An Australian Opinion On The "TD" M.G.
Sir, The announcement of the "TD" series M.G. breaks one of the last links between the Golden Era of the British sporting car, i.e., 1923 to 1938, and the present.…
9d. per word (maximum number allowed 80) Minimum Charge 9/-. Box Numbers, 2/6 extra. Box No. Address : ” Motor Sport,” 15-17, City Road, London, E.C.I
No insertion will be made unless prepaid. Copy received after first post on the 20th of the month will be held over until the next issue unless cancelled in writing before the 10th of the following month. The publishers reserve the right to refuse or withdraw copy without notice and do not hold themselves responsible for matters arising from office or works errors.
PACKARD SUPER-SIX, 039, overdrive. Fitted radio, heater, twin spots, etc. Undoubtedly one of the most attractive pre-war Packards available. In exceptional condition throughout. Finished in cloud-mist grey, fawn interior. M.O.T. certificate, of course tL225 o.n.o. Box No. G.84o. 17840 ARMSTRONG SIDDELEY, 1930, 15 h.p., Muniner special coupe. 15,000 since £140 overhaul. M.O.’1′. certificate. Offers. Hemming, 599, Abbey Road, Smethwick. Tel.: BEArwood 3300. [7841 RADIATOR, t(-titre Mark II saloon. t935, 13 ft. 6 in. chassis. Kendal, 415, Crompton Way, Bolton, Lancs. f7842a CAN’T GET HID for wife so must offer my SunbeamTalbot 90 Mk. II 1.95! sports saloon, bronze. Exceptional condition. Washers, spot, badge-bar, new fog. Sunshine roof, roof rack, radio, seat covers. New gearbox, track-rod ends, silencer. M.O.T. certificate. 4260. Turpin, Tel.: WOO
0214 (after 8 p.m.). 17843 AUSTIN HEALEY BM, t955. Well cared for and in very good condition. 32,000 miles. Overdrive and heater. Never been raced. £5oo or best offer. Green, 59, Cookridge Avenue, Leeds, 16. (7844 H.R.G., 1949. Standard 7500.” Blue. Absolutely immaculate. 4450, no otters. W. F. Clark, 67, Hyde Road, $ancierstead. Tel.: SAN 6805. [7845
LAGONDA 3-LITRE d.h.c., 7937. Powerful, refined appearance and performance. 47oo. Tel, • Stourbridge 6417.
1948 APRE1A Farina; registered here E17986406. 7. 30 m.p.g., oil nil. Exceptional condition, appearance and performance. ‘275 o.n.o. Wells; Anstey Cove, Dover Road, Bournemouth. Tel.: Westbourne 61953. 1,c7847 ALLARD j2, Mercury he. heads, twin curbs. New: weather equipment, tyres, silencers, batteries. De Dion, inboard rear brakes. Alloy body re sprayed. 43oo. Box No. 0.848. s.1.7848 1947 ALLARD 4-seater sports. New 0C8(11.1ghts, silencers, Lockheeds, back spring, brake linings, drums, bearings, anti-roll bar, hood. Fast, reliable. 6
70. 28, Muswell Avenue, London, N.to. (7849 M RGAN PLUS FOUR, 1953, 4-seater, Vanguard engine, h.c. head, 3.7 rear axle. Superb condition. Going abroad. £3r5 o.n.o. Box No. G.Sso. [7850 JAVELIN, 7952 model, de luxe. Recent Series Ill engine, new Carburetters, distributor, etc. Excellent body, heater, radio. Reason for aide, owner buying Bentley. 4260. Seen London or ” Laburnum:” Zetland Road, Malvern. Tel.: Malvern 921._ (7851 AUSTIN SPORTS. Completely rebuilt, cost 1,180. Licensed, insured. Passed test. Cr2o. Kirkby,
Tel.: CHE 3480. [852 M.G.-A HARD-TOP, de luxe model. Excellent. 435. Tel.: HOW 2071 (London). 17853 3-SPEED PRE-SELECTOR gearbox from 193r Armstrong Siddeley, Perfect condition. Offers : Larkin, 74, Portland Crescent, Sternum, Middle
sex. [7854 ALMOST NEW 4.50-18 and 400-18 tyres. 35s.
catch, ‘o.n.o. Sc, The Avenue, Gravesend. (7855 SIMCA MONTLHERY, June 1960, to.000 miles. 4625. Dr, Rea. 15, Tann Road, London. N.W.3. Tel.: HAM 2420. [7856 M.G. TS. Engine, transmission perfect. Steering requires attention. £75 o.n.o. Hunter, Fairlead, Chart Lane, Reigate. [7857 twin-cam ‘ 328 ” sports, stored years, needs • little attention. £200. Front axle, gearbox, radiator, etc.. for Alfa 1750. Granville Jones, 47, Edmundatown, Tonypandy, Glam. 17858 78o SPECIAL.Usual engine modifications. Lowered suspension, hydraulic brakes, .aluminium/ tubular body. Weather equipment. Details and photos available. Horrocks. Rushton Road, Roth
well. Tel.: sot. 17859 1938 RILEY 21 Blue Streak. £o. Good condition. M.O.T. cert. Bought new car. Carpenter, Abertridwr, Lake Vyrnwy. (7860 1933 ROLLS-ROYCE zo;’25 limousine. Well shod, good condition. £250 or offer. 32, Gunnergate Lane, Marton in Cleveland, Middlesbrough, Yorks. [7861 BENTLEY, 1925. 3-LITRE Blue Label Gurney Nutting tourer. ka75. Shrimpton. Little Garth, Hilton, Lichfield. [7863 FORD ZEPHYR convertible, :961 :May). ImpPt121 maroon. Manual grey hood, heater; undersealed. 415o below list price at only 499o. P. Blake. Chesterfield Road Staveley. Derbyshire. Tel.:
27.72 SPECIAL. Cooper i.f.s., twin cubs., bent:106s.! Staveley 381. racing pistons, liners, bearings, clutch, etc. Microplas Stiletto fibreglass body. Hydraulic brakes, rev-counter. Superb finish. £200. Horton,
Tel.: CUL 3349 (N.W.3). 17865 CHANCE TO AFFORD to run vintage limousine. 15-h.p. Armstrong Siddeley. Cost 41,009 in 1928. Reconditioned. M.O.T. 485. Write : 55, Marlborough Avenue, Bromsgrove, Worcs. [7846
JOWETT JAVELIN de luxe, 1952. Excellent condition. 4215. Bruntnell, Aldermans Meadow.
PORSCHE ssoo SUPER, regd. r958. excet7118e6n8t Leominster, Herefordshire. condition, L.H.D. j;,600 o.n.o. Tel.: Sawbridge worth 3125 (Hens). 17869 ROLLS-ROYCE TWENTY, 1928. Passed test. Shabby not original saloon body but no rattles. Farm car for 13 years. What offers ? Penney,
Hoe Farm, Hunston, Chichester. Chichester Ta17.714PvIr,inrga!r)e Alfa-like 2-scat Corsica-bodied sports. Superb classic; car capable too m.p.h. .075. Wanted : Original handbook 1922 ” G ” series Rolls Twenty. Woodland Cottage, GreenRILEY Ii-LITRE, Oct. ’54. Black/blueE/7g8r7ey1 Greenwich Lane, Leafield, Oxon.
leather. Twin curbs., heater. Lovely condition, mechanically perfect. 4385. 18, St. John’s ROLLS-ROYCE, 1933, 20/25 H.J.M. sEpo78r7t2s Crescent, Whitchurch, Cardiff.
saloon One previous owner, history. Taxed end year. M.O.T. cert. 4mo. Tel.: Oxford 61432. [7873 BENTLEY,. 1938, 4I-LITRE L.E. series, attractive pillarless saloon. 4145. Tentson, Great Hormead (Tel.: 309), Near Buntingford, Herts. [7874 RILEY NINE KESTREL, 1937. Merlin engine, twin Solex. Beautiful condition. Engine/gearbox/ brakes rebuilt completely. New tyres. Coachwork/interior excellent. Spot. Spares. 4135. 129, Norman Crescent, Pinner. [7875 AUSTIN HEALEY zooM-engined “special.” 90% finished. Tubular chassis, r. & p., de Dion. Alfins, overdrive. Dunlop racing tyres. E.B. ” o” bOdY. 425o. Edmonds, 93, Prospect Lane, Solihull, Warwickshire, Tel.: SI-11 3327. [7876
RILEY LYNCOCK, 1933. plus ultra. M.O.T. certificate. Good tyres. Numcrout spares, including engine. 4120 or offer. 5, Villiers Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. ‘rel.: 23-2078. [78,78 1927 ROLLS-ROYCE 20-h.p. saloon. Impeccable condition throughout. Concours winner. M.O.T. cert. £175 o.n.o. This car was advertised last month and sold, but due to purchaser’s own car having been smashed he cannot proceed with the purchase. Tinker, 24, Boardman Eold Road Alltrington, Middleton. Manchester. Tel.: MID 5211• [7879 APRILIA, 1937. Breaking for spares; runner; all perfect condition. Would sell or exchange car. Lists : 7, Moor Street, Burton-upOn-Trent. [7877 FIAT 1100 TV, 1957. linnutculate two-tone grey. £490, or exchange estate car. Box No. 0.880. [78So TR3A, August 1958, hard-top; tonneau, heater, radio, electric sercenwasher. Wing mirrors, New oversize Michelin ” X.” Excellent. Box No. G.881. 11881 MORRIS so FIXED-HEAD coupe, ‘934 model. Passed M.O.T. Overhauled engine. Sound condition and very reliable. 450, o.n.o. 2.4, Eskrett Street, liednesford, Staffs. Tel. : 68. [7882 DAIMLER 15, 1933. Engine, gearbox and chassis perfect. 63,000 miles (handbrake rachet defunct), hut body needs some attention. Good paint, chrome. 425. “Lyme,” Foley Road, Claygate, Esher. Tel. : 2917.[7883 TR2, 5955, RED. Excellent condition. Cellulose unmarked. Heater. M “X “s. Leather upholstery. Very attractive vehicle. 4440. 6, Long Cutt, Redboum, St. Albans, Herts. (7884 5932 M.G. MAGNA 4-seater tourer. Mechanically
perfect, body rough. £30, Tunky, 97. Birmingham Road, Abrechurch, Birmingham. [7886 CITROEN L.15, M unit. L.15 1948. M.O.T. certificate, practically new engine; 4 “X “s. M M.G. block realeeved standard, reground, unused since. Bishop, 87, Wentworth Rood, Harborre, Birmingham. Tel. : car isor. M.G., 1946, TC. Good condition, tested; engine overhauled 5,000 miles, exchange crankshaft, clutch, etc. New steering, k-pins, f-springs, s-screens, carpets. Excellent tyres, hood and battery. Carrier. Only. 4210. Box No. G.888. [7888 SUPERB P-TYPE M.G. Fully reconditioned Pll engine. Excellent body, resprayed maroon. 16-in. rears. New tonneau and white vynisie hood. Sort out those Sprites with this fast, economical, reliable transport. First offer over £75o. Dunn, 34 Well ington Road, Altrinchum, Cheshire. [7889 HEALEY ALVIS 3-litre convertible. Dismantling. All parts available. Also identical car in most excellent condition. Old Rectory, Newton Blossom ville, Bedford. (78p0 Kettering) 750, M.G. TC, 2949. One owner. Good tyres. r. cert. Excellent condition. Works engine r8,000. 4250. H.P. arranged. Tel. : Broughton (Nr. 17891
UNCOMPLETED i.r.s., all the bits. Will sell Stiletto body separately. Hunt-Williams, Yew Tree Cottage, Padworth, Berks.
[7893 17892 ALVIS TAs4 saloon, 1947. V.G.C. New tyres. kso, or break. Johnson, Evcrdon, Daventry. RICLEY *LITRE saloon, July, 1960. 46,000 miles. 4240. Butler, 82, Guernsey Road, Liverpool, 13. Stoncycroft 1542. [7894 RAYMOND MAYS ZODIAC, i955. Every extra, Immaculate. 4340, or sell conversion. Tel, Byron 7579. : 17895 M.G. TA, 1936-7 1,500 c.c. engine, 2,000 miles since recondition. Clutch and gearbox 5oo miles since reconditioned. Bills; Lf,s., L.A. bonnet, twin pumps, bucket seats, safety -straps, spot, fog, SS. tels., oversize rears, twin spares; M.O.T. cert. Hood tatty. Lis*, o.v.n.o. Skelton, 139. County Road, Swindon, Wilts. Tel. : Stratton St. Mar s ret (7896 BRISTOL3163. 400, 7949. Excellent e.xample, carefuity driven. 4300 spent engine and respray only r3,000 miles ago. M.O.T. cart, naturally. Accept 4.450. ” Chins-ways,” Western Road, Branksome Park, Bournemouth. Tel. : Canford Cliffs 77543. (7897 LIGHTWEIGHT SEMI-SPACE FRAME. I. hydraulic brakes, cross-flow, radiator, etc. Complete, less engine. £40. Twin S.U.,s and manifold
for E93A. los. Box No. G.898. 17898 DELAGE D6/75. Mechanically very good. Perfect Coral box, 4 good tyres. Body, and interior require restoring. Could be made perfect. Fe!.: Ormskirk 4067, evenings. 17899 DAUPHINE GORDINI. Lowered suspension. Radio,” X “s, etc. Spotless. Best offers to : Tel.: Southport 4436, [7900 MERCEDES-BENZ TYPE 230, Needs head gasket and battery. Offers over £25. 8. /vlarlands Road, Ilford, Essex. Tel. : CRE 7383. 17901 RILEY FALCON, 1935. Rccond. cng. 5,000 miles. £9o. Herald chassis. 415. Walker, The Haggs, Grosmont, Whitby, Yorks. 17902
AUSTIN HEALEY 100/6, 1957. Red/black171:003tone, overdrive, heater, wire wheels; -washers. Excellent cOndition, only 30,000 miles, 2/4-seater. Best offer over £67o secures. Tel. : Biggin 2277. daytime.
DAIMLER 21-LITRE special sports. convertible, 1952. Barker coachwork. Extensively overhauled. Excellent condition. Silver grey/black hide, spots, overdrive, radio, heater. £375. Owner abroad. Box No. 0.904.
LAGONDA RAPIER, 19,34, Abbott tourer. 1‘7:r4 ry reasonable condition. k95. Oliver, Elm Grove, Burley. Ilkley. 17911 FORD TEN FALCON II, 1957. Twin S.1.1.s, i.f.s., high compression head. !kill weather equipment. bargain for quirck sale. 4,145. Also clearing stock of Ford engines, gearboxes and other parts at reasonable prices. Bateman, Si, Bell Lane, BrMc bourne, Herts. Tel. : Hoddesdon 4471. (7910 M.G. IT. Green, excellent condition. New p.v.c. hood, tonneau and sliding Si:Screens. Luggage rack. chrome Windtoners. Many extras. Complete history. 4475. 3, I utwood Road, Chi!worth, Southampton. Tel.: 68170, evenings. 17911
FOR SALE. i929Rolls-Royce Phantom II. In good mechanical condition. Sound bodywork and tyres. M.O.T. tested. 4,135. Will haggle. J. Beresforcl, 301, Moss Lane East, Manchester. [7913 Z935 A.J.S. SALOON. Excellent runner. A,38, Jennings, ” Primrose Villa,” Higher Pengegon. Carnborne. Cornwall. ‘Tel. : Carnborne 3136. (7914 M.G. TD, N931. Ivory/red. Excellent condition. Replacement cn’gine. Many extras. 4350. Tel.:
Wentworth 3164. [790 1935 a-LITRE AC Saloon. M.O.T., good condition. 4175, o.n.o. 118, Ryebank Road. Manchester, 16. : Chorhon 5966. 17917 FASTER THAN POLICE. Ideal getawaY tar. Anglia, 9s5, tool:. Overhead valves, supercharged, overdrive, racing suiiperfaion. Brands 68 sec., zoo mph. 4345, or ILK 4100 down. Tel.: HOT.. 4011 (Office hours); WIL 3800 (even ings). [7918 ALVIS, 5936, FIREBIRD r4-11.p. d.h.c. Black. NOY owes. Oil 5olb. hot. Superb condition. Routledge maintained. A.A. inspection welcomed. Available early June. Taxed year. Genuine offer. -Nearest too. Armitage, te., Brook Street, Ossett,
Yorks. Tel, : Ossett 161 (busiriesS). [7921 LANCIA AUGUSTA, 1934. Certificate. Excellent condition. New tyres. Any trial. E53. Marina Drive, Neweastle-tinder-Lyme, Staffs. 17922. LAST OF THE Abingdon M.G. saloons. Model Yll, t952. Very nice condition. Stack of extras. jacking system. Valuation ,C270. ‘Terms, privately if required. Tel. : (Birmingham) NORthern 7206. [7923 MORGAN 4/4, 1949 model. Certificate, radio. .4/70. or nearest. Baird, Tr, Argyll Place, Glou cester. Tel. Glos. 2526 t. [7925
ALLARD VS CONVERSION. 0.1-I.V. Ardun conversion, complete manifold’s. New Mercury crankshaft, iskenderian 3/4 race camshaft. No reasonable offer refused. ” Roan Major Farm,” Ruan Minor, lielston, Cornwall. Tel. : Allan Minor 280. RILEY i4,-LITRE, 1940. Black sports .s.a(17o9o2n4. Very good condition. M.O.’1′. cert. 4145, 0.0.0. Littlefield, 178, Reddington Drive, Langley, Slough, Bucks. (7926 1933 AUSTIN SEVEN: open tourer body in excellent mechanical condition. New hood, recently overhauled by Austin agents. £so. Tel. : HAYES 0669. [7927 FOR SALE: Various Riley Nine engine parts. Send S.A.E. for list. 13radfords, Holland, Oxted, Surrey. Tel. : Oxted 4188. [7928 ASTON MARTIN, 1937, 2-litre 4-seater tourer drophead coupe. Outside exhaust. Recently extensively overhauled. 4225. G. R. L. Maunder, Blue Cedars, Post. Mill, Tiverton, Devon. [7929 1948 al-LITRE JAGUAR drophead coupe. M.O.T. tested, Excellent condition. 1957 Adler Moto Cross 250-c.c, scramble motorcycle,little raced, very last. Offers,.or exchange fiw good small car; cash adjustment if necessary. 13. 13. Scott. 564,
Prince Avenue, Southend-on-Sea. [7930 JUPITER, t 95z; S. Ill engine. Green. Excellent condition; hir• axle: new “.:x “S. fog, etc. £2-97301.
Lloyd, 11s, Elm Grove. Salisbury. (7 TR3, 1957, Aug. Overdrive, ‘ X “s, tonneau; underse.al. H.P. arranged. 4565. Tel.: Canonburr 6481, ext. z 1. Write : 29, Vincent Close, Barkingside. BENTLEY 31 sports saloon. RecOndi engine, heater. Sound, fast, economical. Best offer
secures. BOX No. 0.933. [7933 RILEY KESTREL NINE, 0934. Much work done, little more needed. Sound throughout. Untested. Offers. Tel.: Watlington (Okon) 19 t. (7934 GRAND CLEAR-OUT. Ford Ten, goes like bomb, 475. Ladder frarne designed for 2-litre engine, .430. A35 back axle, 4,12 res.; gearbox, zfs Riley engine and Nix, 445. Pair 1J’ S.U.S. kl2 leis. Pair new Luca§ Spotlights, L6. New electric washer, 42 tos. Chrome headlamps. £2 each. Wolseley front suspensions, 412 rOs. Pair wincitones, £2. Etc. 8, Fairview Avenue, Rain ham (Tel.: 5696). -Essex. [7937 ONE SHORROCK SUPERCHARGER, in almost new condition, Suitable for Austin Healey Sprite. £40. or £25 in exchange for Sprite carburetters, induction manifold,.petrol pipe and throttle linkage. All instructions. Would also tit a Farina A40. A35 and Minor tono. F. Gold, 73, Station Road, Kegworth, Hr Derby. [7935 LAGONDA RAPIER, 1934, excellent order. Fitted 2-seater body, overhauled Standard Twelve engine. Gift at LI00 or nearest. Awel Mor, Greenfield, Flintshire. [7936 HERON 73o, de luxe road car. Formula engine, fully trimmed, tonneau. Registered tst May, t961. 800 miles only. •45 m.p.g. Genuine reason for Sale. Cost ‘4,42s. Accept f,360. Rose, 30/38, Rocking ham Road, Corby, Northants.. 1790 ROLLS-BENTLEY, Multiner bodied Series GP’ 41-litre. Cellulose, Chrome and body structure in excellent condition. Interior above average. Much expensive mechanical work done and generally above average. Original tools and instruction book, service data, etc. 4275. Gardner, 36, Lichfield Avenue. Morecambe.(7940 M.G. MAGNETTE, 1956. in immaculate condition. ‘TWO meticulous owners and maintenance records for every r,o0o miles servicing available. Low mileage and over 30 mpg. 4515. Capri,* Birkdale, Little ‘Common, Bexhill. Tel.: Cooclen 3394. 17941 SMALL QUANTITY of V8 carburetters and distributors, also some gearbox spares, believed Leyland diesel. Offers, Tel.: Potters Bar 55571(5. [7942 AUSTIN A3o ENGINE. Needs new crankshaft or regrind. 415. Greed, 336, Newsome Road,
linddersfield, Yorkshire. [7943 ” maroR SPORTS ” : 151 copieS, years 1937 to *957 inclusive. Vast quantities Afirosporrs.-Bulk Offer please. Douthwatte, 565, Orley Road, .1..ectis. t(i. [7944 ’39 VOLKSWAGEN de luxe (L.H. drive). Black. WirSAV tyres. American bumpers. Flashers. One owner. Enthusiast maintained. 4519. Box No. C.945.[7945
FOUR MICHELIN “X” 155-15, 4,700 £20. Mr. C. W. Palmer, 27, WeSthampriett Rciad, Chichester, Sussex. Tel.: ‘Chichester 23t0. (7947 CITROEN TWELVE, 1936. Bodily, mechanically excellent. M.O.T. cert. £65. Smith, 5I, Long. field Drive, Amersham. 179;8
4 t 932 sports tourer, in very good order. engine reconditioned. 4425. Try offers to Booth. High Sharow. Ripon, Yorks, Tel.: Ripon 269. 1790° ALVIS 12/50 touter. 1932. EXCCIIC/11 example. B.R.G. Very good engine. body. tyres. M.O.T. cert. £115. Smith, 5 t, Longtield Drive, Amer sham. 17940 1948 TRIUMPH ROADSTER tfloo, excellent con dition. 1,.2c.o. Tel.: Seven Kings 9979. 1795(
BENTLEY 3)41-LITRE, :927, Red Label tourer. Corsica body. Religiously maintained, excellent condition, mechanically and bodily. Around 1,;395. Genuine reason forces sale. Tel : WEMbley 517o after 6.30 p.m.).
BENTLEY i’ark Ward sports saloon, 1936. M.o. cert. Radio, heater. In immaculate condition. £345 o.n.o. Tel.: PUTney 0146. 17953 1931 BENTLEY 4-LITRE saloon, excellent original condition, stored for number of years. Dismantled
and checked throughout. All in order. (.250. Box No. G.954. 17954 1437 FIAT 500 engine and gearbox Complete. also sundry electric’.. Li ‘s or offer the lot. Write Box No. 6.955. 1795’ M.G. TI3g, 1952, Red. New hood, new engine ‘6i. tonneau. spots. etc., many extras. Excellent condition. £395. 59, Woodcotc Avenue. Elm Park, Honwhurch, Essex. 17958 “MOTOR SPORT,” 1957-1960 except for July 1959. OtTers ? Hearne, $p, Woodgate Avenue, Rochdale. 17962
‘AUSTIN SEVEN, 1960. ts.coo miles. grey,lred. Ilowntott conversion-pultshed Itc head, twin S.U.s, gas-flowecl exhaust. StreaiK silencer. I leater. screen-washer, Interior Silent Travel. Britax hells, 1.3urabands. scat covers. chains. Original carburetter, manifold and exhaust. 4500 0.11.0. or exchange VW or 2-c.v. and balance. Lt. Harrison. R.N.A.S., Arlsromh. 17956 LUGGAGE TRUNK for vintage Rolls by Monks_ Fitted with three case’.. 1/fa’0. fittings Complete with locking clamps ‘for fitting to carrier. In very good order. 420. Henderson, 42, Anchorage ‘toad, Sutton
fitted with twit, Hood, soli:screens. etc. L2o0 or would split. Craven. 67, Holmsley Lane. Woodicsforil. Nr. Leeds 17969
1953 JAGUAR MK. VII. Dtio-tone green Mccliantcally cycelitmt, coachwork magnificent. licatcr, waithets. Ittrile exhausts. 25 m.p.g. New ” X ” tyres. £310 o.n.o.. or exchange suitable sports car with Cash. Finch, tS, Hill Street. lieditesford, St . 1,0-1 OUTSTANDING BARGAIN, tirl, PaIcon Super
‘Iwo with bard-top and tonnean Actuaplanr.
i.f.s., hydraulics. It lull strument..
Finished pippin red ICead. •sn. {lb h. r hurts !II Li 50 will buy, no genuine reaStilt for sale hut take anything pall :x, ‘Optimist). Cistlinste. ROckholme, [Inc. Ni. liolvwell, N. Wile’;, [7974 INVICTA BLACK PRINCE, 1910 (April), 25 h,p.— R.A.C. turnip. Convertible 4/s-seater, 1114k aluminium body and sect hood. pigskin ulMolstcry. Bluck 1011nesal cover. Wonderful condition, with new push-button Philcn radio and heater. .C5so. or near offer—originally cosi 44,5t10. Newton, :X, Rodney Street, Liverpool I. “Fel.: Royal Horne alter 7 MM. ArrOwflrooge 670 V7U7-‘; 1.252 BRISTOL 401. Resprayed and complete engine overhaul by Bristol t >5.11, One owner. Ni accidents. Maintained to top standards.. IIIVOieea of all repairs available. ;t49O. R. E. Gardner, • Fel.: Warninglid 2.to. Garaged at jeremys
Garage, Robley. 1],7979 1939 MERCEDES-BENZ cabriolet. M.O.T. certificate. Mechanics and body sound, needs paint. Eton O.n.o. Tel.: Regent 142: /After
2 o’clock). (798O JAVELIN-SPARES. Full stock of ticiondhand parrs available. Any new item suPplied. Qui:nations or goods sent anywhere. G. Mitchell, Rillgour. Illackford. ‘Perthshire. 17oF 1913 12150 ALVIS for sale. Bodily and mechanically in lovely condition. Recent check includes new battery and headlight bulb. M.O. in T. tried and taxed. Contact_ ,• A. M. Simmons, Tel.: Burgh clere 283, Nr. Newbury. 1798z TC, “%v. Respray, replacement engine. 1,250 Ms° 1..Ottts ILM,W., as new, £375. Tel.: BIT rnirigltum Springfield zsc>7. 1708
BUCKLER FORD MISTRAL 1/112. 12.v., Stage IV modiMatinna, folly trimmed: small mileage. r.,-205. K. S. Melville, 6, George Street, Warminster. 17983 RILEY KESTREL, tor, 12 Overhauled. steer ing. 1v1,0.T. i.:45, Offers. O’Connor, 70, Higher Road, Hunt’s Cross,. LIvert1001, 25. 17984 LAN.CIA APRILIA, tr8. Ghia cl.h.c. Beautifial car, well maintained. Extras. Good history. ‘fused. Photo. Lib’s. 22, Melon Road, F-arley, Reading. 1798`i ENTHUSIAST-OWNER wanted for 1949 Mk. 1 Dellow in road trim,, with red cockpit, nicely maintained. 01erii Over./,275 to Matter. W 3.s. Magazine Farm Way, (e esfer. or Tel73386. 179/36 LEA-FRANCIS, 1947, Fourteen, fined export six.light body (damaged). Rectitiditioned engine, gearbox, brakes, king-pins, new tyres. M.O.T. tested: untaxed hut delivered. Li 25 o.n.o. Shorrocks supercharger kit, XPAG. as new. /.25. Ex-R.A.1,, petrol-driven compressor, 12 c.f,rri. at 130.1b., L2.5. Porsche, VW, tools, components, etc:, wanted. 13. Pinkney, I. West Hartlepciol Road, Wolviston, Co. Durham. 17089 LAGONDA, sgs2, 2-LITRE saloon in immaculate condition. finished grey with blue hide upholstery Fitted reconditioned engine, new tyres, batteries. etc., and has Usual lull equipment, including 11MA%. radio. heatericeoler, etc. Lsyo. Foilt Ashes Setvice Station. Takeley. Essex. Tel.: 350. 17990 REV.-COUNTER : Auto-‘1’emporneter, S-in. dial, unused, with 3 ft. h in. flexible 2 ; I drive. Accept Fiat 508 unwrapped C.W. & p.. ratio 30 -: o 4.4 o.n.o. Tel.: Reading 81831, 799, JENSEN 541, 1955. Overdrive. wire wheels, heater, covers. Immaculate. B.R.G. Carefully used and maintained. £95o. Also Rochdale G.T. Professionally built and finished on new boxed chassis. Mom. extras. low mileage. £295. Family growing, fleet shrinking. Elmswood, Garston Old Road, Liverpool: Tel.: CRE 3387. 17994 APRILIA, 1938. Mechanically sound. Nares Weber carb. M.O.T. Needs respray. Domesticity forces sale. £140 o.n.o. Heblich, 2, Stonard Road, Pa’niers Green, N.I3. Evenings and week ends, Tel.: PAL 8474. [7996 F.W.D. ALVIS, 1928, supercharged. Engine and chassis excellent. Will break. Wood, Police Station, Brimscombe, Glos. 17997 M.G. TA, 1939. Engine and chassis rebuilt. Coachwork and weather equipment in excellent condition. Enthusiast owned and maintained. M.O.T. cenificate. ki85 for quick sale. Leo, 15, Gregories Road, Beaconsfield. Tel.: 538. 17999 VINTAGE AUSTIN SEVEN tourer. Completely restored. Bills for £160. Full Girling brakes, oversized rears. This car is absolutely immaculate, Mechanically perfect. Bargain at £75. Tel.:
HIT 3544. 180oo SIX SEATS, 6 h.p., 40 m.p.g. Fiat Multipla, ’57 model. 2.3,000 miles. Extras. £445. Muswell.
52, King square. 13.C.I. 1.800i RILEY ADELPIII 1214, 1935. well maintained. Very good throughout. Must sell, sacrifice £65. Day, Tel.: Hertford 3837 (after 7 p.m.). [8002 1958 FORD FALCON I, 933 c.c. Rebored and over hauled, running-in. Ilard-top, Perspex sidescreens, sfbeams, W. London wheels, ifs., hydraulics. £165 o.n.o. Lyons, 47, Alicia Avenue, Kenton, Middlesex. 18003
CHEVROLET SPECIAL, 4.3-LITRE, o.h.v. V8, ifs.. i.r.s., r. & p. steering, space frame, alum. body. Regd. ’59. Raced one season. Scruffy. £20o. Box No. 373, R.A.F., Fairford, Glos. [8004 M.G. TC, 1948. Maroon. Mechanic hand built, superb condition. L275 o.n.o. 153, Feltham Road, Ashford, Middlesex. [8005 LiM.G. DISMANTLING. Must sell or scrap. Evans. R.A.E. Apprentices’ Hostel, Farnborough, Hants. 18006 1933 ALVIS FIREFLY. Dismantled.. Selling whole or parts. 20-in. well-shod wire wheels, sos. each delivered. llovvorth, 12, Mount Avenue, Calder brook, Littleborough. [8007 LAGONDA 44-LITRE LG45 saloon, 1936. One owner until 1956. Bills for £60o, including complete engine overhaul (Sanction ID Immaculate coachwork, interior. t8 m.p.g., oil nil. Quiet, powerful, gentlemanly car. 4.285. Stark, Ranby
House, Nr. Retford, Notts. [8008 YOUNG WIFE WISHES to exchange or sell husband’s immaculate 1958 model M.G.-A coup6 (35,000 miles, heater, luggage grid) for something sporty with a hood. Price around £625. Shirley Wakefield, 4, ” Lingmell,” Seascale, Cumberland.
Ploo9 1953 AI.LARD Palm Beach saloon, Consul engine. Aluminium body, good tyres. £120. 44. Heston Road, Heston, Middlesex. Tel.: HOU 9068.
(80 to ROLLS-ROYCE P. II, 1930. 33 m.p.g. with Gardner diesel, recently overhauled. Three new tyres. M.O.T. cert. Offers around k2OO. Box No. Got T. [8oi r BRISTOL 400. Exceptionally well maintained. Steel blue. ” X” tyres, radio, heater, screen-wash. Owner will accept £325 for quick sale. Lisney,
Fenny Drayton Close, Leicestershire. [8054 750—Clear-out 12 engines, to gearboxes, 2 lowered suspensions, 2 Bowdenexs, plus much tuning equipment. C,all evenings, weekends. z, Hayes Lane, Bromley. Kent.18055 JOWETT JUPITER, r952, green, Series III engine 1,957. ” ” tyres. Good condition throughout. 250 o.n.o. Batchelor, 39, Albert Street, Clayton
1(. e-Moors, Accrington,. Lancs. 18056 DOLOMITE, 1938. 1 win carbs. Certified. Well kept. £85. 7A, Rusper Road, Horsham CPO.: Fto), Sussex. [8057 ” SPECIAL,” based on Austin Seven, 1931 chassis
new parts. Offers. Tel.: ELTham 8844. [8058 1923 ALVIS 52140Oldest in Britain. Rebuilt. £95 o.n.o. zo, Woodstock Terrace, London, E.14. Tel,: EASt robs. (8059
1935 DAIMLER limousine. M.O.T. certificate. jour good tyres. Offers, or exchange, W.H.Y. otherwise will break. Rowley, 98, Renfrew Road. Paisley. (8o6o JOWETT JAVELIN, 1953, good condition throughout. £195. Sharon, 36, Old Birmingham Road,
Bromsgrove, Worcs. [Soft DISMANTLING. Two-seater Dolomite, new hood, engine, gearbox, axle excellent. Also NA M.G.
Tel.: Luton 53778. 18062 HEALTHY FA1RTHORPE Electron Minor sports, 1958. No competitions or crashes. Modified engine. Extras. £35o o.n.o. Box No. 0.063. [8063 M.G. TC, 1948. M.O.T. certificate. Blue. Extras. £240. ” Caldy,” Pit Lane, Hough, Crewe. [8064 1960 ROCHDALE G.T. New Ford chassis boxed, E93.A. 4.7 c.r.p., Monroe suspension, Bosch lights. 4225 Pedder, 1895, Finchampstead Road, Wokingham, Berks. 18065 P.V.T. Genuine bargain. 31 Bentley coupd by Vincent. Forced sale. Well shod. M.O.T. certificate. Engine very quiet. 20-22 m.p.g. Taxed Feb. Best offer. Seen 33, Beaufort Gardens. S.W.3, early July. Telephone Millar, KENsington 826 t . 18066 8-8o J.A.P. TWIN racing engine. £5o. Further details. Dave Hughes, Bakery, Cogenhoe, North ampton. ‘ [8067 1936 i4-LITRE Six-Light Riley Kestrel, preselector M.O.T. cert. £65 o.n.o. The, Spinney, too, Upper Horsebridge, Hailshnm, Sussex, [8o68 ADLER drophead, regd. 1956-1938 model. Fromwheel drive, independent all round. Maroon. Needs few jobs. Photo. £45. Bennett, Apple thaw Dent, Dent, Nr, Andover, Hants. [8069
5939 M.G. TA 2-sealer. New hood. carpets; good tyres, and new batteries. Good condition all round. Price £95. Tel.: Penn (Bucks) 3249 (after 6 p.m.). [Sore LAGONDA 3-LITRE sakron, 595.7. Silver grey with red hide interior. Total mileage 49,o0o. Engine iust overhauled by makers at cost of Bills and complete history from new available. Price £1,295. Tel_ ..• 68966 (evenings). [8033 1961 M.G. SPECIAL. I.F.S. MI enveloping. Professionally built aluminium body, full weather equipment, spare T.V. engine. Available August. 4450. Tilling 114, Trentham Street, Southhelds, London, SW. t$. Tel,: MOO 5600 (office hours).
18014 1950 LEA-FRANCIS Sports 2/4-seater. Very well cared for and with every extra. Mechanically outstanding. £215. !v1.0. T. Tel.: Pagnam 2576.
28015 ALVIS, 1938, Speed 25., 3.L -litre SportS Tourer, excellent all round condition. DeSails on request. Hancock, Moot Hoirse, Aldridge, Stags. [8016 “MOTOR SPORT” 1956)60. Bound, mint condition. Offers. Hall, 28, Vernon Read, Totley, Sheffield. 18017 1933 ROESCH TALBOT 6e. Pranged at rear. 57,000 only. Spares goldmine, driveable. £25 o.n.o. Tel.: Enfield 8099. [8018 M.G. 2-LITRE, dismantled. 1937. All spares available. Birch Cheddleton Heath, Leek, Staffs. [8019 FIAT 1900 F/I. saloon, December 1955. One owner, overhauled by manufacturers at a cost of £216. colour black-ivory. fitted 5-,spe.ed gearbox, fluid drive, radio/heater. £575. Tel.: Gillingham, Kent. 51726 (after 6 p.m.). [Roar ALVIS 12110, 1938. Breaking due to corroded chassis. Practically everything else excellent and available immediately. 301555, 2, Brent Mansions, Brent Street, N AV.4. Tel.: Hendon 6174. (8022. 19S5 VOLKSWAGEN de twit.. Michelin “X “s„ Konis rear, special beads, duel carbs. 4425. Write to: 6, Hardley Crescent, Hornchurch, Essex. Tel.: Ripplaway 3916 (9-5 p.m.). [8023 ALVIS Z2150, .complete engine. bCap$ of snares, all very cheep. Mort. Tel.: Lichfield 2022. [8025 RARE ROVER sports saloon. £65. Immaculate 14-h.p., 1936, certificate-. .350,Iviatsham Road, Maypole, Birmingham. [8.026 FABULOUS Ford Special. Professionally lomat. registered brand new .1956, rebuilt 1961, sprayed red. Cream WiE, 4.7la c.w.p., boxed and welded chassis. Woodhead Monroe stabilisers, superbly finished. £295. Any reasonable offer considered. H.P. available. Crankshall Lane Garage, Stone
Cross, West Bromwich, Staffs. [8028 IMMACULATE TRz, ‘ R3 fittings, hard/soft-top tanneau, spots, leather, wire. Doers, sliders bonnet, all lock. completely thief-proof. Engineer’s baby. ols. Frydo, 39, Harewooct Avenue, N.W.3. or Avenue Garage. CITROEN ta.8, 107. Very good condition. £65 o.n.o. Shoji, 20, Knottesford Close, Studley,
.Warks. [8030 £65 SPECIAL, 7958 Convair Ford Ten, S.U.s 413 Burgess instrumems, engine clapped, towable. T. 8: I. Used until 7/6/61. Canning, 29, Grove Rd.
Leighton Buzzard, Beds. [803 RAILTON FAIUMILE, r937, d.h.c. Good con (titian, p.v.c. hood., M.O.T. certificate. Many spares. £90 o.n.o. Tel.: Gersten (Herts.) 3323. 1.8035
1927 HUMBER 9/2.o, 3-door saloon. Elegant and first class. L. 50. Restoring older motor. Moses. C.ildene Ave., Mythohnroyd, Halifax. LOTUS EIGHTEEN Junior. never crashed damaged. Latest Cosworth engine, iust checked over. Latest gearbox casing with brand new crown wheel and pinion. 13 ,starts this season,. 4 firsts, 4 Seconds; three thirds. Maintained as perfect as possible and ready for immediate racing. Offers and enquiries to Bill Moss, 709, London Road. Luton. •rel.: 3096. Bxchanged and terms may be arranged. 18037 ALVIS SALOON, July 7952. Excellent Condition. Second owner ei yrs.-90 m.p.h. and 20 m.p.g. New tyres/battery/radiator. taxed 1961. f,lso. Evans, 72, Raglan Close, Swindon. Tel.: Swindon 5917. (8638
1959 FORD/ASHLEY 1572, Bellamy i.f.s, Reconditioned engine, 4.7 c.w.p. bully upholstered and lined throughput. Very good tyres, many extras, including radio. “:285. H.P. can he •arrariged. 13. Moore, Priory 1.0dge (opposite sugar 181-.01t, factory), Felsted, Dunmow, Essex. 1926 CLYNO Saloon for sale. 00. Wonderful old lady. Mrs. R. Benne)t, Clai re( Farm,
Allaleigh, Blaekanton, Tomes, Devon. 18040 PANHARD, 1955, 1.h.d. sports 85o-c.. East, economical, v.g.C. Bargain Laso o.n.o. Kisby, West Street, Horncastle, Lines, FIAT ituto ‘IN Spyder Farina cabriolet. 2,13-semer. Softlhard-top. Heater, radio., •Konis.. Exceptional condition, 7956. 4570. PidtwOrth, 33, Station Avenue, Walton on Thames. Tel,: 20651. 18033 M.G. TA Tickford. 7939, excellent Condition throughout, new hood, engine overhauled in May, 32-34 m.p.g., M.O.T. certificate. Handles beautifully. Owner needs capital. Phillips, 27, Cleve land Square, W T .2. el.: PAL) 4084, UNREGISTERED Rochdale G.T. 1772 Cord engine and chassis. Many modikations. Body rim requires finishing. Must sell. Offers: Thornfield, Macclesfield Read, Alderley Edge,
Cheshire. 18045 MARCHAL HEADLAMPS, 12 in. diameter. Perfectly sound but stored twenty years. £7-7 70s. 4, Caulfield Crescent, Brighton. (8047 LA GONDA RAPI DE, 1938, l.06 Sanction 4 72340R. regd. No. MG np74, grey 4-seater tourer; Tested. taxed; L37,. Lagonda 2-litre, 1931, regd. No. PI, 7938, 4-seater tourer, blower removed, original, Tested.: taxed 4:125 Binns, Ninth I louse, Watford Avenue. Norwood Green, Ilalifilx. ‘I’d.: Bradford 78870 salter 15(11).(8040 ROLLS-ROYCE 25/30, t93S, Thrupp Moberly limousine. M.O.T. certificate. Excellent con
dition. 0.0.0. &Brunch, 36, New Zealand lane, Duffield, Derbyshire. Tel.: Duffield 2480. (8045 RILEY FALCON, 7936. special series engine, £120. Midlands. Morris Ten gearbox, ‘suit Ford -conversion. •rwo 6.50 76 tyres and tubes. Box No. 0.049. 18049 OCTOBER 1953 VELOX for sale or exchange for 4-wheel Morgan. about £260. Body and engine reconditioned 6,0oo miles.. 25 m.p.g. Devon/ Somerset. Box No. G.o5o. [13050 IMMACULATE TRIUMPH ROADSTER ‘goo, very last. luxurious, new engine 0,000 miles),
clutch, rad., hood, tyres. 30 m.p.g. Owner abroad. ,C210 0.11.0. 2, Clarence Road, Malvern. ‘Tel.: 922 (Worcestershire). 18051 “MOTOR SPORT.” 69 copies 7931-45, complete 1946-60. Mostly excellent condition. To be sold in one batch only. Oilers. Box No. G.o52. (80x_ ROLLS-ROYCE 20/25, 1953, Hooper sports owner dri ver saloon in black and cream. Good order throughout. Recently (let:ill:ed. 20 m.p.g. on commercial petrol. M.O.T. certificate. Mascot etc, Photos on request. ,C.180 o.n.o. Harris, sot, Sweet Briar, Welwyn Garden City. Tel.: 26734 (8053
FEAT 600, red, convertible, 1959. Ab,arth Stage (Inc conversion, Weber 32IMP orb., hie. head, ‘competition exhaust. Radio, tiger-skin covers, and many other extras. Immaculate. 4;475. 61, VINTAGE LEA-FRANCIS 12140 P-type 2-seater/ Silverthorn 0353.
dickey. Meadows 4ED. All sound, but not perYeovil, Somerset. Heathcote Grove, Chingford, E.-I., Tel.: Sill-4feet. L7 5 o.n.o. Widgery, 22, GiellViiie Road, [7959 HEALEY sports tourer, 1948. Very good mechanic 0961 M.G.-A x600 2-seater. Brand new, fitted tlIv8si00:17.7g5rNHX,0%11Naocc. e(p3t.07re,lasonable reduction from list price. mirrors. Licensed. Delivery mileage only. ally. New hood, good tyres. M.O.T. tested. Two parts. 4125 o.n.o. Mr. Morria, Plough Garage, Genuine and unusual circumstances for sale. n,viewAcba4t4te4r5i.es. Body sound but needs respray in 30, Southside, Clapham Conunon, S.W.4. Tel.: M.G. TA, 1939, Tickford cOupe. New springs, rear axle, dampers, etc. All bills shown. iv1.0.T. certificate. .4140 o.n.o. Hayton, 9, St. Augustines Avenue, ,South Croydon, Surrey. (8076
M.G. PA, 1934. Excellent condition. M.O.T.1.8077 certificate. (.125 o.n.o. Stennett, Woodside, Ashover, Nr. Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Tel.: Ashover 262.
SUNBEAM-TALBOT TEN tourer, t . 947 MO,T. tested. .4a 15. Tel.: Bourne End 103, 18078
RILEY MONACO, 3y good. I:45. 28, School Street, Church Lawlbrcl, Rugby. [8079 x920 AUSTIN 02/4 Gordon saloon. M.O.T. den. 440 o.n.o. 1930 Austin Seven saloon, elutninium body, 425. Randall, Robin Bank, Dittons Road, Polegate, Sussex. Tel.: Polcgate 92 (evenings). FORD TEN SPECIAL. Falcon saloon body.Buckler gears, hydraulic brakes, All usual mods. Built 1959. Reluctant sale. 4250 o.n.o. Tel.:
Rattlesden (Suffolk) 30r. (8081 AUSTIN SEVEN VAN, 1938, reconditioned engine.
running order. LI2 o.n.o. 184, SarchOle 1(2.878d2, Birmingham. SUNBEAM-TALBOT 90, 1952, black. Heater, engine overhaul, new clutch. Above average. L255. Shipsides, Syl:21110re Road, Matlock, Derbys. Tel.: 789. (8083 is M.G. Exceptional condition, rebuilt engine, resprayed, retrimmed. m.o.T. certiric:ate. -412o. Reid, 40, BOurnehall Avenue, Bushey, Herts.. rel,: 2765. 18084 top ALVIS 02(50 4-seater tourer: Test. Perfect condition throughout. f, 200 o.n.o. Stewart, 18, Harrington Gardens, SA1/./.7. ‘re).: ERO 1676. (8085 AUSTIN SEVEN tourer 4-seater, 1935. Excellent bodywork, good runner. Taxed, insured. MO. l’. certificate. 425 o.n.o. 14, Nicole Walk, Shrews bury. (8086 D.K.W., 1955, Universal, L.H.D. Michelins. Excellent condition. 4295. Weight, Hermitage, Berks. (8087 BENTLEY, 1924, 3-litre V.D.P. tourer. ” A” box. Servo brakes. Tested. Mechanically, bodily sound. 4325, TrengoVe, Grove Cottage; Maldon Road,
Great Totham, Essex. (8088 5928 LA SALLE Osord VS engine), running order. Westwood. Tel.: Bentley (Hants.) 3216. 18089 DAIMLER’S most dignified model: the great 7.1litre 50-11.p. Double Six of 19oot six from steering wheel centre to radiator cap. Two 7.50 re wheels mounted on massive brackets either side of bonnet, a flat windscreen, a spare set of good Dunlop loo 23 tyres and tubes, speedometer reads 2.8,0o0 miles. Offers to: C. F. Johns, St. Mewan, Belton Road, Camberley, Surrey, Tel.: Cam. 1.40. (8093 COLLECTOR’S PIECE: 1925 Bean 11.9. 4-seater tourer excellent condition throughout. Stored 29 years, low mileage, history and handbook. Passed test. Offers around .4150. Pugh, 20, Belvedere Close, Kittle, Btshopston, Swansea. (8091 WADE SUPERCHARGER for MM. side-valve Minor, fittings, etc. 412 tos. Harrison. Tel.: Earningham .2277. (8092 BENTLEY, 1934, 3)-litre Park Ward sports saloon. Grey and black, eXcellent condition. Recent new brakes and clutch. History. 20 m.p.g. M.O.T, cert. Photo on request. Seen anytime. 4285. Mingay, 36, Charteris Road, Woodford Green, Essex. Tel.: FlUCkburst 3785. 18093 MORGAN 4/4, Standard Ten recon. engine, transmission overhauled, new hood, excellent con dition. L1 5o. o.n.o. Tel.: BUG 5219. 8094 G.T. AURELIA sacrifice. Special and perfect example. Higher-geared steering. 21,1 cwt. weighbridge ticket. Converted to 4-seater Ramponi, • overhauled engine. Stiffened front end. 4675 (posaibly HT.,. Box No. G.o95. [8095 EXCEPTIONAL RILEY Kestrel 9-h.p. Pourbranch, twin S.U.S. E.N.V. preselector box overhauled, flashers, hydraulic shockers, taxed. insured, M.O.T. certificate, Regiater member. S.A.E. for full details and photos’. 495. Letten, 110, Eaton V.tlIcy Road, Luton, Beds. (8096 sitya FORD Special. Red Eairlitc fibreglass, body. Curved screen. 95’/.. completed. T.,56 o.n.o. Wife pressing for furniture. 13, Church Lane, Chalgrove, Oxford. (8097 FRAZER NASH-B.M.W. 3:5, 1935, d.h. Cheap. Sale tor spares or restoration. Box No. G.(298. [8098 1952 JUPITER, Series III crankshaft. Taxed year. Excellent condition. 425o 0.0.0. Moore, 83, Wyndham Place, W.I. Tel.: AMBassador 7358. I8099 PB M.G., red. Works recon. 5172 Ford engine professionally fitted. 4-speed box (4o m.p.g.), renewed brakes, steering, etc.. /a:trimmed, v,g.c. 14.5 o.n.o. Draper, 238, Branstone Road, Burton on-Trent. Staffs. [8100 TWIN ii/in. SA). semi-downdraught carburetters. Brand new Est) pair. Crossflow radiator, £5. Many Austin Seven and Riley spares. Stuart Wallace. Tel.: PARk 6745. IS tot ROLLS-ROYCE 20/25 seven-seater. Exceptional oiler. ,C2ro 0.0.0. Mechanically perfect, overhauled last year, bills over £.12e. Reason for selling: no garage. M.O.T. certificate. Tel.: Copthorn 2685 /evenings). (81o2 £75. B.S.A. Scout four-seater tourer, 1937. Body
ex. cond. Black and green. Engine toss rebored. crank reground. Manchester. Tel.: Chorkon 184o.181 to .
DORETTI SABRE, r96r (unregistered) Sports 2-seater. Colorado red with black hide piped with red. Built regardless of cost on the last of the prototype Doretti chassis. Fitted with a brand new 1R3 engine with overdrive and the de Dion back axle as fitted to all Peerless competition saloons. Wire wheels, disc brakes. etc. Superb appearance with great sport potentialities. Offers wanted. Terms arranged. Tony Johnson, 41. St. Agnes Road, Birmingham 13. Tel.: Highbury 2715.
or after 7 p.m.: South 3018. [8107 PEMA FIBREGLASS Bonnet and Ashley Hardtop. Leaf green for A.-H. Sprite. £25 each, o.n.o. ‘I’d.: Enfield 2450. (after 8 p.m.). (8;08 £35 . 57 . 10; BUYS beautiful S.S.r., MO. 1. tested. T. & I., spares. Hyatt, 42, Milner Road, Dagenham, Essex. [8too VOLKSWAGEN, 1957, de luxe. Black. 35,0004 Recent Michelin ” X “s and battery. Brakes lust relined. £425. Heptonstall, 39, Marcsfield Gardens, N.W.3. Tel.: Swiss Cottage 5552. (81 t RILEY I, 5948. Black. Immaculate throughout; twin spots., new tyres, history. Probably best in South of England. £260 0.0.0. Tel.: Dorking
73247. [8112 2954 WOLSELEY 4:44. Grey, red interior. Radio. heater. Absolutely perfect throughout, 3,00o miles since engine reconditioned. New tyreS.,C36o. Tel.: Dorking 73247. [81i3 M.G. PA, 1.936. Reconditioned engine, M.O.’1′. cert. Needs battery. Quick sale f, 00 o.n.o. Field, Downton House, Stonehouse. ‘Os. [Si 14 ALVIS, Grey lady. 1954. In excellent condition, superb performance. Genuine 25.000 miles. An enthusiast’s dream for k55o. 9, Moor Park Drive,
liratiford, 8. Tel.: 6265o. (81’75 M.G. J2. Good condition, new camshaft, rockers, kingpins, spare engine. £75 0.0.0. Wakeman, 40, Meadowbrook Road, Birmingham, 3x. [8116 TR2, 1954. Known history, original engine at 56,000toil 5o lb. 4hot, 400 milcs!pint, 27/30 m.p.g., good compression). Never raced. crashed or tuned. Ncw ,
” X ‘ s, hood. Marchals. Beautiful condition. far above average (often taken for new). Es’eliable and genuine ton. 4450 0.0.0. Tel.: Wor 4253 M I8 ft; APRILIA, 1939, Ghia drophead. New hood. Scintilla heater. £90. Carpenter, Swiss Res taurant,’ Gosport. [8215
TRIUMPH DOLOMITE. 1938 model 0.11.v. 4-cylinder, twin Solex (new), automatic chassis lubrication (renewed), makers oil pressure, all instruments recently reconditioned and working. hydraulic brakes (flexible piping renewed). 1-8:11: car has had a good deal of money spent on it in the last three years and is in good all-round condition. M.O.T. certificate. Nearest 4120. Mcikle, 27, Shortheath Road, Farnham, Surrey; or Tel.: Rodney 6333 (Ext. 103).
’39 APRILIA. Good example, black, grey leather. Also many spares, 4150 the lot, or will separate. Hubbard, 4, Bushey Green, Welwyn Garden City. [8217 TIta, white, engine perfect. Overdrive, heater. Offers please: 173, Gordon Road, Ilford. [Szifi 7934 RILEY Kestrel Sports. M.O.T. 465. Sundays. 8, Aviemore Way, Beckenham Kent. (8219 1947 CREAM M.G. Tc. M.0.1. cert. New weather equipment. Battery. L200. P-type H.P.Et8ak2ezno
in P.X. if cheap. poss. 3o, Sparrow Farm Road, Ewell, Surrey. Tel.: 8978.
ALL RUNNING PARTS: E93A Ford, incluisd2i2n1g log book. £25. 158, Fox Lane, Leyland, Lancs. AUSTIN ASHLEY 750 hard-top, sidescreens, 1A3:Rd.32.609Modified engine. 4110 o.n.o. Tel.: [8222 FOR SALE. A/I-I Sprite Special. Standard Sprite body chassis unit, modified suspension, doors, windscreen, seats, dash panel, fuel tank, radiator, rack and pinion, oil cooler, whitewall tyres. For engine and gearbox, rebored, new mains, rods, special valves, etc., modified pistons, h.p. oil pump, water pump, h.c. head, starter. Requires bonnet and eiectrics and some assembly to complete. Offers: Tel.. Potters Bar 53182, FORD SPECIAL 196o Convair Body with tubular chassis. Recon. engine and gearbox, ifs. Lockheed hydraulics, 4 new “X “. 4210. Bills for 45oo. a6, Kersey Gardens, Harold Wood, Essex, [8224 M.G. TC. Excellent condition. History last IS months. Replacement engine. Recent new brakes, steering, K.P.s, carburetters, battery, halfshaft, hub, speedometer, hood, rev.-counter. .L2.55 o.n.o. Macklurdie. Tel.: BOW 6752. (8225 TRIUMPH ROADSTER 2000, heater, washers, wing-mirrors, new tyres, battery, springs, curb.. brakes relined, complete overhaul—rnee condition. M.O.T. cert. 4225 Hoa.inw.ossA.,ortfhI.P1.3innarirnagrish:32em2d6.. 148, Clarence Road, 7934 CITROEN, one owner, excellent condition. Approved M.O.T. Offers to: ‘Fel.: Popesgrove
6852. 18227 RILEY 2)-LITRE saloon. Healey Silverstone engine. Full mods., high axle ratio. 0-60 52.5 sec. too m.p.h. , 20 m.p.g. Good condition throughout. £200 o.n.o. Tel.: Sheffield 29845. (8228 SINGER LE MANS t Speed Model, excellent condition, fully overhauled. M.O.T.T. All spares. 4250. Haley, to, Acacia Grove. London, 5.15.21. Tel.: GIP 7654. 18229 TWIN S.U.s on Aquaplane inlet manifold, and Derrington 3-branch exhaust manifold, for t000, A35, A40, etc. £12. Clark, 12, Oak Ave., Egharri, 18230 ‘DIRE BENTLEY, two-seat boat tail, much 192S6ur3r-eLy work done, some needed. £200. Tel.: Bovey Tracey 2243 (Devon) after 7 p.m. [8235 UNCOMPLETED 790. Coat over £350. New parts include: Super Sabre bodyshefi, Bowden ifs., Lockheed hydraulics, teles, lowered suspension, e.r. gears, full valve mods., 7.5 head, twin S.O..s, remote gear control, sports coil, full block mods., crossflow rad., header tank and pump, windscreen, full lighting equipment and all other parts. Offers to: yr Plummer, Advanced Wing, RAP., Leeming, Northallerton, Yorks. [8232 AUSTIN BIG 7, 1939, M.O.T. tested. Taxed, good condition. Bargain £50. 96, Springfield Avenue,
Merton Park S.W.20. Tel.: LW 2942. 1134i6 1930 a) JAGUAR cl.h.c. Good condition. M.O.T. Kennedy, 4, The Terrace, Broadmoor, Crowthorne, Perks. [8234 1952 CITROEN, Light 15, r.h.d., leather interior. resprayed, resieeved, tow-bar. A.:190 o.n.o. Swap smaller car—sporting nature. R. Sowersby, Field View, Frodingharn, Driffield, Yorks. (8235 ROLLS-ROYCE 20-25 Barker saloon 1928. Recent head overhaul. M.O.T. cert. Reliable. Box
No. G.236. f8236 MORRIS EIGHT, t936, good condition, 7 wheels and tyres, sunroof, 4-door, spares. About 00. T el.: Glemsford 366. 237 BUGATTI Tss. Superb condition. Fully road equipped. Sports/racing trim, M.O.T. tested. Together with numerous spares mostly brand new, including block, radiator. tyres, brake linings, king-pins, gaskets, etc. Sensible offers only. To be viewed by appointment. Tel.: Rugby 3267. [82.38 TRIUMPH soo-e.c. shaft-drive engine. 430. MacLean, 220, Southlands, Road Bromley, Kent. (8239 H.R.G. 15o0, 1937. Brooklands Meadows 4ED. 60 lb. oil. Hydraulic brakes. Complete weather equipment and tonneau. Twin spares, new batter
ies and paintwork. A genuine thoroughbred. £260 0.0.0. Tel.: Malvern 5040. (8240
1956 BERKELEY, red, 4-wheel independent giving tantastic road-holding. Factory reconditioned Excelsior engine 2,000 miles ago. 70 mph. 60 mpg. extras, carpeted, only needs viewing. 4240 0.0.0. 6, Ray Lea Close, Maidenhead, Berks.
LAGONDA a-LITRE, h.c, 1927. Excellent order througnout. 4150 o.n.o. ‘Hornsby, Old Slaughter, Long Buekby, Northants. Tel.: 365.
SUNBEAM TALBOT 1939 2E. Black, sports saloon body, interior, good. Recent complete mechanical overhaul, 95% battery, tyres. M.O.T.C. 25 m.p.g. Everything works’. £80.
Bedford. Tel.: Lower Shelton 314. (8243 GEARBOX, dose ratio, latest type M.G.-B.M.C. New, too miles only. Cost £62 los. Offers invited. Also manifolds (Climax engine), Single carb alloy inlet, with standard exhaust. £8 to clear. Write: Kingshouse, Tillington, Petworth. [8244 MANCHESTER. Probably the cleanest Ago Atlantic saloon available anywhere. First reg. Aug. ’53. R. & H. Taxed year. t owner. £2f5 o.n.o. H.P. 77, Hollin Lane, Middleton, Lancs. Tel.: Mid 43231. [8245 LAGONDA 16180, Special Six, 1933, four-seater tourer. Just restored and now in magnificent condition. Resprayed white with stove enamelled wheels and drums, rechromed, resilvered, brakes relined, engine stripped, decoked, new gaskets, etc., carburetters rebuilt by S.U.s, rebuilt dynamo, starter, magneto, Ind pump. Almost Concours under bonnet. New hood and sidescreens. part rewired. Spares easy. Change of circumstances forces sale at £245 o.n.o. Kelsall. Tel.: BAY 3032 evenings and weekends until July 9th: Barton under :deadwood, Staffs 292 thereafter. [8246 RILEY NINE, handbooks and spares, including nearly new crankshaft—cheap. Carter, 14, Asquith Street, Griftithstown. Pontypool, Mon. [847 £80. Nov. ’49 TALI. Magnificent engine, brakes, steering, chassis, tyres. Body absolutely rotten or would ask above current price. Really excellent value. Box No. G.248. [8248 MORGAN, 1957, Plus d.h. coupe, 3-position hood, heater, wing-mirrors, reversing lamp, etc. Red and black, good condition. 4500 0.0.0. 28, lytelbury Gardens; S.W.20. id.: W I M 3865(8249
BENTLEY, 1937, 4), Thrupp & Malserly saloon. All aluminium. Semi-razor edge. Excellent condition throughout. History. Taxed. M.O.T. certificate. Have bought an MX. 4.285 o.n.o. P. Gallant, 66, Church Road, Northolt, Middx.
Tel.: v IKing 4126. (8250 BERKELEY DE LUXE 492-c.c.. June 1958. ‘1 udor yellow and black. £25o for quick Sale. Box No. C3.25f. [8251 MORGAN. 1947, 114 three-wheeler, M.O.T. cert., good condition. 414o o.n.o. Baldwin; 3, Gains borough Road, North l’inchley, N.12. [8252 M.G. TC, 1947; Red, immaculate; reconditioned, stage-tuned enOne; M.O.T. certificate; many extras; 5. let.: Potters llar 53375. [8253 TRIUMPH 1800 Roadster, 1948. Very good con dition. Chenhall, 17, Woodstock Road, Redland, Bristol. tg
RILEY NINE Kestrel saloon, 1926. Extensive overhaul. Excellent body. First class condition. Genuine. Taxed, tested. Quantrell, Salhouse Cl el.: 244), Norwich. MG. TA, red, excellent condition. new tyres, telescopics, washers, M.O.T. certificate. Erso. Tel.: PRO 2541 (evenings). (8256 BENTLEY, 41-LITRE, overdrive saloon in black with blue interior, by Park Ward. ChaSSis Bis6 MR. i4a5. Seen Portsmouth or Bristol, Tel.:
?viundel : Portsmouth 23693. 18257 HUMBER IMPERIAL, 1938. New clutch, batteries, good runner, body/upholstery fair, Offers. Dorking., 43. Parklands Road, Hassocks. [8258
FORD TEN Special. Fibreglass body, sprayed Ferrari red, black/white interior trim. Replacement engine zoo miles only. Most other parts new. Quick sale Efoo. May, 16, New Lane. Havant, Hants. 18259 LAGONDA LG45, d.h.c. Gain respect on road and own this beauty. £220. Carney, Park Cottage. Palmer, Brighton, Tel.: St 113. 18260 FORD: FIBREGLASS. Immaculate condition. Hood, sidesercena. 11.P. arranged. Eat. ‘rel.: GULliver 6050 (evenings). [8261
HELP HOT Lancia Augusta 1935 needs good home. Owner needs room for new car; engine just overhauled; h.c. pistons. mod. bead, wire wheels. Nice car. Offers for quick sale. Can be seen at 93, Broad Lane, Tottenham, N.15, after July 8th. ‘I el.: TO’ 0353 (Mr. Van). 18262 5940 RILEY th-h.p. drophead 4-seater. Manual box. M,O.T. One of the few! 78, Wrenthorpe Road, Wrenthorpe, Wakefield. 182.63 1).14-01929/30 Standard Nine Saloon. M. Hawksby, i12, Milton Grove, Bletchley, Bucks. [13264 FRAZER NASH, 1930. Meadows, Hydraulics. 13,500 since engine rebuild. Ezoo spent since 1958. 425c• o.n.o. 84, Farley Road, Seldson, Surrey, [8265 [8269
i937. Witulover Sedanca, 58,000. Hydraulic tappets, wind-up division, new battery, good tyres. Excellent inside and out. £600 o.n.o.; Bentley 4.1 drophead y Mulliner, 1937. Excellent mechanics. good exterior, 6 new tyres. M.O.T. test. New king-pins. 4,300 o.n.o. Campleman, 4, The Drive. (Nihon Broad, Tel.: 185. [8270 IDEAL PASSION WAGON. 1954 Citroen Six. Recent complete engine overhaul. Body and interior excellent. 4320. Tel.: Enfield 2398 (evenings). 18271 H.R.G. isoo, Dep. 195o. B.R.G. Bodywork excellent. Engine 8,ocio miles since rebuild. Brakes relined, New hood, sidescreens. Offers over £300. Harwood, Shatwell,’Yarlington, Wiricanton, Sinner set. Tel.; Castle Cary 456. 18272 FIRST REASONABLE OFFER secures 1933 Rolls-Royce 20/23 Hooper 4-seat sports saloon. Bills £140: rewiring, tyres, dynamo, certificate. Body tired. Genuine reason for sale. Exmoor Stores, Eifford, Somerset. Tel.: 244. (8273
EYE-CATCHING 1933 Riley Nine sports. Excellent condition, cream and maroon 1-seater. All weather equipment, test certificate issued. £,150 Further details: Tel.: Rickmans worth 3988. 18274 LANCIA APRILIA Saloon 1939; and Series suspension, Weber carburetter, very sound and smart. Present owner since 1952. 4,225 Robson, 58, Russell Square, W.C.I. Tel : CHAncery 42ói
(daytime). [8:275 x;-LITRE SINGER i.e Mans. 3 S.U.s. Sound general condition, much work carried out. M.O.T. certificate. £85. Haynes, 3, Hamblecion Vale. Epsom, Surrey. Tel.: Epsom 2109. (8276 HASTY HsiALEY “G”, aerodynamic 3-air.: 1952. (Hard-top). 4245. Bradnum, 25c, Eastern Place, Brigitton. Tel.: 67889. [8277 RELUCTANTLY—Bristol 400 must go. First reasonable offer. M.O.T. certificate. Excellent condition, stiperbly shod, “X “s. Box No. 0.278. [8278 rooE AQUAPLANE Superhead, valve springs, inlet, exhaust manifolds; matching soles. Ent. Cost £32. Lay, a8, Ashgrove, Haywards Heath,
Sussex. 18279 LOTUS SEVEN Series 1 105E. S.tJ.s Hood, tonneau. Reg. Jan. ‘St. 6,000 miles. Require 4-seater. Shearing, Broadwater Farm, Stevenage. Monday to Thursday only. 18280 MINI SPEED EQUIPMENT. A40 Morris moo. Aquaplane alloy head complete, twin S.U.s, mani folds. As new. £35. Box No. G.281, 18281 VINTAGE SUNBEAM 30.9-h.p., 1927, fabric body ‘saloon. Excellent condition. Two owners. Taxed Dec. Tested. Seen Manchester. Box No. G.282. [8282 A.C. SALOON, 1949. M.O.T. certificate. E140, or offer for quick sale. Gamer, 159, CoPers CoPe Road, Beckenham. Tel. : 1027. (8.283 ALVIS SILVER EAGLE, 1931. Breaking up at Uppingham. Chassis given away. Dr. G. P. E Miles, 144, Kingsway, Pens Wood, Kent. Tel. :
Orpington 21451. (8284 SPRITE, 1959. Safety belts, heater, tonneau, etc. Red. Very reluctant sale owing to matrimonial commitments. 4490. 96, Springfield Avenue. Merton Park, S.W.zo. Tel. : LIB 2942, 18285 ROLLS-ROYCE 20/25 elegant :932 Park Ward owner driver saloon. Excellent condition. M.O.T. certificate. 4175, o.n.o. 32, Alington Grove, Wallington, Surrey. 18287 VW AGAVE GREEN. One owner, 30,000 miles; sun roof, 1957. Radio, roll bar, covers, floor mats. shelf, silent travel, superb condition: looks like new. 4465. Baker, 23, Harley Crescent. Catieriek Camp. Tel. : Catterick Camp 2355. (8288 1958 M.G. MAGNETTE. Maroon, v.g.c. New tyres, battery. 12,685. or part exchange A40. 88, Westfields Avenue, London, (8289 BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED Mistrat J.A.G. Special 100E. 0.I.’. twin S.X./.s, hood, hard-top, tonneau. Deaigned as high speed tourer, built all new parts, small mileage. Many unique refinements. Cost £700. Business requires standard tin-ware. 13os No. 0.290. (8290 RILEY 9-h.p. SPECIALa-seater, short chassis. 1932; engine 1934; 6-in, rears, manual box. M.O.T. certificate. 4100. Wanted o-h.p. Lynx. Boreham, 279, CresSes Road, High Wycombe, Bucks. [8297 MORGAN PLUS FOUR, 1956. TR2 engine, absolutely perfect condition, completely overhauled, all extras and new tyres. 4435 0.0.0. Take 4120 sports car p.c. 760, Eltham Road, Lee, London, S. E. 2. [8266 MORRIS SUPER SPORTS three-wheeler, 1939. Matchless vet-twin. Last model of a unique breed. M.O.T. cert. Excellent condition. Humiliated ” S “-type Jaguar owners force sale. Enquiries: 45, Harwood Street, Blackburn, Lancs. [8267 JAGUAR XKI20, fixed-head, 1953, fitted heater, radio, screen-washers. £310. ‘I el.: Birmingham Northern 4622 (evenings). (8268 VINTAGE 1930 Austin Heavy 1214 Tourer. Good stable required for this beloved car. Last summer 31000-mile trouble-free tour to Vienna including earossgloekner. Bodily and mechanically very
good. M.O.T. Certificate. Offers considered round 470 including tax till Jan. Riley, 2, Mayfield Road, Manchester. (830) 1900 750 SPECIAL. Red aerodynamic fibreglass body, West London wheels, advert cannot convey value. Size of family compels sale. C195. Tel.: Dawes Green 286.18301 JAGUAR D.H. Coupe,:-litre. 1939. New king-pins, radiator, tyres. Excellent condition. Loa. fel.: Wembley 8450. [8302 M.G. PA Airline, rare and interesting 2-str, saloon for the individualist rebuilt regardless of cost 4,000 miles ago. 4275 0.0.0. Turner, 221, Church Road, tilixton, Manchester. (8303 a BEADED EDGE 740 x 140 slightly used tyres and tubes, and 5 vintage Fiat 5-stud wheels. Cheap. iz, Groh= Valley Road, South Croydon. Tel.: SAN i922.[8304 5953 CITROEN Light Fifteen. Sound, clean, quiet, good tyres, taxed September. 4260. ” Magnolia,” Church Road, Hayling Island. ‘I’d.: 7236c. [8303 1936 SINGER i.e Mans 9. Body, opholsteri. weather equipment, immaculate. Mechanics excellent. Good tyres, battery, electrics. Fog and driving lamps. Maker’s manual, taxed, M.O.T. Offers around Os. Thompson, 240, Finite Road,
Epsom Downs. Surrey. [83o.i 1927 ROLLS-ROYCE, Park Ward touring saloom All aluminium body, no uivision and individually adjustable front scats. Good engine, complete electrical overhaul, spotless chrom. M.O.T. certificate. £250, s.a.e, for details. Brigham, 2, Redcliffe Place, S.W.to. ‘rel.: liLA
5822 (after 7 p.m.). (8307 1934 ALVIS Speed 20 V.D.P. tourer, 6,50o miles since complete engine overhaul, clutch renewed, new batteries, comprehensive weather equipment, good tyres; sound bodywork. £160. Gurteeo, Oak Hill Cottage, Solefields Road, Sevenoaks, Kent.
Tel.: 52640. [8208 MERCEDES 18o 1.h.d. Saloon 1952. Similar ’49 model complete/towable for spares. ‘I brown at 4t85—poasible RP• Also: ’23? Rolls 20 minus most of body, £35. Pook, Thurmaston, Leicester. 1835/ RILEY KESTREL, 1935, 1214 four light saloon in very good and efficient condition. Sound engine. Clean interior and bodywork. All instruments work. Demister-froster. Special large roof-rack. Spot. Passed test. Photo eV:di:able. £.130 or offers, preferably from another Register member. 27, Queens Road, Kenilworth. “I el.: 1626. (83io 1938 ADELPHI Manual. Overdrive. Excellent condition. Riley.,ick? spent recently. Spares: engine, gearbox, etc. One of the best left. ‘[eat certificate. Et95 the lot. 75, Cherryclown Ave,,.Chingford, E.4. (8311 OUTSTANDING 12/60 Alvia. Taxed. M.O.T. Spares. £50, offers or exchange smaller” breathedon ” saloon. Lumberton, Station House, Lower
Village, lieswall. Cheshire. 183t2 1956 BORGWARD l.h.d. Hansa saloon, engine has had complete overhaul, car in good all round condition, complete with two spare wheels. ,Ett 5 for quick sale. Phillips, 24, Park Crescent. Newport. Mon. 18313 E93A FIBREGLASS SPECIAL COUPE. Little used, very rugged; first-class road-nolding, ma,iy mods, fully equipped. £225, 0.55.0. Tel. : AMB 3464 or l’e:12. 6313 evenings. (8291 ROLLS-ROYCE, 1929, Phantom sports saloon. Fitted 1937 body, also S.’S. Jaguar, 1938. Both require attention to minor details, reasonable offers only. Tel. : Maidenhead 5780. 18292 ASTON MARTIN, 1935, al Mk. II saloon. In excellent condition throughout. Not to he confused with the average run of Astons I Must be seen ! Offers around £270. Grabham, 20, Heretord House, Fulham Road, London, S.W.to. Tel. : I7LA 7496. (829,3 1929 ROLLS 20 small saloon by Barker. Black with blue leather, tools, handbooks, mascot. Receipa for over 41,600 at Rolls and Hoopers since 194o. 4 new remoulds, 3 good spares. Superb condition. 4375. o.n.o. John Wingfield, ” Abbotsbury,” The l’arkway Sea Estate, Rustington, Sus.sex. Tel. : 153o (evenings). 18294 ROCHDALE G.T. 2,17a. Reg. ’61, taxed year. Bxd. chassis, coil and damper ifs., 5 I.,./v1.11. wheels. ” X ” tyres. Stage II tuned, 4.4 c.w.p. Buckler gears. Pro. sprayed (deep blue) and fully trimmed, oak facia, white wheel and controls; Jag. remote control. Chrome bumpers, grill, badge bar. Many extras. Photos available to bona fide purchasers. Only reason for sale, unsuitable for business. 4385. No offers, no dealers. H.P,
arranged. Tel. : Danford 20108. [8295 MARSHALL SUPERCHARGER. New oil seals. 11; in. S.U. Suitable for engines up to 1.600 c.c. Tel. : Pinner 1211. (8296 MORRIS COWLEY COUPE, 1930 Running. Certificate. 475, o.n.o. 6, Kirldec Circus., Glas gow. (8298 VINTAGE ” M “-TYPE M.G., 1930. Complete rebuild. New hood. Good tyres. MO. I’. cert. V.G.C. L75. Broad, 84, Arterial Road, Leigh-on Sea, Essex, (8299 ROLLS 20, 1926. Original, extremely rare and
pretty 214-seater drophead, coachwork by Salmons.
In primrose yellow and black. Excellent coachwork and chasids. Recent top engine overhaul. Handbook. Mascot. 4275, o.n.o. Moore, 30, Windmill Crescent, Eightwiek, Compton, Nr. Wolverhampton.
DARRACQ. Figoni et Falaschi Super sports saloon. 1939-Actual Atitocar Road Test Car. (Glowing report). Bugatti blue with beige hide trim. Ex-Peter Murray Hill. Magnificent condition throughout. 4162 spent on engine 6,000 miles back, Gearbox overhauled. Racebred classic in the finest conceivable Paris Salon tradition. Cannot be appreciated without being seen. Heater, roofrack, washers, telecontrols, discs, spotlights. Full four-seater. Exotic yet practical. Terms possible. £475. Peter B. Moore, t, Northwood Way, Northwood, Middlesex. Tel.: Northwood 1937 RILEY Kestrel 12/4. Excellent bodily and23980, view anytime (appointment). mechanically. This is a first-class Riley. kr3o. Tel.: ENT 5165. [8159 RILEY 1936 Kestrel 9-11.p. Passed M.O.T. test. £50. Also breaking 1938 Adelphi, 3-speed overdrive and back axle in good condition. Many spares for all models going cheap. F. Clarke, 31, Southbrook Road, Lee Green, S.12.12. Tel.: Lee Green 8904. [8120 1935 ALVIS Sal. Anxiously awaits another admirer. Enquiries from Speed 20 fanatics welcomed. M.O.T. certificate. £60 o.n.o. Gaskin, 1.8, High bury Crescent, N.5. Tel.: North 4806. [8121 BENTLEY 31 saloon, M.O.T., used daily. £tio Or nearest. Also numerous 3 and 4/ parts offered, as buying 61. Mackie, 12, Callas Court Road,
Broadstairs, Kent. Tel.: Thanet 62326. [8122 LOTUS, 1959, Super Seven, Stags III F.W.A. Recent engine overhaul and b.h.p. test by Tony Marsh, maintained regardless of cost. Strongly built low louder trailer included £600. Box No.
G.I23. [8123 TRIUMPH ROADSTER, 1948. Cream, jaguar engine, M.O.T. certificate, heater, radio, twin spots, good tyres. 28 m.p.g. Excellent condition. L;57_5. Tel.: Burgh Beath 3937. [8524 1931 ROLLS-ROYCE 20/25, 53 Razor-edge saloon body, mechanical condition and appearance good, recent R.-R. brake reline, M.O.T. cert. Offers. Evenings or week-ends. M. G., 17, Dereham Road, Barking, Essex. [8125 XKx4o. White cl/h. coupd. mileage 37,000 (present owner 2 years), ,zoo, bills shown; v.g. mechanical and body condition; Koni’s; “X “si radio, heater; sole reason for sale—wife insists it is not a family motor. f455o. Tel.: CIA 5912. [812.6 ALTA O. .V. conversion to side-valve Minor Complete engine, water pump, Derrington .sbranch extractor exhaust, twin S.U.s, rampipes. L55 or will separate. Gearbox also available. Crump. 23, Priority Close, Dudley, Worcs. (8127 M.G. TC, 5947, black, good condition. Replacement, engine, back axle, luggage rack, screen-washers, Windtone. Bills tor 2 years. M.O.T. cert. £240 o.n.o. Hardy, Bath House, North Street, Burnley. • fog lamp, 2p,s, ROVER, 1928, 2-litre reconditioned engine. Original condition. Et 20. Williams, Maesure, Penrhyn
deudracth. [8129 RILEY x2/6 Kestrel. Rebuilt. Immaculate, 415o. Wild, 4, Molineaux Road, Rhyl, Flintshire. [8130 5938 DELAGE 06.70 coupd, new hood. No reason able offer refused. Box No. G.131. 18131 1956 SUNBEA