The Bugattisti are nothing if not individual and this year returned with great success to the aristocratic venue of Claridge’s Hotel for their sixth annual dinner and dance. Unfortunately Monsieur Le Patron was unable to attend, being much busied at the present time with work in connection with Bugatti rail-cars, while the Earl Howe, President of the Club, was then on the way to the South African Grand Prix with his 3.3litre car. Formal speech-making was therefore dispensed with and, after Colonel Giles had proposed the King, Colonel Sorel, genial representative in England of the Molsheim factory, undertook to distribute the prizes won by members during the year. The Victor Ludorum for the highest all-round performance was a gift from M. Bugatti and took the form of a silver model of a 2.3-litre racing car. It was won by Mr. K. W. Bear who drove a specially-built 3.3-litre Bugatti. Other winners of premier awards were R. 0. Shuttleworth, S. E. Cummings, who made fastest time at Lewes on the old Villiers Supercharge, J. K. W. Baines success in all the

and Robert Strang who competed with speed events. (Hudson Century)

Dancing, a super-conjurer, and a brace

of entertainers concluded a successful evening.