Cars, Stars and Stripes
ROB WIDDOWS - DISPATCHES I WONDER WHAT HE WAS THINKING ABOUT WHEN HE LOOKED out of his bedroom window just after dawn on Friday July 1. Along the landing from…
The following are, to date, the rallies due to take place later this year at the Montagu Motor Museum. The annual Veteran and Vintage Car Auction Sale takes place on July 3rd.
April 11th .. Bean C.C. Rally.
April 11th .. Show Biz C.C. Rally.
April 25th .. Mercedes-Benz C.C. Rally.
June 6/7th .. Traction Engine Rally.
June 20th .. Citroën C.C. Rally.
July 4th .. V.S.C.C. Rally.
July 4th .. 750 M.C. Austin Seven Register Rally.
Sept. 19th .. M.G. Triple-M C.C. Rally.
April 18th .. Veteran Cycle Rally.