Emerson Fittipaldi: The best car of my career
"The Lotus 72 was such an important car for me –definitely the best car of my career. I have driven it recently at the Goodwood events and it still feels…
Solihull sulks
I write to you with some suggestions as to why BL do not sell the same number of cars as their competitors,
I purchased a new Rover 26005 in March of this year, I was promised by the dealer that a letter would come from BL within the next 30 days giving me details of my supercover fc,r the second Year. Yes, you have guessed no letter came, and -after repeated requests to my dealer I have still had no letter giving me my second year’s option and it is now November. As to the car itself it was delivered with the following faults:
I. Sunroof required realigning as paint was scuffing on internal components.
2. One sidelight not working, faulty wiring.
3. Excessive wind noise around nearside front window.
4. The delay action on windscreen wipers was not working. The above I know are minor problems but in my opinion should not be there on acne costing nearly £9,500. Two months have elapsed and the following problems have to be rectified:
I. New thrust bearing in clutch.
2. New windscreen wiper motor.
3. New throttle return spring.
4. Realign exhaust heat reflection shield.
5. New discs.
6. Realign hand brake cable.
The above are not minor problems, and when this month it is being fitted with a new servo unit and the steering needs to be tightened, one starts to wonder what else will go wrong, especially in the second and possibly the third year if I can afford to keep it that long when I might have to start paying for repairs. Incidentally mileage is only 10,000 miles, and I must say hike Rover sense of humour in putting in a mileometer that reads to 999,000 miles. Who do they thing they are kidding? Hopefully your excellent magazine which I have been reading for 17 years now, can offer some solution to why BL produces problem cars. My friends just laugh at me and say “Well you bought BLS”
After reading about my problems would you buy a Rover? and please BL what about my supercover? Preston, Lancs. PAULO. HINDLE The editorial Rover has covered some 70,1661 reliable miles so far, but did suffer some teething troubles early in its life. — Ed.1