Anna Pauker
Your usually outstandingly accurate editor has for once got his wires more than somewhat crossed. The redoubtable “Anna Pauker” 3-litre Le Mans Type (but not one of the competing cars) Chenard-Walcker, is still very much with us, although she no longer belongs to me. In 1966 I gave it, with some other cars, to my eldest son, who maintains them. So where the story about the car being offered on loan came from, I don’t know.
There are at least two other 3-litre “Le Mans” Chenards still around. Serge Pozzoli has one, which looks as if it might have been one of the actual Le Mans cars, in his marvellous, incomplete collection. Another, unrestored, in pretty rough condition, turned up some years ago at the Smith Auction in Sussex. I last heard of it being restored somewhere in the Chobbam area. I have a great affection for the old Chenard. In the difficult post-war years she, coupled with my wife’s supercharged GP Bugatti, was our sole transport. Moreover, the photograph, taken circa-1949, which you were kind enough to publish, has put me in touch with the grandson of the original owner who has given me interesting details of its history.
[Memory is a funny thing and they say it can play tricks. I can only say that I remember clearly the offer of the Chenard Walcker, which answered to the name “Anna Pauker”, according to Bunty, being generously offered by him to the Transport Trust, from the back of the hall, either at its inaugural meeting, or more likely, at a meeting to propose the formation of such a Trust; just prior to this Lord Montagu of Beaulieu had, from the platform, offered it the 350 h.p. V12 racing Sunbeam. I was wondering if these offers were accepted—Ed.]