Letters from Readers, November 1946
Sir, I read in your interesting and up-to-the-minute description of the Brighton Speed Trials that Abecassis beat me in my Bugatti when we ran together. This is not the case,…
Sporting motorists who take part in competition work soon realise the absolute necessity for a very accurate timepiece, not only for gauging the performance of their own motor cycles or cars, but also for checking the times of other competitors, or for observing speed trials. During the recent J.C.C. Reliability Trial at Brook lands we had the opportunity of testing the Accuraspeed
watch, which was carried throughout the trial and proved most useful for the purpose of checking the famous Ten Mile Limit on that occasion. The instrument is very well finished, and has a strong case, so that it is not likely to become easily damaged,
even if submitted to rough usage and quite apart from the remarkable accuracy of the stop watch, the timepiece keeps splendid. time for ordinary purposes. Among its many uses may be mentioned that of checking the speedometer of a car or motor cycle, over
a measured distance, and as the stop watch hand moves over the dial graduated in one-fifth seconds most accurate results can be recorded.
The Accuraspeed Watch is obtainable from Spikins from Dent, at 29 The Broadway, Ealing, and Mr. Spikins, it will be remembered, is well-known for his keenness in motor competitions.
The following riders are representing Spain in the T.T. Races, and are riding Douglas machines in the great international event :—
ZACARIAS MATEOS, who won the L000 kilometre race from Madrid to Avila and back on a 3 h.p. Douglas, beating all makes, including one with eight valves. The course was over exceptionally rough roads.
This rider also won at San Sebastien, in which the first, second, third, fourth and fifth places were also gained on Douglas machines.
VICENTE NAURU, who finished fourth in the latter event.
BALTAZAR SANTOS, who was second in the MadridAvila-Madrid ei, ent, in spite of a bad spill during the course of the race. Santos finished fifth at San Sebastien.
These three riders have achieved numerous other successes on Douglas machines in their own country, and their performance in the Isle of Man will be watched with great interest.