The Swedish Rally
The quality of a restaurant may often be judged by the number of its patrons, or the popularity of an airline by its occupied seats, but to use patronisation level alone as…
Over 7,000 InentberS and associate members have already joined the 13.R.M. Association, I he majority through the 200 branches located in 42 counties in Great Britain. Overseas branches include two with the Occupation Forces in Germany, one with the M.E.A.F., one in Abadan, two in South Afriea and one in Holland.
Branches, wIdelt are voluntarily organised, serve us ft)eid pointa for B.R.M. supporters and will be kept regularly supplied with progress reports on the 11.1t.M. project. Dances and other social functions are being organised by many branchs vommit tees, all with the object of developiug loyal interest in the BALM.
Support this national effort by joining your Mare:it bratich—mIttress of lion. Seeretary on application. Officials of sports and social dubs are invited to organise BALM. branches amongst their nunithers. Full information from 13.12.M. Association, 113, Park Street, London,
IV„1, At■lair 8240.
The East Anglian M.C. is organising a small champagne rally to Annecy next July, to ci eincide. with the D’ Evian Itally through lite French tIp u. Nonmenthers may be nide to part idistte.
Details front : R. N. Clarkson. The Chase, Halstead, Essex.