Obituary – Barrie Maskell
A front-running Formula 3 racer for many years, Barrie Maskell has died at the age of 75. The Yorkshireman competed in F3 from 1967 until the mid-1970s, but never had…
The New Laws.
THOSE of us who have taken the trouble tonook at our new driving licences, will have been forcibly reminded by the heading “Road Traffic Act 1930” that we are now entering on a new era in the history of motoring. In this country, more than any other, has the progress of motoring in all its aspects been hindered and restricted by out-of-date and prejudiced legislation. For some time we have been promised revised laws to suit modern conditions, and as the new regulations now come into force it is a good time to consider, without much hope however, how we are now affected, and what improvements, if any, are to be introduced. There are, without doubt, some new regulations which were much needed,
and which are sensible, but in the main the new laws seem to have matured in an atmosphere. of prejudice, affected by a fear that any concession to motorists must be counterbalanced by some heavy restrictions.
Various new offences have been defined, and heavier penalties than before made legal for many others.
Therefore, the motorists’ great hope lies in the administration of the laws, rather than in their substance. If they are used as the old laws have been used, it will be only too easy for some comparatively trivial oversight, or a witness Ignorant of motoring conditions, to land one in gaol.
However, in the past decade the great spread of motoring in this country should have educated those in whose hands is the power of the law, to judge accurately and without prejudice, so that the real offender, whose incompetence and false confidence are so dangerous, may be eliminated without interfering with more reasonable citizens. And so, although at first sight, we appear to have stepped out of the frying pan into the fire, the fact that motoring has become a national necessity as well as a great national industry, should protect us in some measure. At the same time all wise motorists will behave with particular circumspection while the new regulations are settling down, until they know just
crippling monopoly, should remember that the cornpetition between insurance companies, always keen, will now be even keener with the increase in business, and this will be another protection against the exploiting of the motorist. At first sight, perhaps, the new conditions may seem uninviting, but we feel that there is no need to fear that they will fail to adjust themselves, and will finally be of benefit to all motorists who show consideration for their fellow road-users.
how they will be interpreted. In the matter of compulsory insurance the wording of the act is rather vague, but those who visualise any