Coming of age
The Editor is a modest man, and it is no surprise that the article “Brooklands Society Comes of Age” (Motor Sport, November 1988) makes no reference to the success of what he started 21 years ago when he suggested the formation of this limited company.
The Society’s task is to preserve Brooklands as it was up to 1939 and, in particular, to save the Motor Course, the first structure of its kind in the world. To this end volunteers spent much time clearing the track of debris, while the Society has done everything possible to preserve its many remaining parts. Brooklands driver Kenneth Evans and our architects have worked, and continue to work, through the local, county and national governmental bodies involved to save the Motor Course from further destruction and the recent Government decision that the central area shall be Green Belt is a great step forward.
The Society, now numbering nearly 2000 members, has achieved a great deal under most difficult conditions and is giving its full support to the Brooklands Trust under the authority of which it is hoped that part of this world-famous place will be again opened to the public where drivers, pilots and riders all made transport history not only on and over the track but around the world.
KR DAY, Brooklands Society Weybridge, Surrey