In Perspective


As a regular reader of your magazine since 1959, I must say how refreshing it was to read the letters in the December edition of Motor Sport from Patrick Harrington and Lester Holding concerning police traffic patrols and the motorist. Over the years numerous letters have been published in your columns on this subject and despite your disclaimer that “The Editor does not necessarily associate himself with the opinions expressed,” these letters have in the vast majority of cases been somewhat anti police. Is this because the silent majority don’t write on this subject or do their letters perhaps not accord with your viewsand therefore, generally, not get published? I have often pondered this point.

As a police traffic inspector and having served some ten years on a traffic department carrying out various duties, I find the letters you print on this subject very interesting. I have often been tempted to write to you after reading some of the views expressed, some of which appear very prejudiced and not at all objective. I would add that I run an MG-B and am a local area secretary of the MG Owners’ Club. So I am in close contact with motoring enthusiasts and always try and view this, subject in an objective light. As Lester Holding implies in his letter, the majority of traffic laws are essential for everyone’s safety. ‘Fake for example speed limits. These can not be done away with, since we do not live in the ideal world and many motorists wouldnot tailor their speed to the prevailing conditions without them. These are my own personal views and I would urge that this somewhat emotive subject is kept in perspective. Thank you for a fine magazine and long may it prosper.