Mario's Hudson
Sir, Please allow me to point out a minor glitch in your thoroughly admirable and absorbing piece (June 1994) on Mario Andretti. I think the Hudson Mr Andretti began his…
It was a very pleasant article in your magazine, on the Metallurgique, that very old Belgian car. In fact, my father bought for the enormous sum of 5.000 francs the first car ever made by Metallurgique, used for the tests and tuning up. He always boasted that he had spent more time under the car than driving it. The only time the car did run very well was on top of a hill with a railway crossing at the bottom. It ran clear through it.
As for myself, the oldest car I have driven was a 1914 Metallurgique tourer owned by one of my priest professors. When I was 18, he took me with him to celebrate Mass in a small neighbouring village and let me drive. What a treat! A AREDNT Coutisse, Belgium