YES—urgently ! John W. Whalley will pay GOOD PRICES for real ,,,,00d ciriss modern small-mileage (arc Biiiii”OPiAvitfathifFORD

JOHN W. 11H ml AND FORDSON DEALER FOR SALE HILLMAN Spares and Repair Specialists. Ito conditionol wines anti ChaSS6 COMIX114•111`.1. LargP stocks of new and secondhand sparos for Fourteens.RIanehtlowers. The tor Peotile,” Kettering. Phone GEN 1:1N It: short -chassis 1931 i ea Ill seven :Atoll. Very poor condition. The 01(1% hort-ohassis with coupled brakes and interchange:tide (See Rept. MoTott Se4)u’r.1 Ideal t,;r–,i.; for Largo crank, Pair

t■,,res,t, Nfallock. ‘fed 411,4%1’1 In it R. C. ROWLAND MOTORS of BYFLEET, SURREY Telephone 270 Sports and Racing Car Specialists in Peacetime, now fully engaged on work of National Importance, look forward to the day when we can give your requirements our undivided attention. in the meantime, we have a small stock of specially selected cars for sale which

may be seen and tried by appointment. Advertisement Offices : 54, BLOOMSBURY STREET, BEDFORD SQUARE, W.C.I Telephone : MUSeurn 0522 RATES (prepaid) I/3 per line Minimum 3 lines 6 Words to line Copy required by 20th of the month PI X, LTD.. 222, Gt. Portland Street, t, him. a ,ttleet ion of stins for sale. Com pctitivi, prive4.. Eust on:)(177, pr it kr,ss nil*, r a (F ,Pvelal low-mileaszt. Cum, his boo nost litvishly equipped flint improved hy its tale ownt r. First re,zish red .1t112.. 1937. aii,t unused ,tince 1939 : it Its 1)1411 lirouvlit

up-to-date %tit t he lati r modifications, 01 III,. nut (hi Justio• tit IllIS tmtmatist litir ith) I-1141111W hils 111411 Ill’alit111)11′, lint l’r IS TSPELIEVARLY CLEAN for its Ilan.. Special features include sunshine roof and

no-driliez.lit ventilation. (Illn 11(1111 11111111)S. (.1(•I•I (+ Wk.. 111111I-111 l’■11Ii() 11 WI eit.VIrif• Va41111111 gear-ehalige. All five I yres nearly ne‘v. The .1 Ot..11’lli says of I his hlOt,lllui: •• Exceptional average tittles arc pir,siblo. for this car has no speed that can be called a crin,it.i.. rate. lid h., virtually as happy at 1 full 4t(as at tin m.p.h. hits road list. $tivcs a maximum of 93. l’rice 1,4

Carlton Avenue Eas.1. ‘Ve1111th’Y 11tNold 11162 ; and 1. Brentlield ltoad. Ilarksdon. VILips,14.11 3417.

SALE. CI:dit re Bentley, first 1927, retail!! 1941. with Le Mans-type 2 .1-scider body. Vory ttooil rtninitl z. erdt r htougliont. As.ailable for ilenittie:t ration. Price ■.:2ti(i, I ‘arlton Avenue 1:ast.11.eitifilo. Bark. .1rtiold

:Intl I. [trent field Road, U mitsui 11. 1Villesden :’.117. vt)li SALE. .111 option unit y occur, It> purchase one of I he latest and the lastpAt hart! speciaI,, Thls car has done under .7i,000 links altogether, and

hits Convours d’Elogatiee limisIt. ‘I, 0,-. N. 12,..;.

luTmmuSPtuct. 21. City lei E.C.1.

–TYPE 11.G. for Sale. 1931. oilers ar„tind Lis hits. I ‘an he seen at Mark’s Garage, iI mhlhui. (mm mitt alt.

I) ISM A STUNG 2)10 mars, all parts Olean Albert. M(11.1,-:„Alla’rt: Avenue. Albert Square, Clapham It 11111′ 01. nil, :1256. COP tilt /ei fi lit itert coltfthor

‘PO E 11, , r!; 1.11 hi, _1 n.1 oral. , 1111-1 1021. Soul for list. Box No. 12(1. Nlirror, SPORT, 21, City

FMim)res’ “111iY-111″t Vci.41 .siigir}r (‘al. Short witco.iJase im front axle, narrow lea track. Imil d -1-tarb. elmiIim.Lf.I.:111/0X, t.It’,, RoX NI). 127, Mirrotir

Snot:T. Cit y Road. E.C.1. WANTED

ASPO ICES CA 15. •I’. .1 ‘I’. iiiierosted It ill good , Is (‘at,-. it Taylor ( Brooklands) ‘Ltd., Porl,smoitth I ‘uhilimimim. LL types VIII .011’ sports eats iir2;ently wanted by T. P. Brill), Ltd.. High Road. Whetstone. N.20. [‘hone : ilkit le 2393. CHARLES FOLLETT LIMITED Will always pay top cash prices for really first-class low-mileage second-hand cars of

all types. Showroom : IR BERKELEY STREET, W.I Mayfair 6266 Service, Works & Stores : 124 King Street, Hammersmith,W.6. Riverside 1413,