MATTERS OF MOMENT, November 1951
MATTERS OF MOMENT THE 36th INTERNATIONAL MOTOR SHOW, EARLS COURT The implications and aftermath of the. Earls Court Show remain, although it closed its doors a few days ago. It…
Sir, One reads so much now about changes in design that I thought the enclosed might interest you. It is a rough copy of design I made in 1981 and I see no reason to alter it except in minor details such as improved magneto, plugs and carburetters. You will note that it has independent front springing with wishbones and coils, and Bugatti rear springalso the dif. box is mounted on the chassis a la de Dion. The original had a smaller bore and longer stroke but recent in.vesti
gation into piston speeds caused me to alter this. Friends have tried to persuade me that a V12 short stroke engine revving up to 5,000 r.p.m. would be better, but I feel that one of the chief pleasures of a big car is a slow revving engine, even though the acceleration may be less vivid.
The great distance (20 in.) between pedals and seat is accounted for by the fact that I am 6 ft. 8 in. Gaining some idea of the weight is the most difficult thing I find but it should be possible to keep it down to 80 cwt. I feel certain that there is a market for a car of this type, for at Lewes the other day there were many old sports-cars which have no counterpart in modern cars. I was particularly charmed with two 3-litre Sunbeams, and an old Minerva. I am, Yours etc.,