Doing business with BMW
This month I want to tell you more about my work with BMW North America. My company – Rahal Letterman Racing, which I own along with television host David Letterman…
as against PROVED advertised is PERFORMANCE! fl; t.1
Individuality” has always been the keynote of Frazer Nash design, and it is actually a fact that the general specification can be considerably modified in many important respects to meet an owner’s individual requirements.
Because true individuality is a most attractive feature, other manufacturers are making the same claim, but in most cases without the slightest justification. We have adhered to our independent individuality in every direction—no proprietary parts are employed in the construction of the Frazer Nash—the new single o.h. camshaft engine, chassis frame, steering, transmission system, clutch, bevel unit, front axle layout, etc., are all Frazer Nash design ; while incidentally all bodies are now built by hand at our works. The prospective buyer of a sports car must feel in somewhat of a quandary when faced with so many conflicting claims, because it would appear from the average advertisement they all possess exclusively the finest acceleration and roadholding, greatest safety, and the highest maximum speed, etc. If he is buying on actual performance the problem is one easily solved. We suggest he tests all the cars in which he is interested ; endeavours to ascertain that the car he tries is not a special demonstration model ; does not rely upon the speedometer, but takes a stop watch with him, and, if possible, has the demonstration on wet or greasy roads. Further, we suggest he is guided in his decision by actual facts and figures, as opposed to florid advertising phrases. Space only permits us to give a few results, but at both Shelsley meetings last year Frazer Nashes won the 1,500 c.c class, a Frazer Nash was the only II-litre car, and the only English car, to complete the Alpine Trial without the loss of a mark ; an
” unblown” Frazer Nash averaged 89 m.p.h. in the 1933″ 500 Mile” Race, being one of only seven cars to finish out of 33 starters. Frazer Nash cars scored wins at every B.A.R.C. meeting last season in outer circuit and ” Mountain” races (flying lap 102.27 m.p.h., standing lap 88.89 m.p.h.,” Mountain” lap 68.6o m.p.h.—all nonsupercharged) ; while results of various speed trials and hill climbs prove that Frazer Nashes consistently win their class, and are frequently placed ist, 2nd and 3rd.
Of the sixty-three (63) English cars tested by The Autocar during 1933 (including the best known sports cars) the Frazer Nashes had the finest all-round performance, including best acceleration from to to 30 m.p.h., o to 50 m.p.h. (Ilk seconds), and o to 6o m.p.h. (ratios 11.75, 7 to I, 4.8 and 3.8).
Turning to timed maximum speeds, apart from the Frazer Nash figures (87.38 m.p.h. and 86.54 m.p.h. for the ” six” and ” four ” respectively), only two other cars exceeded 85 m.p.h.—the 40-50 h.p. “Phantom II” Continental RollsRoyce (92.31 m.p.h.) and the Talbot ” 105 ” Speed model (88.23 m.p.h.) top gear ratio 4.36. Finally, if there is one thing which makes a vivid impression on a new owner, or anyone who has a run in a Frazer Nash, it is the conviction of absolute safety under any conditions ; due, of course, to the fact that the Frazer Nash was from the very first designed primarily as a” safe ” car, in marked contrast to many modern sports cars which are unsafe at above a certain limit and under certain conditions.
May we say in conclusion that this advertisement has been issued only to point out the above facts to those interested, in contrast to certain manufacturers claims which are not supported by such conclusive proof. FIVAZEIP INA.811-1 CAUS • Isurwcu-ru Mmuurstx. • Illoussucw 0011 S 0012