![V12 beats straight-eight - Left](https://media.motorsportmagazine.com/archive/november-2006/180px/15.jpg.webp)
V12 beats straight-eight
Daimler beats Alfa for concours crown Pebble Beach doesn't disappoint as Coventry-born classic bodied by a London coachbuilder takes the top spot Though the entry list was significantly down on…
RATES (prepaid) : 6d. per word Minimum Charge 6jBox Numbers 2/extra Box Numbers are for the convenience of Private Advertisers only No insertion will be made unless prepaid. Copy received after first post on the 21st of the month will be held over until the next issue unless cancelled in writing before the 10th of the following month. The publishers reserve the right to refuse or withdraw copy without notice and do not hold themselves responsible for matters arising from office or works errors• FOR SALE
M.G. PA -AERODYNAMIC saloon. Rebuild, reupholstered., reeellulosed blue and scarlet. Engineer owner. Nearest £190. 10, Crooksbarn Lane. Norton-on-Tees, Durham. 18287 flIgliTLEY 44-LITRE saloon. 1929, model. Good condition (SO Lawrence). 1929 41-1itre Bentley chassis with D-type gearbox. What offer.? South. gate Motors (London). Ltd.’ 37, High Street, South gate, N.14. Tel. : PalusersGreen 0136. [8288 SINGER NINE sports. Reconditioned engine. Goes like a bomb. £130; o.n.o. Fields, 93, High Street, Crawley. Tel. : 105. 18289 SINGER FORLocK. Restored to find-class condition internally and externally. No oil. Brakes relined. reconditioned carb. etc. Offers over 445. Sparrow, Pinelands, Lower Bourne. Farnham, 18292 21-LITRE SA 100, 1938, Competition 2-seater. Perfect condition throughout. Resprayed gun. metal. reupholstered. new hood and shiest:me:la, Engine just run-in after overhaul. A perfect open. men offered at £465, o.n.o. Griffiths, 434, Oinbers ley Road, Worcester. (8293 SWIFT, 1928, 10.11.1′. COUPE. Mechanies, body
work original and euthusiast-maintained. 273. Dingley. ‘lford, Stratford-on-Avon. [8296
AC u-GRENHOUND” 1-61;t6 sports 4-seater. 4 light. 2-door, sliding-roof saloon; o.h. camshaft, delightful preselector gearbox. Thoroughbred road performance. £175. Some terms available. Exchange considered. Rtidds. 65, Victoria Road. Central Station, Worthing. Tel. : Worthing 4635 ; evening,: Hove 35905. Interesting cars wanted for cash. [8297 ALVIS SEVENTEEN sports saloon, 1937. 4-door, 4 light. Mechanically excellent. Usual imposing appearance and satisfying road performance. £185. Terms, exchange. Rudds, 65, Victoria Road, Central Station. Worthing. Tel. : Worthing 4635 evenings : Hove 35905. (11298
1,100 J.A.P. alloy dry sump racing Mark I. Little used 1952 engine. Just completed works checkover. Ready to race. £123. K. N. Rudd. 65. Victoria Road, Worthing. (8299
EIGHT SPRING interior high-grade rexine upholstered new bucket seats at 83 10s. each to clear. C.W.O. Money back guarantee. Rudds, 65. Vietoria Road. Worthing. 18300
RILEY TWIN S.U. CARBURETTER set complete for 11 four-cylinder. 210. 65, Victoria Road. Worthing. 18301 LB. (ASTON MARTIN) 2/3-seater. Under 10.000 miles since engine (S.V. Anzani) bored and crank ground, new valves, etc. Good battery. 4.50 by 21 tyres. f.w.b., ” crash ” gearbox. Everything works. Rehmtantly cell after fourteen years. family increased. £85. Adams, ” Greenside,” Monism’ Road,
__. Thurcroft. Rotherham, Yorkshire. [8302 HISPANO SULZA, List of machine. for sale with full details published by Lea Hammes a L’Hispano: price 2s. 6d., including postage in U.K. Full assistance given to prospective owner-members, Apply : The Secretary. 8, Brookfield, Highgate, West Hill, N.6. [8303
1924 VINTAGE HUMBER tourer. In very sound. not showroom, emsdition ; 50 ni.p.b., 20 m.p.g., 16-h.p. 245. To good home. Full details : Rieketta. Worksop College. None. (8304 TWO 4.75 B’W 17 REMOULDS. Hardly used. 37, Anne Boley-n’s Walk, again. Surrey. 18303 BENTLEY BLOWER 44, 1930. fixed-head coupd. Recent overhaul. Sec last month’,, MOTOR SPORT for detailn. £350. o.n.o.. to Michael Grist, Leather Cloth Co.. London, E.15 18306 FOR SALE-continued B.M.W. 55 :not geurbox complete. £65. See below. (8307
MA-f.iffE-TT. E CHASSIS (boxed) with new springs and axles. Conversion Lockheed*. &medial body. Car unassembled and complete save engine and gearbox. £35. Seen any time. Barclay. -Windmill. Crawley, Sussex. Tel. : 586. BRITISH S ALMSON 11.1i t re twin o.h.e. shorts saloon. l’.L Extemivel, o • erhouled. in reliable doily is. Ill ….“‘t to £100. Pickles, itch..•11 1,o.• Cold held. 18309
AINIs ENTy-FivE hho von-Moon. 1938. Excellent roodition throughout. I’. IOU headlamps. Telecontrol -hock-nbsorhers. 050. 83, Evelyn Drive, Pinner, Middlesex. Tel. : Hatch End 1787. (83111 1911 DAIMLER CAR in good running order. i01 L 1V3N1•1 new tyres. Nearest offer to £50. Also trailer built for transporting 500-c.c, racing car. £20. Whites Garage, Ltd., Saint Mary’s Gate. Grimsby. Tel. : 5186. l8121832 NDA 3-LITRE special sports tourer. An immaculate specimen. One owner since 1942. This car has been completely overhauled at a cost of over 8300, including crankshaft reground. Rebored. Clutch relined. New driving disc. New timing chain. Ring-pins and bushes. Brakes relined. Rewired. Recellulosed. New hood and sideeurtains. A really fine thoroughbred car. E295. Michael Stanley, dg, Marlow Road, S.E.20. Tel. :
SYrienham 6326. (8313 ALVIS SPEED TWENTY ex•Vanden Plan. One of the best conditioned and most attractive models available. £275. Michael Stanley, 2a, Marlow Rood. 5.E.20. Tel. : SYDenham 6526. 18314 ALVIS 12150 ’32. Engine reconditioned; 12.000. Will sell complete or parts. S.A.E. for particulars.. Wareing, Ashlea.,Seorton, Preston. TALBOT TEN d/h coupe, 1938. Excellent condi tion. ition. £380. Tel. : Bradford-on-Tone (Taunton)
289. [8316 WHEELS. Pair of 16 in. knock-off wire wheels. wide rims, fitted 6-in. heavy Michelins good tread,excellent tubes. List today. new, £ m
28 coplete. Selling for £12. Fit M.G. etc. Attwood, Woolahop, 13. St. John’s Parade, Siticup, Kent. (8318 1950 ALLARD d.h.e. 2-seater. occasional 4-seater. Coaehbuilt body. Brand new V8 Mercury engine. Guaranteed. Over 100 m.p.h. Genuine 22 m.p.g. Absolutely perfect throughout. Twice a Rally winner this year. Superb appearance and performance. Best over £300. or exchange. Tel. :
Birmingham Central 6884. office hours. (8319 SMOKING BADLY? WON’T PULL ? It needs Cord’s piston rings. We sell and recommend them. Macey & Smith, 17. Lancing Road, West Croydon. Tel. : THO 4503. (8321 LAGONDA, 1935, 31-LITRE black pillarless saloon. Fisher, Little Cottem, Shipleke. Tel. Wargrove 392. (8323 HORNET SPECIAL, 1932. New tyres, carbs., pump, battery. and b. 2150. Brayfieltl, Station Road. ‘Wallasey. [8325
TRIUMPH TEN, 1934. Partly rebuilt. All parts complete. Suit enthusiast. Room required. Fred Taylor. 1,247. New Chester Road, Eaathani, Wirral.
18328 AMERICA’S AUTO MAGAZINES. One year’s supply Rot Rod, 21s. 6d. Motor Trinds. 21s. ed. ; Road and Track. 25s.: Automobile Tapirs. 43s. Send for free booklet listing all others. Witten Ltd.
(Dept. 6), 101. Fleet Street, London, E.C.4. 18329 1925 DIAITO, model 30. 2.fitre, open sports 4-seater, in superlative condition, having been maintained and driven since new with great devotion. A unique car, lavishly equipped with useful accessoritat and many valuable spares. etc. Complete history. available and vouched for. Genuiue ” show piece for an enthusiast. Apply : Cyril Durlacher. Tel.
PRI 4784. preferably after 6 p.m. (8332 RILEY LYNX tourer 1216. 1933. Single or triple carburetters. Good condition. £150. Aatir, 9. Leasoweside, Wallasey. (8334 MORRIS MINOR tourer. 1934. THeautntlingf3o4r spares: 36, Thistlecroft Gardens. Stanmore, Middle
sex. 18386 DELAGE DISS, 1925. 4-seater sports. Grand original coaelnyork. Good term. hood. Absolutely reliable. £120. Efaskew. itock Park, Rockferry. Cheshire. (8337 AUGUSTA LANCIA drophead coupe. Recently had complete engine overhaul, including accessories. Front suspension overhauled, brakes relined, wheels rebuilt. All tyres very good. New battery. Bodywork good inside and out. £230. 120, Beeches
Road, ‘West Bromwich. Tel. : 0)51. [8338 DELAGE D8 Series C. 1931, foursome dila coupe. One owner since 1940. Magnificent mechanical and. allowing for axe, good superficial eonditiou. Really beautiful fast car. Nearest offer £200. Box No. C339. MOTOR SPOleT, IS, City Road. E.C.1. [8339 FOR SALE-continued GOING !-TO HIGHEST BIDDER. Morris Eight (wirer, 1935. Completely reconditioned. Very quiet engine. Pulls like a mule. Body sound. Hood watertight. Young, 6, Verandah Cottages* Stoford, near Salisbury. [8341 B.T.R. MAGNETOS. Reconditioned C.E.6, Alvis. Sunbeam. Luganda. Parsons. Thornyeroft, Magnette. Shirley Automobile Electric Service, Mansfield Road. Yardley. Birmingham, 25. (8342 M.G. PA. Red. Rudy immaculate. Reconditioned engine 1949. Absolutely perfect in every Way. Offers around £200 to : Peter Taylor, 24, Westfield Road, Ch e Cheadle Ifulm. Cheshire. t3 ALVIS SILVER EAGLE, 1936. coupe. Not goiirg abroad. £150, o.n.o. White, 32, Belgrave Road Ilford. Tel. : Ilford 0741. [8343 £100. RILEY NINE 2-seater special. 2,000 miles since mains, big-ends. rebore, clutch and brakes. Any trial. G. Martin, 3, Bassett Road, London,
W.10. Tel, : LAD 0430. [8346 ONE J2 ENGINE complete. Lea crankshaft. Offers. Walker. Harrington Hotel, Mostyn Street, Llandudno. 18 40:11VERTISER unable complete 32-ft., 4-be3r4ih7 motor cruiser. Very little work left undone. Cost £600. Sacrifice. £250, or exchange large saloon car. Strike, Bigsby Road, Retford. Notta. Tel.: Retford 736. 18348 BREAKING RILEY NINE MONACO, 1931. Complete engine. Good running order. Best offer accepted. Radiator and most other Porte available. Alt letters answered. Brand, Church Walk, Bead’
corn, Kent. [8349 FRAZER-NASH B.M.W., 1937, Type 326, 4-door saloon. Good condition throughout. £225. Tel. : Forest Hill 3489.
1933-Td.G. PB. 61-inlosed rnaroou ; 1,600 im83ilSes1 since complete overhaul by M.G. works. Recently bought off M.G. enthusiast. A really exceptional car. £300. Tel. : Berkswell 3251.
[‘8352 NEAREST 2100. 1935 Riley Nine fixed-head cou3p5d2. Penny. Ileathgate, Stoke Heath, Bromsgrove. (8353 AUSTIN 7-B.P. Exchange reconditioned dynaorasoss4. rn
£6. C. W. 0. Sruallbones, 116, Raddleba Road, Birmingham, 29. 1932 12-0.E. m.d. special 2-seater sports body. Twin S.U.s. Special camshaft. 11-gallon slab tank. Big brake drum, (1938). Knock-off wheels. Cycle wings. 1080. Tel. : Brighton 24197. 8.30 a.m. to
6 p.m. [8355 MG., 1946, TC. Black. 395 guineas. 1951 works engine, chassis modifications ; superb mechanically, immaculate appearance ; new tyres, battery, hood innumerable extras. Bent, 34, Landadown Gardens.
Gosforth, Newcastle-on•Tyue. [8336 SUNBEAM 23.8, 1932, SALOON. Thoroughly overhauled, professionally repainted. Spare back axle and torque tube. Full details on request. £125, o.n.o., secure, years of reliable motoring. Lloyd-Jones. 34, Blaekacre Road, Dudley. (8357 II.R.G. 1,500, June. 1948. Genuine 36,000 mile,. In outstanding condition. Black with red38 upholstery. Fullest details from Clarke, Lauderdale, Barnstaple, Devon. Price 8650. 18 CYCLEsTYPE WIN-Ci. Set of four, with brackets. Very big-suit 4} Bentley. £6. Also Barker dipper. Complete with lamps. Sturgeon 48 Villiers Road, Kingston. Tel. : 8378. 18360 BENTLEY 3-LITRE, 1924. Just ov 1 erhan .;17-New
tyres, tubes and tonneau covers. £160. Goodwin.
104, Thornhill Rend. Surbiton, Surrey. [8361 MORRIS MINOR 0.11.v. Many spares. including block. heads, crankshaft, dynamo. S.A.E., please, for list. Space and cash urgently needed. 4. South Street, Slarrhorne. Dorset.
1931 DAIMLER TWENTY-FIVE 7-seater f8(t3w62o occasionale). Leather folding read head. Engine in genuinely sound order, rebored/sleeved, etc.. just after war ; 3.000 miles since. Whole in really spot-on condition. Just right for a combined holiday car. Photos available. £150. or offer. E. Oakley & Sons (Light Engineers). Montague Place, Brighton, 7. (8364 ALVIS 12/60, 1931, BEETLEBACK. Engine anti bodywork perfect. Large quantity spares, including block and cylinder head. Colour, battleship grey. £200. Phillips, 24. Moseley Road, Cheadle 111(181mes,
Cheshire. 36 ALVIS SPEED TWENTY sports chassis. Fitted with special Humber engine 400 mile, since eoniplete reconstruction at a cost of £400. Everything on this car is either new or worka reconditioned regardless of expense. New Lueim P100 headlamp, twin carbs,, etc. Finished in cream-red. This is a genuine offer. 2275. Leeks, 20, Friar Street. Sudbury.
Suffolk. [8367 CRASH HAT AND VIZOR by Herbert Johnson of Bond Street. Used once. Perfect condition. Cost £7 7e. Accept 84 4s. Breese. Barrington Gate. lolbeach, Spalding, Lines. [8368 FOR SALE—continued GOOD TALBOT 75. £60 overhaul, new carb., o/w pinion. Sell or exchange three-wheeler like condition. 14, Gresham Road, Norwich. (8598
RILEY NINE alum. saloon. Special engine. Racing timing wheels, clutch, flywheel, exhaust, camshafts. Recent engine gear transmission. Tyre rebuild, with many spares. £120, o.n.o., or separate. 272. Main Road, New Clinton, Northampton. [8600
MEA—D-0–WkAVON-Special 2-seater. Fitted 4 E.D. Meadows 12.1a.p. engine. Fast and reliable. £95. Terms if required. Tube Hifi Motors, Ltd.. 26, TuIse Hill, Brixton, S.W.2. Tel. : TULse Hill 7106.
(8601 FORD SPECIAL single-seater racing car, fitted with Zoller type 4 supercharger, Scintilla ma, 4-speed manually-operated gearbox. A very fast car, finished British racing green. £225. Acliknd & Tabor, Ltd., Welwyn By-Pass, Herts. Tel.: Welwyn 481/2. THREE-LITRE BLUE LABEL BENTLEY 4-seater tourer. Recent engine overhaul. Very good mechanically. Complete with hood and sidescreens. Good battery. £115. 1933 Riley 12.6, iu very good all-round condition. £75. 1938 Packard 32-h.p. saloon, in excellent condition ; 90 m.p.h. £110. Wych Engineering Co., Station Garage,
Droitwieh. Tel : Droitwich 3378 ; Upton Sisods. f bury 204. 8603 FRAZER-NASH, 1931, ” Chain Gang” Meadows ; 1,000 miles since complete overhaul. Excellent eppearance and mechanical condition. Bills shown for £170. Seen Cambridge area. First reasonable offer. Tel. Market Deeping 43$, or Write: Box No. G604, MOTOR SPORT, 15. Lity Road, E.C.I. [8604
15 ANNUAL TAX, 40 m.p.g., 65 m.p.h., 1948 Morgan three-wheeler 2-seater. 1953 chain, sprocket and gearbox. £320, or exchange Volkswagen or Ford Ten Special. Manger, 33, Rex Avenue, Ashford. Middlesex. (8605 0.M., 1926, 2-LITRE. General condition good ; good tyres, no hood. £87. Wood. 73, Montrose Avenue, Whitton, Middlesex. Tel. : Popeagrove 7551. [8606 RILEY 12.4 FALCON, 1935. 3,000 miles since complete engine, clutch, brake overhaul. Resprayed, rechromed. £150. Tel. : Will 2836 (Manchester). (8608 36/220–WkCEDE8-BENZ diesel sports
Leyland engine. In excellent condition. Over £800 recently spent on it. £450. Allen. The Aerodrome. Sudbury, Suffolk. Tel. : Sudbury 2759. [8609 _ SlX /31-1AND NEW 700 by 16 Dunlop raring tyres. tubes and wheels for vintage Bentley ; also several part-worn 19 in. Offers. Allen. The Aerodrome, Sudbury, Suffolk. Tel. : Sudbury 2759. (8610
M.G. TC, 1948 (Nov.). Enthusiast maintained. Engine recently overhauled, brakes relined. tyres excellent, 600 by 16 rear, new hood and sidescreens. fitted two spare wheels, Bluemel wheel, trafficators, water gauge. Whole car in immaculate condition. Finished in Cambridge blue and beige upholstery. Superb performance, doing 30 m.p.g. at 55 to 60 m.p.h. Regret must sell. £465, o.v.n.o. Box No.
G611, Moron Snort, 15. City Road. E.C.1. [8611 ALVIS 12/70 d/h coupe, 1939 model. Taxed year. Goes like Hell I I £310. Howard, Okle Pitcher.
Newent, Glos. Tel. : Newent 394. (8612 1936 B.S.A. SCOUT 4.seater. Excellent mechanical condition ; good hood, battery, tyres. £140. o.n.o. Crabtree. Tel. : Colindale 3759. [8613
1934 SPOR MORGAN 1.100 c.c. J.A.P. o.h.v. (cracked flywheel) complete. Similar sound s.v. Ready for assembly. Any reasonable offer for the
lot. Also 1933 B.S.A. 1.100-c.c. s.v. 4-cylinder engine. 12.000 miles since complete overhaul. Wilson preselector for above. 8.000 miles since relined. Most bits for same car. Four good wheels and four 75 by 18 Avons. Offers. Macdonald, 25, High View Way, Bitterne Park, Southampton. [8614 SIDDELEY SPECIAL SPORTS saloon ; so-i. alloy o.h.v. engine ; preselector with overdrive: hide upholstery ; built-in jacks ; economical and very fast. Recent work includes new valve springs, big-ends, etc. £120. o.n.o. R. F. Fairey, 178, Upper Street, N.J. Write for appointment [8426
SET THREETHREE AMERICAN musical post-horns. 6-volt, individual press button control. Finished mist green and chrome. Brand new, unused. Sacrifice. £15, or near offer. Robinson. 146. Stewart Road. Bournemouth. Tel-: Bournemouth 3495. [8615 ASTON MARTIN LE MANS, MK. II. 1934. long chassis, 2/4-seater. £225 recent overhauls. £365 or offer. Phelps, 46, Northumberland Road, Leaming
ton Spa. [8737 RAPIER BODY and trimmings, F.H. coupe, poor. RIO, buyer collects. Tel.: Loughton 3645. 18738 CALTHORPE-11-1.4-h.p.. 1921. -0r—inel landaulette. Coachwork and wool upholstery in superb condition. Polished engine rebuilt, new pistons, hearings, timing wheels ; clutch, magneto, dynamo, starter motor overhauled. Running well. £125, o.n.o. Details, photograph : 138, Laeeby Road, Grimsby. Tel. : 77662. (8620 FOR SALE—continued
IMMACULATE FIAT BALILLA 2.0eater. Overhauled, recellulosed, rehooded. Four new tyres. Cruises at 60 m.p.h., with 32 m.p.g. Fine seeders. Lion and roadholding. £320, o.n.o. Box No. G618 MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road. E.C.1.
APRILIA SPARES Secondhand crankshaft, (c8.6.1 shaft, rockers, treekrod, plug connectors, etc. Offers.
please. 63, Dorchester Court, S.E.24. [8619 328 B.M.W. Coachwork only. Sprayed B.R.G. in 1952. Complete with Bosch headlamps and windscreen. Alloy racing half tonneau and spare wheel cover. Also hood and canvas tonneau. Also complete innards for Birth box. £100 the lot. Blair, Knowsley Street. Manchester, 8. [8621
SPECIAL BUILDERS 1 Chrysler double wishbone coil ifs. Complete with wheels, tyres, steering box and linkage, hydraulic brakes, double piston shockers, moss-members, and front of chassis. 4 ft. 8 in. track. £10. Rover Fourteen engine with all ricers. emits. £8. or would break. Remote control gearbox to suit, £6. All carriage paid. Graham, 20, ‘Vulcans Lane, Workington. FRAZER-NASH SPARES. Chassis parts, steering 2 box, etc. R. Tniscott, Alpha Garage, Westergate,
near Chichester. [8623 MOTOR RACING LIBRARY. “Motor Sport” bound volumes, 1932 to date. ” Auto Sport” Vol. I to date. Solna out of print racing books, and most of the current books. Box No. G624. Mona( SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. (8624 GARAGE BUSINESS on Sussex coast. Working to capacity with three mechanics. High turnover with good profits. Present owner finds it too much for one proprietor. Would consider selling freehold, or leasehold’ or perhaps the formation of a limited Company. Interested parties should be prepared for a seven-day week, as this business has been open for the last seven years non stop. Freehold price £9,500, s.a.v. Box No. G625, Moron SPORT,
15, City Road, E.C.1. [8625 SUNBEAM 23.8-h.p. saloon. 1934. Sun roof. New radiator block, 6ve wire wheels rebuilt and stove enamelled. Four good tyres. A tine looking car in very good condition. £200. N. Askwith. 56, Howard* Lane. Putney, S.W.’S. MERCEDES-BENZ 2-litre 200 Series drop(h8e6.2a7 cabriolet. Preseleetor over.driVe. Exceptional condition throughout. £265. 218, Sheen Road,
Richmond, Surrey. Tel. : Richmond 3259. 18628 MAVEN S.W.D. fitted rebuilt short stroke 12.8 engine. Original handbook. £165, or prefer exchange Fiat 500. Halliday, 4, Culvert Road, S.W.11.
(evening). Tel. : Sloane 5558 (9-5). [8631 A.C., 1937, competition model 2-litre 2/4.scater, excellent condition. Exchange for H.R.G. or sell. A. heat. Tel. : FIN 2106. [8633 AUSTIN SPECIAL 2-seater. Ulster engine with enlarged ports, high-lift camshaft, special pistons. 4-speed gearbox, strengthened chassis. Engine new from Lotus Engineering. Special offset wheels with new tyres, 16 by $ back, 15 by 4 front. Whole car new. Suitable 750 racing. Sell to reasonable offer or exchange H.R.G. A. Lent. Tel. : Finchley 2106. TRIUMPH SUPER SEVEN, 1932. 2-seater. Tax 6-e-i7
£42 10s. Sheppard, 61, Ranelagh Road, S.W.1. [8635 10-H.P. LAGONDA RAPIER tourer. Good condition. Recently overhauled. Excellent hood, tyree. £220, 0.0,0. Wrestler, 8. Halsey Street, S.W.3. (8636 TRIUMPH DOLOMITE, 13.9 H.P., o.h.v. engine and gearbox, excellent condition, £27 10s., o.n.o. M.G. clutch assembly, £1; competition valve springs, unused, al. Jones, 23, Windsor Avenue, Clacton on-Sea. [8696 USE TICE MOTOR LIBRARY liaison branch for buying and selling “specials.” Stamp appre ciated. Address under “Wanted.” [8694 RARE, beautiful model 110 Talbot 3i-litre streamlined saloon; 20 m.p.g.. no oil. P.I00s; excellent black cellulose, new battery. 1:260. Scott, 26, Aberdeen Park, N.5. Tel.: MAN 6201. [8637 LANCIA AUGUSTA and Ford V8 dismantling for spares; Riley spares also. Newton Crypton electrical test bench with rectifier, 082 streamline oil filter. Conger air-operated planisher and dollies, B. & T. valve insert cutter set and valve face cutters. Neal, Northgate, Horbury, Wakefield. [8638 FRAZER•NA.SH-B.M.W., TYPE 45, 2-seater. Registered 1947. Folding screen, acro-screens. No hood. New tyres and battery. Taxed. £225. Photos. 12, Corporation Road, Ilkeston. Derbyshire. [8639 1932 2-LITRE LOW-CHASSIS LAG4E4DA. Fair condition. £130. or near offer. Crum, 215, Warwick Avenue, Derby. (8640 ROLLS 2041.P. coup6, Oct.. 1924. by Park Ward. Superb body and mechanical condition. Centre. change chassis. Best offer over 2200. Require Bentley 3-litre D.H.C. English, 16, Nunelsam
Square, Abingdon, Berkshire. [8642 1927 9[15 RENAULT tourer. Taxed, insured. Handbook. In good condition. £60, o.n.o. Haigh. Fords Croft, Crewkerne, Somerset. 18648 • FOR SALE—continued
ALM FIREBIRD drophead coupe. Dec., 1934. Block cracked—otherwise good condition. Brakes relined, good tyres. Offers. Knowles, Linthorpe, Rectory Lane., Standish, near Wigan. Tel.: Standish 3202.
B.S.A., 1936, THREE•WHEELER, 1,021-c.c.
First registered 8/37. £5 annual tax. Engine overhauled by B.S.A. Needs running-in. Rebored. New tyre, new battery. Dynamo and starter motor recently overhauled. 45-50 m.p.g. Taxed. Available 6th onwards or seen London by appointment. £110. 33 (1), Warwick Road. Coventry. (8644 AUSTL4–NAPPY,–1934 type, registered 1936. Gii-od condition. new hood. £115. 62, Round’ Lane, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. [8646 FIAT (1938) 1,500 L.H.D. pillarless saloon, in firstclass mechanical and body condition; colour black; two new tyres. £250, o.n.o. Mackie, Inglewood. Lapworth, Warwickshire. Tel.: Lapworth 236. (8647 MERCURY SPECIAL, 195-273-A6 miles; 21 m13+ New Mercury engine and 4-speed box in reconditioned V8 chassis. Excellent tyres. Phenomenal performance. Nearest £140. Require shooting
brake. Box No. G648, MOTOR Snotty, 15, City Road, E.C.I. LAMBDA, 1928, Weymann saloon, 8th Relies engine, new 36V11 Zenith. brakes relined, excellent well-base tyres, fabric and wings three years old. Owner now 20 miles from work and wants 40 instead of 2$ m.p.g. Sell or exchange. Goodlet, The Cottage, Braunston,
Rugby. [8649 ALLARD 71K 2-seater. Coachbuilt body with spare wheel in boot. Recently brakes relined, car resprayed steel-grey and new hood with large plastic window fitted. Tyres excellent. This car has been enthusiastically maintained and is fit for many miles of motoring. Its attractive appearance ercates interest wherever it is taken. Domestic reasons compel sale and all offers will be considered. An exchange with a Morris Minor contemplated, or what have you ? Box No. G650, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. BREAKING RILEY, 1936, MERLIN NINE, some Lp8a6rt still left. S.A.E., 104, Borough Road, S.E.1. 18651 CENTRIC SUPERCHARGER, complete :installation for Ford Ten, quite perfect, £25. Also three B.E. covers, brand new, 815 by 105 (31 by 4.50), £10 the three. Damadiau, Rose Dale, Marlborough Crescent, Grappenhall, Warrington. 18652 a-STANDARD ” 4-SPEED BOX, little used, suitable for “special ” or conversion, £10; also Lagonda steering unit, differential unit complete but pinion u.s., set of brake shoes, bonnet and fuel tank for 2-litre. Offers. Simkins, 22, Seaside Avenue, Lancing, Sussex. [8653 EMPRESS MOTORS, dealers in cars for the discerning : Rolls-Bentley, 1936. 34-litre sports saloon, 4.door; black, luxurious red leather interior, radio, heater, in immaculate condition; £775. Rolls-Royce Replica drophead by Messrs. Southern. Black, red leather interior; rechromed; excellent condition. £550. Albion Street, New Brighton, Cheshire. [8654 1932 FRAZER-NASH T.T. REPLICA. New ash body as original. new Park battery. £190. Metcalf. 87
Perkett Road, Wallasey. [8655 MAYFAIR GARAERS LTD. aim to give the finest value possible in used Fiat care, and always carry a large selection of guaranteed models in stock at competitive prices.
MAYFAIR GARAGES LTD. Send for Fiat illustrated literature and price list.
MAYFAIR GARAGES LTD. Fiat sales and service. Balderton Street (opposite Selfridges). Mayfair. London, W.I. (8641 1930 ROVER TEN. Four new 19-in. tyres. Good runner. Body rough. £30, or exchange Ford Girling parts, or anything sporty. Carley, Upper Pant Farm, Maidstone. (8658 ALVIS 14-11.P., 1949 model, estate car. in Carefully
maintained. Beautiful condition. Used very little Nearest £500. Taylor, The Lower Hall, Beckbury, Shifnal, Salop. Please write first.
RILEY TWELVE Victor saloon, 1938, in excellent condition. 2295 or offer. Seen London or South Wales. Cannel 7, Bryn-y-Mor Crescent, Swansea. [8660 1928 4} BENTLEY chassis, body available. Alvis Firefly saloon. 61-in. Colchester lathe. Foster, North Cave, East Yorkshire. (8661 RAILTON FAIRMELE-COBHAM sports saloon. Last pre.vrar scrim:. 95 m.p.h.. 22 m.p.g. Sell or part exchange for TA M.G., cash either way. Green, 183, Oldfield Lane, Greenford, Middlesex. Tel.: Waxlow ( 3458. 8662 1938 LEA-FRANCIS TWELVE saloon. Fast. spacious, comfortable. Big boot. Well above average condition. Recognised by V.S.C.C. se ” post. vintage thoroughbred.” £290. o.n.o. 11, Woodhall Drive, Pinner. Tel.: Hatchend 2395. [8664 SUNBEAM, 1924, 14/40 D.H. coupe. 8,000 miles since recondition. Repainted and new hood. Good tyres and battery. A very fine car. £100. 0.0.0.. or exchange another good vintage car. Box No. G672,
(8672 MOTOR booms 15, City Road, E.C.1. FOR SALE—continued
RILEY 12/6. Reconditioned cad., new king-pine, bushes, clutch plate withdrawal race. Young’s 12-volt battery. New front doom, door posts and waist-rail, body very good now. 1145, or offers.
56, High Street, Earl Shilton, Leics. 18543 MORRIS MINOR 2-seater. 4.speed box, Levitt:weds, reconditioned engine, rewired, resprayed, new hood. seats reupholstered. R.A.C. inspection welcomed. £110. 6, Ullerivs Road, Sheldon, Birmingham. 26.
[8544 1935-36 BUICK STRAIGHT EIGHT 30-h.p. In running order. £75, o.n.o. Beenard. Shelwick. Hereford. 18545 TWO-LITRE (12.8-h.p.) LOW CHASSIS OPEN LAGONDA. Body excilleut, mechanically sound. Engine needs some attention. Offers. Clark,
1, Berkeley Place, Bristol, 8. [8546 1925 BULLNOSE—MORRIS tourer. Needing hood. £20. 1932 Wolseley Fourteen. £25. Wolse. Icy seen London. Smith, 174, Bromyard Road.
Worcester. [8548 1436 MORRIS EIGHT special. Easielean wheels, Rotoflos, new crankshaft, Duaflex. etc. £140. offers. 27. Kiddier Road, Arnold, Nottingham. [8549 ALL SPARES for Talbot Speed 90 saloon. S.A.E. for list. 66, Metcalf Street. Leicester. Tel. : Granby 646. [8553 102 100.e.e. RACING CAR. Less engine and gearbox. Never crashed, successful car. Price with trailer £195, or highest. Box No. G554, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, [8554 ALVIS 12/50 back axle complete. £12 ; Oboe Alois spares available. Box No. 13556, Moen*
SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. 18556 PREM.-G.—FLU-AI then this will be of interest. 19384 D.K.W. saloon in reasonably good condition, 40-45 re.ph. Also 1951 model Larnbretta scooter. Mileage only 3,000. Originally cost 1:158. Suitable for women drivers. Will accept £300 for both. 0.0.0. Box No. 13557, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. 18551 M.G. MARK III (TIGER). Engine parts avant:1).1e. 174a. Streatham High Road, London, S.W.16. [8558 RENAULT 12.11.P. AIRLINE saloon, July, I939 (1940 type). One owner, original condition. £235. Hire purchase. exchanges. Smith’s, 86, Chalk
Farm Road, N.W.I. Tel. : GUL 2767 [8559 CITIOEN 12.8 F.W.D. Will break or sell complete but dismantled car. Towable. 96, Greenoak Road. Today, Sheffield. [8560 £75, O.N.O. 1927 Alvis 12/50. Rebuilt 194’5, 4-seater tourer ; 30 m.p.g. Fast. Stewart. 25, Wellington Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex. [8561 lifiESGR-T-4/65 TALBOT, 1935. Impressive royal blue drophead coupe. Alloy body by Carlton. Chrome and interior excellent. Good tyres. NOW battery. Mechanically sound. Preseleetor. Centrifugal clutch. 1:125. Further details and photographs on request. Cranidge, 369, Aehby Road, Scunthorpe, Linos. [8563 /C-C. 241TRE COMPETITION sports 2.seater. 1938. Good condition throughout. Reconditioned radiator. New water pump. Three reconditioned S.U.s. Brakes relined. New exhaust system. Bosch spodamp. D.R.H. oil-filled coil, etc. Owner going fug-box. £280. No offers. Robb. “Twin,” Broad Avenue. Queens Park, Bournemouth. Tel. : Boscombe 36834. [8564 ALVIS 12/50 TG, 1927. Modified 2-seater body. Does not look vintage, goes well. £70, o.n.o. Allen. 47, Ilarkston Gardens, S.W.S. Tel. : Frobisher 5208. [8565 AUSTIN NIPPY, 1936. Good condition, no rot. New battery, screens and radiator. Two new tyres. £135, 0.0.0. Would consider exchange with cash for Aero Minx, Talbot Ten, or Sunheam.Talhot tourer or drophead. Grumndtt, 222, Station Road,
Beeston, Notts. (8566 FORD Milt special engine; o.h.v. inlet. Requires cylinder head gasket. £18 102. Holden. Officer? Mess, R.A.F.. Kudos& [8567 TWO VINTAGE RUMS, 1927, 11.9 cv. tourer. Beautifully preserved, excellent screens, tyres, etc. Photographed correspondence last July. Complete 1928 model (towable). Mechanically identical, included. Together £137 10s., o.n.o. South Lodge, Cherteey. Tel. : Chertsey 2156. [8568
H.R.G., 1949, model. 1.500. standard, B.R.G. Exceptional condition. Works maintained. Extras. £550. Box No. 13569. MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road. E.C.1. RAILTON LIGHTeALLOY WINGS, bonnet, doors and windscreen. seats, etc. All these items are in good condition, and will be :mid cheaply to first caller to clear space. Smith, 48, Drookvale Road, Southampton. 18570
GRAND CLEAROUT. Alvis Speed Twenty V.D.P. tourer. £110. New B.T.H. magneto for Ford V8. Scintilla N.V.4. 10s. each. 12v. sports coil, 240v. DC motor with compressor. Desout ter 240 AC/DC pistol drill. New Morgan driving chain. Pair Bentley headlamps. Lamps, switches, instruments, pressure gauges, etc.. galore. Numerous other items. Tel. : Ettnbridge 8406 (Surrey). [11574
TALBOT ENTHUSIAST has for disposal 193$ model 65 drophead coupe. £185. 1934 model 65a saloon. £135. Both cars in excellent condition. Spare cylinder head, inetruction book for each. Consider exchange for good 105 or 100 Talbot, Stocklry, Bela Road, Pfestiniog, North Wales. [8577 1933 RILEY TWELVE-MENTONE. Above average condition. Mechanically excellent. Taxed year. £75. 1934 (Sept.) Riley Nine Kestrel. Special series engine and preselector gearbox recently completely overhauled. Outstanding performance. £135. Station Garage. Droitwich. Tel. 3378. 18578
VOLKSWAGEN. Choice of several from £230. Bieber& & Carr, 35, Kinnerton Street, S.W.1. lel. Sloane 5424. [8579 ROLLS-ROYCE 20-b.p., 1928. Owner.driver saloon. Good tyres. Very smart. Mechanically excellent. £195. Richer:le & Carr, 35, Kiruierton Street, S.W.I. Tel. : Sloane 5424. [8580
… _ . ALVIS 11/50, 1927. 2/34eater drophead. Bodywork excellent. Perspex side-screens. Brass instruments. Mechanically perfect. Rebuilt January. Max. 70 m.p.h. £115. Capt. Radford. $.T.T., Bovington Camp, Dorset. [8581 I HAVE JUST PURCHASER—from Jowetts the two 1952 Jupiter, which ran in the Monte Carlo Rally in 1952. being 1st and 5th in the 1,500-rec. class. They wore overhauled by Jowett’s Experimental Department and have not been used since. I want to sell one of them for £750. Richardson, Castle Mill*, Buckingham. [8$82A ROLLS-ROYCE 20/25. Very attractive Continental drophead foursome by H. R. Owen. Photograph available. Box No. 13582, MOTOR SPORT, 15. City Road, E.C.1. [8582
ALVIS 12/60 CHASSIS. Engine, transmietion. axles. springs. £18. (would separate). 1934 Austin Seven. Any trial. Lucas, Priors Marston, Rugby. Tel. : Byfield 377. [8583 FRAZEReNASIL 1930, 2/3-seater. Brooklands Meadows 14-litre engine. Excellent condition throughout. £195. Jenkins. 69, Bedford Road,
Hitchin. Tel.: 282. [8584 POUR AMAL CARBURETTERS mounted on manifold, suitable Riley 1,100 : foot throttle connections, also gravity feed tank for same. £12 10e. Box No. 13585, MOTOR SPORT, 15, Oty Road, E.C.1. [8585 £350. ” PARIS-NICE ” HOTGIIICISS (1938, June) sports coupe. Fully reconditioned throughout. Ready immediate Continental touring. New Continental required lighting and elect rival equipment. New battery. New H.M.V. radio if required. Extremely fast, 90 m.p.h. with comfort. Genuine car. No dealers. Box No. 13586, MOTOR SPORT, 15. City Road. E.C.1. [8586
ADLER T1111.131P11 junior 10.h.p. 4-door steel saloon, 1438 model. Steering column, gear control. finger-tip lighting, rack and pinion steering. Bosch electrice. Everything working. £200, or exchange le.litre B.M.W. Rambling, 2, Abbey Street, Leeds,3. [8587
MORRIS —COWLEY, 1928. Heine-built shootini brake body. Reliable. Quantity of spares. Taxed and insured. FAS. o.n.o. Parish, 3, Beaman. Close, Gannon, Watford. (8588 M.G.—PA 2-seater. Good mechanical condition. battery. etc. Engine overbnul. £175. o.n.o. Beneted-Smith, 94, Ebury Street, S.W.1. Tel. : SLO 1067. [8589 BUGA.TTI 14-13ITRE sports drophead coupe. Corn. pletely rebeilt. registered 1952. Excellent condition. high performance, 35 m.p.g. ; comprehensive spares, including engine. Taxed. ineured. £170. 34, Berwood Farm Road, Sutton Goldfield. Warwick shire. (8596 THE TALBOTSPECIALIST still has plenty parts dismantled Talbote, mostly 65-75, 1430-37. All parts 1936 eynchromesh gearbox separate starter conversion. Several 75 engines, blocks, cheap : 65, 75, 95 heads, knock.on wheels, all sires. Richard. 56, Clayhall Avenue, Ilford. Tel. : Wenstead
3488 (evenings. weekends). (8590 1930 falfD 650 c.c.—)’aint and roof poor condition. Seen West London. Nearest £220. Box No. 13591. MOTOR SPORT, 15. City Road. E.C.I. [8591 1938 fklUMPR DOL01111ft Iflitre sports saloon. Mechanically perfect. Coachbuilt body. Superb condition. £275. Owen, Padbury, , Bucks. Tel.: Buckingham 3194. (8593 1928 ALVIS 12/S8 2-seater. 69 by 103. Small port engine : lt.e. pistons (6.5 to 1) ; 4.33 to I. dill. Body completely rebuilt. New hood. tonneau and upholstery. £125. Chamberlain, 101, Waltham Avenue, Braunstone. Leicester. [8594
1951-52 SUNBEAM TALBOT 90. Absolutely mint. One owner. Body. paint. interior, mechanics perfect. Terrific acceleration. 15,500 miles. Never over SS. Financial reason for selling, E880. Cora. 411, Harrow Road. W.9. Tel. : Ladhroke 4465. 0595 1939 SIORGAN LE MANS REPLICA 2-seater, Red. Outride exhaust, new hood, sidescreene. luggage carrier 75 m.p.h. £225, or exchange for older sports car, plus £100. Beaton. 9, Silver Street, Godmanehmter, Hunts. [8597 FOR SALE-continued
1952 JAGUAR XK.120. Green with green opholstery. Genuine 16.000 miles. One owner. Twin Lucas spotlamps. Heater. Radio. Screenclean. Detachable G. P. luggage rack. Ritnbellishers. Kilo and odic speedometers. Extinguisher. 9/1 compression pistons. Spare set 8/1 twin exhaust. High-lift cams. Stiffer torsion bars. H.D. rear sprite’s. 11.0. shock-absorbers. Two pairs earb. needles. Two distributors. Three sets of brake shoes anti linings. Road and racing tyres. Spare set of wheels.Two differential assemblies. One standard, our low ratio. Bucket seats and racing screens. Manufacturer’s original equipment, inclisding instruction book. Sundry spares. Taxed to end of year. 11300. Tel. : 298, Write or call. Murkett Brothers, Limited, High Street. Hunting don. [8366
M.G. TB, dual-green, Factory engine 12:000 ago. King-pins„ steering. decoke month. Oversize rears. New battery, tonneau-cover, hood/sidescreens. Chrome immaculate. Witultones, spot. lump. Mechanically perfect. ” New ” appearance. (Bought, 1495, last May,) (Kers. Box No. 6251. MOTOR SPORT, 15. City Road. E.C.I. [8251 1300-2-LITRE LAGONDA. Unusually good specimen condition. Very smart. 80 m.p.h. Write, Young. 4, Thornton Way, N.W.11. [8246 RILEY MONACO chassis for sale. Completely rebuilt. Suit •• special” builder. 145, Body also available. Mid-Cheshire area. Box No. G333, MOTOR Scoter, 15. City Road, E.C.I. [8333 AUSTIN SEVENS ONLY (Proprietor : Ernie Day), 17, Hitchin Read, Luton, Beds, always have a fair selection of cheap Austin Sevens. Stock changes too quickly to give detailed list. Austin Sevens always wanted for cash, any type, any year. Tel.: Luton 4285. [8369 THE CHALETVAN, the now famous fast touring caravan, specially designed for ultra light ears and even KC combinations. 112$ or deposit. Send for brochure from Sole Concessionaire : Carahomes, Church Street, Walton-on-Thames 5903. [8371 TWO-SEATER SPECIAL on 1935 Singer 11: New crank, mains, big-ends. battery, lamps, ifs., tyres. Snags : body not complete cracked water jacket. Offers. Catherwood, 204, Selby Park Road, Birming ham, 29. [8372 TALBOT 75 saloon. Genuine mileage 34,000. Stored 1939-45. Hardly used since. Discs, one-shot. 18 13.p. Preselector, Superb condition throughout. Any trial. Best offer around 1200 will secure a real bargain. Essex area. Box Na. G374, MOTOR SPoRT, 15, City Road, E.C.I. [8374 1936 ARMSTRONG SIDDELEY saloon, 27 £70, o.n.o. Silvester, 196, Arundel Road. Poling,
near Arundel, Sussex. Tel.: Arundel 3195. 18375 34.1TR-E-LAGONDA, 1933, pillarless saloon. Excellent condition. £265. Davies, 5, Oak Close, Bedworth, near Nuneaton.
PAIR A40 VAN SEATS, unused, suit ” special,” £5. One TA KG. half-shaft, new, 17s. 6d. 11, Stockland Road. Birmingham, 23.
CIS-HUMBER SNIPE, 1930. drophen id. Excri8II3e7n7t condition. Unbored. Morley, 40, Quernmore Road. N.4. [8379 BENTLEY, 1925, 3-LITRE RED LABEL. Well shod. A reliable car. £250. Box G380, MOTOR SPORT, IS, City Road, E.C.1. [8380
M.G. 11-H.P. J2. 600 miles since rebore, etcRest offer. Barr. Tel.: Upper Viarliugham 2101, Ext. 9. [8381
M.G. F MAGNA, in mint condition. Two-seater. slab tank, cycle wings, fold-flat arm-screens, fall weather equipment. Paint, chrome, upholstery. excellent. New differential, pump, battery, dyno, starter. 3,000 since engine overhaul. Bluetnells wheel. Enthusiast maintained. Very potent. £185. Photo available. 70, Shelgate Road, S.W.I I. Tel.: BAT 7110. [8383 LAGONDA. 4-seater tourer, excellent con
dition; 119$. Also Heavy 12/4 5-seater touriri Austin, £70. North Lodge, Swillington, near Leeds. [8384
HARD-SURFACED GROUND ROCKERS. Quick service all makes. M.G.. Wolordey, 6s. each exchange; rocker bushes, 6s.; shafts, 7s. 6d. each; valve guides. 4s. Id.; valves, 76. 4d.; valve springs from 10O. per set: gaskets. trunnion bushes, timing chains. bearings, etc.. ete. Modified leakproof oil drain housing and modified vertical drive with gronod shaft on exchange; reconditioned carburetter exchange service. Chrome luggage carrier, £3 17, 6d. Also good selection secondhand M.G. spares. C.O.D. service. Thomson, 104, Kingston Road, Wimbledon, S.W.19. Tel.: Liberty 8498. I till 2 and after 7.
18385 BENTLEY 3-LITRE SPEED MODEL. Reconditioned engine 8,000 milts ago. Body and chassis excellent. Repainted, new hood, upholstery. Tyres good. Genuine 23 m.p.g. 1375, o.n.o. Dr. France, 4. Victoria Rise, S.W.4. (8387
M.G. 14-LITRE saloon, late 1951. Bronze. First class throughout. $3650, or exchange Triumph roadster or TD M.G: 2-seater. 45, Shirehall Park. N.W.4. Tel.: Hendon 1648. [8388 FOR SALE-continued COOPER ME. IV. Body red cellulose& ontlented header tank, tubes, tits:. Steering-box. wheel, J.A.P. rev.-counter, pins other parts. 1:35. Box No. 6:189,
Moron Semis-, /5. City Road. B.C.!. /8389 WHEELS, M.G. centre-lock, pair 16-in., shod Dunlop Racing 5,50 by 16. 116. Pair 19-in.. £11. Berens. Old Timbers, Cox Green Lane, Maidenhead. 18391
MORRIS-OXFORD SPARES,193033. Including axles, radiator, gears. Sound. Collier, Redbourn.
Herts. [8392 WELFORD BROS. FOR RILEY SPARES/SERVICE. Largest and most comprehensive stocks of new and used spares in the Midlands. Opal Street, Leicester. Tel.: I.eicester 659113. See below. (8393 NEW REPLACEMENT t Valves. lit.; goides, Sc.; valve springs : single, 106. 6d. set; double. 20s. set. Damper springs, Sc. pair. Tappet locking screws. 4s. doz. Gaskets, 17s. set. King-pins and bushes. 70n. set. Speedometer cables, 26s. complete. Brake eahle.s, 19.s. 6d. Standard !Old high-compression pistons. Tinning gears for 1932 onwards. Single and twin inlet manifolds. Oil pumps complete. Service exehange brake shoes, clutch plates, B.T.H, mop netos, dynamos, 12/4 oil pumps. Complete overhauls, cylinder boring and deriving and all .general repairs. Addressed envelope with all inquiries please. Welford Bros., Leicester. See below. (8394 CHOICE OF TWO RILEY NINE MONACO), 1933 and 1934. Full details on request or may be seen at any time. Welford Bros., Opal Street. Leicester. Tel.: 65903. [8395 FIAT 1,100-e.e. saloon. Sell or exchange Ford Anglia. 48., Swanage Road, S.W.01. [8396 1934 ALVIS SPEED TWENTY 4-rloor saloon. 1.F.S.. synchromesh, P.100s, twin pass. fitted jacks, telecontrols, new valves, silencers. two new tyres, brakes relined, radio, screen washers, Maras) spot. lamps, reverse lamp. Photos. £200. or exchange Fiat 500 or similar plus cash. Box 6397, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.I. [8397 HEALEY SPARES t Five wheels, used once. £3 reduction list price. (Carriage or collect.) Two racing Dunlops. half worn. perfect, .12 each. Set racing valve springs and caps. 14 (cost 110). New Servuis silencer with Ilex. £3. Box No. G398, MoTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, 1.3.C.1. [8398 SHORTENED V8 chassis, no body. Reconditioned engine, new gearbox, wheels and tyres. 173. Old
Lane. Chadderton, Oldham. [8399 1940 M.G. supercharged, balanced engine, twin pumps, stage 2 head, etc., 550 by 16 wheels and tyres (new), axle ratio to suit. Whole car recently rebuilt throughout. Over 1300 worth extras. Business reasons for selling. Box No. 6401, MoTott SPORT, 15. City Road, E.C.I. indepetnleitt suspeii-si-alOn (8.101 1 round, Rudge-Whitworth wheels, completely unused. Available with Riley Nine engine and gearbox. Offers over £75. Hutchison, 75. Brynlanil Avenue, Bristol, 7. 18402 RILEY NINE KESTREL, 1934. Shabby body. mechanically good. Worth 175. Wilson, 13, Lea
Road, Heaton Simi.% Stockport. [8403 JAGUAR 2/,.4.1TILE, 1936. Very tunefully used by only two owlierr4. 41.000 miles. 22 m.p.g. ‘Originally tourer, now with 1949 coachbuilt non-standard slaloms body. Body and engine immaculate. .1250. Owner now wants convertible. Osier, Clec-St.. Margaret, Craven Arms. Shropshire. [8106 RILEY ‘NINE UTILITY, 1928; drive away; £25. Riley Nine Monaco. 1932, 145, 2-Litre Lagenda. 1932. 1125. or exchange saloon. Ford Eight utility, 1936, 160. Spares Rileys, Lagonda, Morris, Austin,. 475-21 tyre, India Super. 15. Continental, sports and vintner repair specialist. J. Smith Auto Spares, 10a. Widsnore Road. Bromley. (8408
SET OVERSIZE PISTONS 1M a rt le t for rie” Ballot. Whitehouse. C,Itaringworth, Camptien. Glos. (8410 FOR SALE-continued F-TYPE M.G. MAGNA engine, complete with starter. earburettera and gearbox. 125: Also large amount TA spares. Baldwin. 131, South Park Road, Maid stone. [8409′
M.G. J2 SPECIAL, twin spares, good. Donlopillo.
Reliable; 75 m.p.h. Station House, Axbridge. Somerset. [8411 D.II. coup4, 1935; recently reconditioned; new
tyres, twin spares; metallic grey: foot And smart; £265. Wolseley Daytona Special; rebuilt and registered 1953; fast and sporty; £195. Both good rally cars. Details Griflan. Alisr House. Barmouth,. North Wales. (8412 _
SALE OR EXCHANGE larger car.-1(1:14.’Standerd saloon, 1956. L seeps/meal condition. Squadronleader t )11ivers1 Married Quarters, 1)i4115,1.11. Vorks. f ALV1S 12/60 TL tourer. 1932; re4araved, reconditioned itioned engine, clinch and brakes relined, good hood and screens; £165, IL?. or exchange. Alvis 12/50. cylinder block, rebored plus .040 in., new pistons; £12 15s. Most engine spares, gearbox, rear axle, front axle, brakes and drums, steering-box, reconditioned radiator, dynamo and starter, wood dashboard facia. Silver Eagle 16.95 cylinder block, resieeved. bored otandard, new pistons, 222; cylinder head, reconditioned, 1.8 10s. Mast engine spares. Bugatti radiator, good condition, 14. Reconditioned Hartford shock-absorbers. 15s. each. .4-litre Invieta parts. Austin 12/6 reconditioned starter and dynamo, £7 Ills. Austin Seven engine parts. 20-in. Rudge splined k.o. wheels. £2 each. Apply : 131. Croydon Road, Caterharn, Tel.: CAT 42. (841 _
M.G., 1934, PA 2/4-seater. £115, o.n.o. “Glenclots.” Marsh Lane, Triplow, Bucks. Tel.: Maidenhead 2832. FLAT. motiiiTalTi-931. D d
Ismantle-for spares. 12, Bryanstone Avenue. Guildford, Surrey(84113. ” MOTOLYMPIA ” offers Aston Martin engine parts 1934 Le Mans crankshaft, cylinder head, flywheel. con.-rods. various. 1936 M.G. 2-litree stripped for spares. Two Leticia Diluted’s/so ears, 1931/35, being stripped for parts or sell eemplete. About 1929/30 Renault Eight engine or parts. 16-in. Fiat disc wheels, about 1936;37, and complete frame with i.f.s, front axle, £12 10s. lot. Deluge 1929/30 6-cylinder engine and gearbox. Modern cars being stripped for spares : 1949 Ford Pilot. 1949 Standard Eight; 1946 Hillman Ten, 1946 Austin Ten, 1939 Alvis Twelve, 1938/39 Talbot 21-11.1,., 1938 Wolseley Fourteen, 1937 Renault Eighteen, 1937 Packard, 19:16 Daimler Fifteen. 1936 Talbot Eighteen; four other Talbots. IS Morris cars, 10 Wolseleys. 20 Austin ears, five Rovers, six ‘lumbers. three Daimlers. Over 1,200 others already dismantled. Wards ” Motolym pia,” Powis Hall, Oswestry. Tel.: 480. [8419’ 4-filloYOLYMPIA ” has-hundreds of car -wheels, all types, removed from over 1,200 car types for last 25 sears; also all the new easy-cleans. ” Motolym ‘ ,’ Poseis Hall. Oswestry. Tel.; 480. (8429′ HELLO ! No car today ? Don’t be held up for an axle-shaft. Telephone for rapid C.O.D. postal service. We stock all leading makes; always over 2,000, and if we can’t match it will alter one quickly. Parts for
1,000 cars. Wards ” Motolympia,” Oswe.stry. Tel.: 480.
CITROEN TWELVE, first registered December 11824i2li. 1938. Black, fitted loose covers. Manufacturers` reconditioned engine fitted. Offers to Egertons (Ipswich) Ltd., Crown Street, Ipswich. Tel.: 55083. 1951 DELLOW. 1400 or nearest offer. 22,000 miles, one owner, not raced; good ermdition. Regularly serviced. Studham Hall Farm, near Dunstable, Beds. Tel.: Whiponade 265. ALFA-ROMEO, 1946, 2.5-LIT-RE, 5-seater TuEi-8M4g24′ a dropbead coupe. Carefully maintained in excellent
mechanical multi ion. A unique, comfortable, capacious, economical car with outstanding perfor1/11111CP. 1,295 goo.. o.n.o. Box No. 6425, MOtOR SPORT. 15, City Road. E.C.I. _ LEA-FRANCIS12;40, 1930. No body. broken Ic8o4n2.5rod, otherwise complete. Sell £25 or parts. Young,
21, Rutland Close. Canterbury. 18426 BENTLEY 3-LITRE RED LABEL, 2-seater. Rebuilt radiator. Fair condition. Spare motor available. Offers to Miles, 4. The Parade, Truro. Cornwall. [3427 BENTLEY RED LABEL, excellent useehanically; new tyres, hood: brakes relined. 1230, o.n.o. Also spares. Box No. G428, MuTon Sruar. 15. City Road, E.C.1. [8428
FIAT 50IK drophead, 1926, 10.15 b-p. Reliable outstanding vintage car in snperb condition-not worn-out wreck. Bench seat and dickey. Reputed mileage 40,000, probably correct. Many spares. 1100. 20, Westminster Road, Cedes, Manchester. ‘fel.: Eccles 1937. [8429 A.C., 1934, fixed-head coupS., sports engine, good tyreo. /130. Tel.: Wallington (Surrey) 6887 (evenings). [8430 ALVIS-SPEkb TWENTY. Black and grey. Charles. worth saloon. Fur above average condition. Sound body and mechanics. 10. !Lashley Avenue. Sheffield Tel.: 21730 (day). [8431
FOR SALE-continued . RILEY KESTREL 12/6, 1931. Nlenttal box. Cromard liner,. Sound body. Moderate mileage. Snagless sports saloon. £145. ” Decinia.” Yeoman Lane, Bea rs ted. M idot one. ‘Tel.: 37583. [0432
TRIUMPH GLORIA, 1137, 1211.1′. Mileage only 48.0110 and eArefully used. £175. Seen Kent, Box No. G433, Morutt SPORT, 15. City Road, F..C.1. 18433
MORRIS 11.9-11.P. tourer. 1930. Body in good conditi ,,,, four new tyres, new hood. front pring.l. and -carburetter. A most reliable car. £45, 18. Ash Grove. Timperley, Cheshire. Tel.: llitigway 2728.
18434 1952 BELLOW MIC. Ill 2-seater *poets Red. 12,000 miles. (Inc owner. Fitted internal and external band-brakes, Export-type Water pump. Mechanically perfect, immaculate hotly. Full weether equipment. £405. Tont Metier Ltd„ 274, Deenegate, Manchester. Tel: DEA 6182. Demonstrations and H.P. terms arranged. tow (bills tivailable). Taxed. The Cottage, Downend, Horsley. Stroud. Glos. [8438 ki , 1ST-di. Mechanically
excellent throughout. Reconditioned engine. New tyret. Sports saloon body. fair. Marshall. TwitL39en.
Nathourne Common, Ptdbormtgb. f JENSEN 12-11.P., 1930. tourer. Morris chaotic. engine. New hood, sidesereens, ohoele.abserbers, king.pine, towhee, truck-rod ends, battery. pump, starter motor. All bills available. liceellulosed eream. Five exeellent tyres. Taxed and insured for year. Touring until July 5th. available then, going abroad. £235. 20, Parkthorne Road.
Tel.: TUL 3936. [8440 BEAUTIFUL TALBOT 90 sports tourer. Complete engine overhaul 2.000 miles. Minim( gearbox and brakes reconditioned May. 1953. AU-weather equipment perfect. Many spares include ” 75 ” head, three tyres’, £150 or best. Photograph available. Maeon, 21, Buller Drive, Feltham. Middlesex. 18 THE REST TALBOT 14/45 oaken is for sale, this is t. Write to Broughton, 14. Little Park Drive, Hanworth, Middlesex. Tel.: Feltham 4152. The price is £120. 18442 RILEYMESTREL 12/6, 1934. Special Series engine. triple S.U.n. Armstrong peeselector, instruction manual, excellent tyres. Above overage condition. £180. 46, St. George’s Crescent.. Cippenbant, after July 5th. [844 t TALBOT, 1927, 14/45. Reconditioned engine, new valves. guides, etc. New battery, hood. sidesereene. Tyres, brakes good, original interior, chassis, coachwork, very good. Repainted red and grey. Spare engine, tyres, tools. Insured to September. Reluctant sale for health reasons. £85. o.n.o. 87a, Hornsey Lane. Highgate, N.6. Tel.: MC11.7 8634. [8445 G.N. sports 2-seater, V-twin J.A.P., four speeds. Spares include rear axle. £75, o.n.o. Box No. C446, Moron SPORT. 15, City Road, E.C.I. [8446 THE RILEY MAN offers the following eeleeted items from his stook. of parts under the usual money. back guarantee if Riley”found unenitable or not as described. One set of new boxed Covmo pistons, standard eixe for 1936/7 Riley Nine Merlin or Kestrel. lees gudgeons and rings, 40e.: splined wheels, good condition, 19.in. for 9.h.p.. 35a. each, plus 3s. carriage; Brooklands gearbox, £1,5; EN. V. preseleeta box for 1934 Nine, completely overhauled, 4,000 mile* since, £20: ditto, in good order, £10;
Armstrong pretteleeta hog for 1937 low mileage, £20; 1933 9-11.p. light flywheel. 40s.: 1935/6 11-litre eylinder head, lees rockers and valves, ES: 1933/4 radiator and shell, perfeet. Monne() 9.b.p.. £4 10s.: 1933/4 ditto, for 12/6. 14 10s.: two pain genuine Riley headlamps. 1933/5 9,14.p,. 70e. and 50s.; eix-stud wire wheels, 154. each, plus 3s. carriage: one pair rear springs, 1933/5 9-h.p., 60se one front ditto, 25s.: one eplined front axle complete. 1934/5 9-h.p…C5; several 1934/5 blocks’ and 1 N -in, cranks, prices on application. 270, Acton Lane. London, W.4. /95-HUMBER TWELVE 4-eeater aeons, 118913447. Fold-flat windscreen. bronze head. Vivid perfor mance. Tel.: Downland 4740. [8448 AUSTIN SEVEN lowered suspension service. Rear springe. flattened to lower car by 41,,.; front springs, flattened to lower front by lilt.; front axle cranked similar to Nippy Sports. Requires no extras or radius-arm lowering, Send only the above four components. Price £4. Anybody interested in Pan hard rode Tee Bowden Eugineering Co_ Market Lane, Ottery St. Mary, Devon. 18449 ALVIS 12/50 Ti,1932, Atlantic ealoon, good condition. 1:130. Exchange tourer. Tel.:. Bristol 67013. (8451 CYCLE WINGS (domed and beaded). Steel. 5 in.„
6 in. and Sin,. 10s. each fronts, 12s. rear,.
rea. Carriage and packing, 3s. 6d. paint, 5o. ems. W. C. Fergueon, Bath Road Garage, Nnileworth. Gloe. (8452 FOR SALE-continued
FORD 24-H.P. “BE” engine and gearbox, completely reconditioned regardless cost. Offers to Goodwin, 82. Alee,ter Road, Hollywood, Binning. hum. ‘fele Maypole 2170. [8453 ALVIS SPEED TWENTY-FIVE, July.–1.9e1,
Since April, etecring, transmission, ignition, fuel system, carburetters, completely overhauled; new Exides fitted, brakes relined. Wonderful compression, excellent performance. Interior very good. Heater. Owner going ;thread Augnst, available July 12th. 5275, or near offer. Day. 12. St. Margaret’s Street, Rochester. Tel.: Chatham 45889.
t.85 BUGAITI T37 2-LITRE Atalanta. -2Sv-erdritet Good condition. £230. I/O. Lethent. R.A.F.. Dux:Idea. Cambridge. [8455 1937 ILS.A. SCOUT, 10 11.P., Series 3. Resprayed gunmetal grey. Upholstery, carpets, eve, as new. New hood, sereene, brake linings, king-pins, S.U. purnp. Reconditioned front end, steering. Tyres good. £1811. o.n.o. Box No. G456., Moron SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. [8456 HORNET SPKTIAL, 1933. 80 per vent. body rebuild completed. Towable. All parte except block supplied to Bargain, £50. Tel.: Pound Hill (honey) [ 2243. 8457 EX-FRANCIS !MART Riley Gamecock. Merlin erunkehaft, twin S.1.1.0. 4-branch exhauet, eta New foldaway hood. sideeereens, very, good coodllien£5,10865.. Ring after seven, ‘I’.-).,Shepherds Bush [8458 SUNBEAM 6-cylinder. I 6.9-h.p., 4-tseater F.M. sportsman’s ernapi, attractive appearance, exceptional condition. Only 10.000 mile, since rebore. 5175. Taxed year. Budd. The Avenue, Westmoors,
Dorset. [8459 19301174GER II D.H.C. Clean. economical. 1.F.S.. fluid drive. MIA. 32, Chatsworth Road, Brighton. Tel.: 53254. (8460
1926 12.11,1). BEAN tourer, All in very good condition. £70. D. & A. Garage. London Road. Wokingharn. • [8461 1929 M.618/80 chassis, a runner, stripped. painted. Basis for special. £75. Abe” Talbot 75 saloon. £75. Part exchange welcome. Aireton, Oakley Road,
Wimborne. Dorset. Tel.: 142. 18462 SPECIALöi’FERi Forty 815 hy Ills tyres, diiiTt from makers, 130s. each. carriage paid passenger. Also most sixes in B.E. and wired. Large stock of new, remoulds, Well. IlaMilt011 &Son, 22/4. Vicarage Street, Yeovil. To.: 927. 18463 M.C. PD T-Cylinder head with valve gear. eatnehaft, valve drive. 120. Dynamo. £4 10o. Foroclos. gaskets. drop-arm, rocker-eh:1ft, half. shaft. AU unused. Wiper vertical magneto. ZS. Ills. Two Riley 16-in. wheels. 550 tyres, tithes, £9. Noe No. 6464. Moron Sower, 15. City Road. EC. I, 18464 BEAUTIFUL-C:TYPE MONTLINITRY road.raeilik 2-seater. Immeculate. Exact original T.T. epeeifira• lion. New racing erank pistons. 8-port head. Block sleeved. new e. & p.. 12-in. brakes. E.N.V. box. No. 8 Powerplu.. 15-gall. tank. pointed tail. Owner’s hobby, £47,0 spent restoration, condition throughout perfect. Cellulosed green. Chromium. upholetery. hood. Outdone, perfeet. itoine abroad. Sacrifice £295 quick sele. Box No. G 165, Moron Srotti, 15, City Road, E.C.I. [8465 FOR SALE-continued
570 “MOTORS,” 1946-1053, £3 lot. Two 3.85 by 20 D.E. new Goodyears. 54. New 765 by 105 tube, 17e. 6d. New Ford 1/8 dynamo, 13. Sunbeam 14e10 manual. 17s. 6d. Six vols. “Automobile Engineering,” 1922, 30a. 1924 Dyke* Encyclopaedia, 15e. Lambda 7th crank, radiator, many other parts, offers, Set new Laneia Aprilia pistons. 72 +.020. 88. 6, Acre Lane, Carahaltun, Surrey. Tel.: Vallington 4696. AlitalEteN MAGAZINES. One-year subseriptio8n4s61: Auto Sportsman, 32s.; Not Rod, 28s. 6d.; Motor Trend, 28s. 6(1.; Popular Science, 28s. eel. Specimens 3e. 6.1. each. List free. Hobson. 79, Southbrook l”1-adkExeter. 68 BOY reluctantly offers his pio8t4en A NU t 14-litre Singer Le Mans for sale. H.C. pistons and twin exhausts fitted when car reconditioned at a cost of 1150 6,000 milts ago. All reasonable offers coneidered. Blayney. Hilton Hall, Prestwich,
Manchester. [8469 _ . ALVIS 12-131.P., 1934; rebuilt, rebottled. 1951. Excellent 4-seater sports body, also suitable family, fully weatherproof, wind-up evuedowe. New batteries, tyres. Heater, radio. windscreen washers. tonneau covers. Recently rebored. Fast, reliable, economi cal. Spare cylinder block available. Reluctant sale owing overseas posting. £185. “Red Lodge.” Portsmouth Road. Camberley, Surrey (weekends only), WORKSHOP CLEARANCE z Alvin 12/50 reconditioned starter, dynamo, £5 each. Halfehaft,
30s. Cooper-J.A.P. spares, cheap to clear : tanks. eproekette etc. Wheels, rebuilt, racing .19-in. Rudge, suit M.G., £3. Two new 4.75 by 19 Bluepeter remoulds. with tubes. E3 each. All items 100 per cent. Please, S.A.E. reply. Collect Or carriage. Twitten Orchard. Nutbourne Common, Pulborough /Tete West Chiltington 3259). M.G. MAGNETTE, N TYPE. Rebored, rigrici8it4n7d1
e. etc. Not run-in. Nearest £200. Woodhouse, e:. Itenumley Road, Almondbtary, Huddersifi8e417d3. FIAT SPECIAL, 1,100 c.c. Completely rebuilt. Aerodynamic aluminium body, cream. Red Dunlopillo upholetery. Stop and reverse lights. Twin wipers, spot, air horns. Fast. 35 m.p.g. Four-seater, boot. Nearly new tyres. £450. Tel.: 111V 7596. [8475 RILEY NINE, 1932, MONACO aluminium saloon, re-roofed and sprayed, nice condition. Ten months’
Insurance. £95. Tel.: Duckhurst 7398. (8476 MOO. O.N.O. R..1R. Silver Ghost, 1924.
Barker saloon. Rebuilt, re-registered 1950. Five excelleut tyres. Good mechanical condition. Write : ctn. 26, Thorneliffe Road, Norwood Green. Souit8114171, Middlcoex. ROLLS-ROYCE, 1924, low mileage, fixed.head coupe. Mechanically good. Paintwork poor. Box No. 6479. MOTOR Spore, 15, City Road, E.C.L. [8479
G.r. BUGATTI; TYPE 37, mphf. el Read-equipped. original order. Fast, economical and reliable. In daily use. 1300. Chorley. Webb’s Heath, Warmley, near Bristol. (8480
2150–EXCELLERT LEA-FRANCIS green tourer, 1931, fitted 1938 Hillman Fourteen engine and gearbox, 2. Malvern Road. Southampton.
RILEY NINE, 1932, ex-Monaco 4-door brake. (R84.8.1r rest convertible. Ideal competition tender. New tyres, dynamo rewound. Engine. transmission, overhauled last year, not gears, timing gears. Spare genre, rocker boxes. 270. !Tolland, 3, North Parade Barnet Ily-Proe. Hatfield, Herts. ALVIS FIREBIRD. Beautiful black sports saloon. Meehanically excellent. Oil eit: 26 m.p.g. £230, o.n.o. Sainebury. 9. Beatty Hall. Yarafteld. Stone, Staffs Tel.: Beatty Hall 262. [8483 2-LITRE LAGONDA, 1932. 2/3-eeeter. Excellent tyres, two sports. P.100s, etc. A very sound car. 2180, or exchange for small saloon. Brerichley, 16, St. Bride’, Close. Mager, Newport, Mon. 18485 LAGONDA 2-LITRF„ ex-blown. 1932, tourer. New hood and screens. Large chrome headlamps. etc. Four new tyres. Mechanical condition very good. Does a genuine 24 m.p.g. £160, o.n.o. Tel.: North 3666. 10-6 p.m. (not Thursdays). [8487 1950 M.G. TD. Polyehromatic green. beige leather. New maker’s, engine, all modifications, new Goodyear Eaeles. Whole car as new, an entitle:4.4’e car. 1595. Barnes. 97. Jackson Avenue, Littleover, Derbyshire. [8488
eteNeRET SCHNEIDER owner-driven 28-h.p. 7. passenger saloon. Incredible eondition. Original cost 52,000 upprox_ Safe. smooth, speedy, reliable. and of great distinction. Must br seen, words are inadequate. £200. London Curs, 592, Greenford Road. Grcenford. Middlesex. Tel.: WA Xlow 2643. [8490
1933 SINGER LEMANS 2.seater, in extellent rendition. Extras fitted int-hide Lucas, Bosch foglamps reverting and spot-lighte. Mellott-tries, de(roster, oil-roil. ream, tele-shockers. burnpert, Spare celinder head ineluded. All good tyres. Sen. eilde offers. please. Pepworth. Adeleide, near Ely. [8401