THE BELGIAN 10 HOURS RACE. In place of the usual 24 hours race for sports cars the Belgian Automobile Club this year decided to hold a 10 hour event, starting…
(2. — Restricted Event. C. Closed Rend
4th.—Ilagley & Dist. M.C. C.I. Trial. Clee Hills.
Hefts County A. & A.C. C.I. Spring Trial, Chilterns.
Kent ish Border C.C. C. Trial. Kent.
York-hire Sports C.C. C. Trial.
at hers:dale.
PI mind h M.C. C. Trial, Devon.
9th.Scottish Sporting C.C. C. Rally, Glasgow.
C.C. (Scottish) C. Trial, B. Lothian.
Bristol MC. & L.C.C. C. Trial, Mendips. iii h. ti,,itt Isca M.C. C.I. Trial, Petersfield
140104. & Cheshire C.C. C. Trial, Cheshire.
. Hants & Dorset C.C. C. Trial, Dorset. Maidstone & Mid-Kent M.C. C. Trial, Charing, Closet Imitation Event. A
1 Ith..—Chiltern Car Club C. Trial, Chilterns.
Birmingham U.A.C. C. Trial, Worcs.
Loughborough Coll. M.C. C. Trial. 17th.—Riley M.C: (London) C. Rally. E. Counties M.C. C. Trial. Suffolk. I.*Ister A.C. C. Trial, N. Ireland. Vintage S.C.C. C. Rally, Bislev. 17th/1 ath.—-Petertioro’ M.C. C.1. Night Trial, “Fountain,” Bleteldcy, 10 p.m.
lath.-Tunbridge Wells M.C. C.I. Trial, Tonbridge.
Sheffield & Hallam. M.C. C.
Sporting Trial, lierlrysliire. Rhyl & 11.M.C. C. Trial. Lothian C.C. C. Half-Day Trial,
Blackpool & Fylde M.C. C. Trial, Yorkshire.
Furness & D.M.C. C. Sporting Trial, Furness.
Cemian M.C. C. Trial, Mid Kent.
&eat. I. internahoaa/ kaaa.
lath.–Rochdale & D.M.C. C. Trial, Lancaahire.
24t1t.—West of England M.C. C.1. Spring Trial, S. Devon.
Cheltenham M.C. C. Trial. S. Cotswolds.
N. Ireland M.C. C. Trial, Londonderry.
Scot t ish S.C.C. C. Half-Day Trial.. Fife and Kinross. 25t h.-N. London Both. C.C. C.I. Trial, Hertford-Ware, N. Midland M.C. C.I. Kitching
Trophy Trial. Derbyshire. Coventry & Warwick M.C. C.
Spring Trial. ( ‘oven! ry.
Leicester C.( C. I, I Welsh Counties c.C. C. Trial.
Nottingham S( C. c. Derbysh ire,
Plymouth M.C. C. Trial, Devon. Severn Valley M.C. C. Triai, Wrekin.
Gosport A.C. C. Trial, Cosi .011 .