Motor Sport Classified Advertisement Section
HEAD OFFICES: 39, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.1 Telephone: VICTORIA 5218 Rates (prepaid) per line
(minimum 3 lines).
CLOSING DATE first post on the 23rd of the month, for publication on the 1st of the following month.
ALFA-ROMEO. -LITRE Supercharged Alfa Romeo, fitted with 2extremely handsome 2-3-str. sports open body by Young, of Bromley, finished in black and chromium, chromium plated wheels and brake drums,
practically new condition.—Box 45, do MOTOR SPORT.
1.CT U AL Team Car I 930-1:nblown Austin 7. Only Registered 18 months. Expert overhaul January last and as new throughout. 58 in second. R ochester R oad,. Coventry. Speed—Power—Efficiency
” MARTLET ” Pistons were fitted in Mrs. Stewart ‘s Derby Miller. Mile and Kilo Records, Over 143 m .p.h . Brooklands Engineering:ro., Ltd., The Paddock,
Brooklands Track. Weybridge.
‘Phone: W eybridge 489.
t45BUGATTI 11.9 Brescia, smart all-weather r body by Young’s, gunmetal finish, completely overhauled last summer, battery replated, very good tyres.—Box 49, C/O MOTOR SPORT.
BUGATTI, Genuine 1930 11-1itre type 40 Grand Sports 4-seater, carefully used, small mileage, exceptionally fast, first-class condition throughout. 6185.—Apply Box A511, C/0 MOTOR SPORT.
1 927 DIMAGE DE LUXE, 21 h.p. tourer. In excellent condition ; very fast. £50.— Central Motor Institute, Pi nchley Road,Iltunpstead, .W .3. FRAZER NASH
FRAZER NASII Cars, Falcon Works, London Road, Isleworth (Hounslow 3172 have for disposal a number of reconditioned cars.—Full particulars on application. LEA-FRANCIS 192 Q 12-50 h.p. Brooklands Lea-Francis in
excellent condition, new tyres, wire wheels, (6), vacuum brakes, twin carburetters, leather upholstery, two-colour blue cellulose of extremely pleasing appearance, very fast. £75.— Box 41, C/0 MOTOR SPORT.
LEA-FRANCIS 1929 series 12-40 h.p. 2-seater sports, excellent condition, mechanically perfect, 50 guineas.—Box 49, c/o MOTOR SPORT.
m. MAGNA, 1932, 12 h.p., sports 4-seater, all green, exceptional condition. Taxed. 139 gus.—F.O.C.H.,Ltd., 3/5, Heath St., N .W.3. Hampstead 2215/6. Open Sunday mornings.
SUPERCHARGER. riOZETTE Supercharger off 11 litre Lea-Francis
drive, pipes, and carburetter, etc. Oil tank. Completely overhauled and perfect. £15 or near of-fen—Cain, Riisebank House, Ramsbottom, near Manchester.
IATANTED.—Car with front wheel drive or engine and front wheel drive. Must be reasonable.— Reid, Victoria Garage, 139, Newhaven Road, Leith.
DUBLIC-SCHin +1, man, 23, experienced driver and mechanic, live years’ banking training, desires post, preferably combining duties of secretary and chauffeur.—Box A101, c/o ‘MOTOR SPORT.
BROUGH SUPERIOR. 00n c.c. Tuned Brough-Superior engine (recent u f:12 overhaul), used by Mr. Bolster in his Shelsley Special, in a motor cycle frame. Easy 100 m.p.h. 1;25. Consider separating.—Box S 102, c/o