The Morris Minor in the Groove
Sir, I have noticed in your columns (and others) frequent reference to the excellent handling of the post-war Morris Minor car. Whilst I agree that the handling is better than…
Printed by WiGHTIVIAN & Co., LTD., Regency Street, London, S.’W.I, and Published by the Proprietors, MOTOR SPORT (1929)
LTD., 39, Victoria Street, London, S 1. Agents for Australasia : GoaDoN & GOT( li (Australasia), LTD. Copies obtainable and subscriptions received bv W. H. SMITH & SON, 248, Rue de Rivoli, l’aris ; and W. H. SMITH & SON, 78, Rue Clu Mareh-aux-Herbes, Brusselles, Belgium.