1st. Grand Prix de L’A.C.F. France.
6th-7th. M.C.C. Reliability Trial.
7th. B.A.R.C. Inter Club Meeting.
8th. Course pour Voitures de Seine.
8th. Grand Prix de la Marne. 14th. Derby & D.M.C. (Prop.) Ltd. Race Meeting
14th-I5th. Women’s A. & S.A. Reliability Trial.
15th, Grosser Preis of Germany. Germany.
2Ist-22nd. 2,000 Km.-Fahrt. Germany.
22nd. Brighton & Hove M.C. Drewitt Trial.
22nd. Course de Cote du Gaisberg. Austria.
22nd. Circuit de Dieppe. France.
22nd. Circuit de Montenero-Coppe Ciano. Italy.
28th. United Hospital & U. of L.M.C. Reliability Trial.
29th. Grand Prix de Belgique. Belgium.
29th. Course de Cote de Poetschen. Austria.
3rd-4th, Mid Surrey A.C. London-Barnstaple Trial.
4th. Southport M.R.C. Sand Race Meeting.
5th. Course de Cote du Klausen.
5th. Grand Prix d’Ete.
5th. Grand Prix Automobile du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg.
6th. B.A.R.C. Bank Holiday Meeting.
7th-I2th. Coupes des Alpes.
1th. United Hospitals and U. of L.M.C. Hill Club.
2th. Grand Prix Automobile de Nice. France.
2th. Grand Prix de la Baule. France.
2th. larga Abruzzo. Italy.
5th. Coupe Acerbo. Italy.
8th. Derby and Dist. M.C. (Prop.), Ltd. Race Meeting.
Donington Park.
9th. Grosser Bergpreis von Deutschland.
9th. Grand Prix de Marseille.
26th. Kent and Sussex L.C.C. Lewes Spud Trials.
26th. Grand Prix de Suisse. Switzerland.
26th. Course du Stelvio. Italy.
26th-1st Sept. Rally d’Alsace. France.
3Ist-Ist R.A.C. J.T. Race.