Speed in transport and speed in sport have become integral features of modern life, and the new edition of ” The Book of Speed ” reveals the sleek, smooth linos which give a beauty of their own to present-day liners, aeroplanes and racing cars. There are, in all, 150 photographs, many of them full page, reproduced in photogravure, while the text is supplied by numerous well-known experts amongst them Major de Havilland, Stainforth, Captain Eyston, Sir Malcolm Campbell and Mr. Hubert Scott-Paine. Barre Lyndon contributesa chapter on

” The Pace in 1935,” while the NapierRailton, Eyston’s Speed of the Wind, Mrs. Stewart’s Derby and ‘other record breakers of the year are pictured in full flight.

” The Book of Speed ” (five shillings) is published by 13. T. Batsford, Ltd.