A lession in ambition
Lewis Hamilton’s father Anthony knows how precarious the path to Formula 1 is, which is why he’s trying to educate young karters – and their parents By Rob Widdows World…
The supplementary regulations and entry form for the Eleventh International 200 Miles Race, to be organised by the J.C.C. at Brooklands on August 27th, have now been published.
This event was the first long-distance classic to be held in England, and was originally organised at Brooklands during the years 1921-1928. Principal points from the regulations include the following :
1. Racing-cars of any capacity may be entered.
2. Lady drivers are not eligible. 3. The race is a scratch event for all cars ; but a great similarity with early ” 200s ” is provided by the grouping of cars into three classes, for the purpose of Class Awards : (a) Up to 1,100 c.c. ; (b) Over 1,100 c.c., but under 1,500 c.c. ;
(c) Over 1,500 c.c. (Last year, the only grouping was Up to 1,500 c.c. and Over 1,500 c.c. The present inclusion of a 1,100 c.c. Class, with special prizes, will be an inducement to entrants of cars of this size.) 4. A feature of the race is the arrange
ment of prizes (total 4450 and trophies) : 1st, in each of the three classes— £75; 2nd, in each of the three classes-05. In addition, all competitors are eligible for the following cash awards, offered in connection with the race as a whole :
1st, £100; 2nd, 1;30 ; fird, 00.
The following trophies are offered : 1st in the race, ” T. B. Andre” Gold Challenge Trophy ; 1st in 1,500 c.c. Class, “The Motor” Trophy, value 05 (to be won outright).
5. The race will be over 88 laps of the Campbell Road Circuit (1 lap-2.267 miles. Total distance-199.64 miles).
6. Entries close July 18th.