A Book For Navigators
An interesting booklet on rallying has been produced by a group of amateur enthusiasts who are members of the Bexley Light Car Club. It has been called “An Introduction to Rallying—with Navigators in Mind”, and covers most aspects of the sport save those which concern the occupant of the driver’s seat. Rallies nowadays are not the highly mathematical crossword puzzles on wheels which some people imagine them to be, but this book covers the most complex and intricate problems which will face a club navigator. On the other hand, it also gives advice on the faster, more serious rough-and-tumble of international rallying with its reconnaissance journeys and pace notes. If you are not an expert this book will not make you one overnight, but it is interesting and worthwhile reading nevertheless, and could well form a sound basis for future expertise. It is distributed on behalf of the publishing club by BP Retail Market Division, Shell-Mex House, Strand, London, WC2. The price is 5s.—G. P.