and at 50 to 60 m.p.h. the only noticeable noise was a slight whistle caused by the wind.
The gear change was particularly easy, both up and down, and all the controls come easily to hand. We did not have an opportunity of finding out the car’s maximum speed on the indirect gears, but consider that the car’s performance is well above that of the average American production of this horse-power. Certainly the makers claim that their engine, when fitted with twin ignition, develops 15 per cent. more power, is no idle boast, which fact will be brought to anyone’s notice if they have a trial run in this car.
1 here are several different types of bodywork to choose from, and a full display of these cars will be found at the Nash showrooms in St. John’s Wood..
Altogether a very comfortable smooth running car with a surprising turn of speed and very reasonably priced with a four door saloon body at £590, or with open body as illustrated, £575.