Preserving the status quo
DSJ looks at fake cars I cannot remember how long ago it was that I had a "tick" about a fake racing car that was built and was passed off…
A 1951 Mk VI Bentley
I have been a subscriber to MOTOR SPORT for 14 years and have had much pleasure in perusing its pages.
Could I please use a little of your space to try and find some information about my car, its mileage and other history. It is a 1951 SS saloon Mark VI Bentley bought from W. M. Coupers in St. Albans, presumably in 1951. The chassis number is B358 MD and the engine number BM 179. The engine is the 4,566 c.c. full-flow version; the car has a standard gearbox, a sunroof, was black in colour with red and white pin-stripes. and has dark red upholstery with the rather unusual feature of a front bench seat; most were of the bucket type. The car was later sold to a young music teacher who took it to New Zealand in 1963, 1964 or thereabouts. I have owned it for the past 15 years. It is still a going concern.
Sedgwick. Alberta ROBIN PATTERSON [Letters can he forwarded -Ed.’