VW items
Sir, Next time you sit behind the wheel of a VW 1300 please look for the small lever which will release the passenger-seat squab whilst sitting in the driver's seat.…
I would like you to publish an invitation to anyone in the district to call round at the given address any time. Anyone who is interested in motoring sport will be welcome.
There is much to interest the enthusiast; many books on motor racing, catalogues, the motoring weeklies, and, of course, MOTOR SPORT, are displayed. I still have hopes of my wartime motor club being formed. At the moment I am running a 1931 B.S.A. O.H.V. V-twin
3-wheeler. Wishing W you every success, I am, Yours etc., 134, Heaton Moor Rd.,
L. GANDHI. Heaton Moor,
Stockport, Cheshire. [Please contact direct.—Ed.]