One of the most original forms of car mascot to be introduced is the “Flying Mascot” which MOTOR SPORT readers will no doubt have noticed on many vehicles recently. This new mascot is an exact reproduction of a sea swallow, and as soon as the car begins to move the wings rise and fall in a most realistic manner, the movement never rising in frequency beyond a certain point, no matter how high is the speed of the car. This realism is heightened by the fact that any reduction in speed causes the wings to stop,
outstretched, in a gliding angle.
The “Flying Mascot” is entirely British made, and its working parts are entirely enclosed and made of casehardened steel. It is sold in two sizes, and sells at E4 4s. and E2 12s. 6d. by Flying Mascots Ltd., 199 Piccadilly, W.1.