4.,„.„„„•,, ,taltilia .611. Takit,g ,itni.-1; poll or hal( a dozen compel’ Iti‘S than foul,t ha, the votalerstil moat pat on it,„ s,„1 *1111, ,va!:1111•IitlifrAY

a SI ‘”.r,i rh. iniri tai.sor. Thi,, year it was. Mit el. mum, ni past Mar eNaell), nal Vauxhall 1.1 provesA01, raagirg. from the ,.111,1itoo in the form ,I Nillo• NVraith that, iiisteall ,it te-1…0,ed M., it rhristioa.: tree. had all it, rally litho:it’d_ to the 4.?er WaA a itii.. f.r-ro Jriv,r, 1.3 11,-Ti its in %%into nVilTillri Yin” driN rim ii.r 011, 111″atli and 111101(11.: \*in. Vood 1,, .S11.11 W41111112 eh:4% I ar-, Ti,,’ lit) %von got,orall I, lalt I toma thal I tla, 1.. iv•tv lank io.n, in ilnin,, cal ni ,tittit’lin’Ti lib tliT• intid T TIr 1.wo-W113 Imve Plow hot t?-r oil lak<•11 oat the uphol.dery c.ver I ho pam.14 II I 'Mild IltiTII IiICI?Or., I 1:rinit-ly ,:everal poop', t,11,0,g1.., starling this year W:Ls a grey I...gond:1 tIlard am' ti•ity NVarlimi,,,, were drivinga,, !• •:7 var. ..rie rite e•loim...I tilt!' a s1a11 .!1 '?• ••' :•• "1 r.-_ .1 Mail pride ot• i•ovi-7, of .1 Hard, Ii ?,:trlit-r type. There were ith,o !iii initNinioliiitilY ls,11 I a-, Aiming other .. n 1.,a-Fragek .1 I that 0( • , I• • made groat. the I tutch•

I WIT.1 •T “W. 7 I Istam a 1…J:train…Ili…I’ W 10/ 1111,1, Mark VI 144,0′,. car. far 1114,41 U44,1110 01 hail /HT aVr. hi 4,03 1.1 A,ort time. it ‘,pined, es ery me ri,,,. in. let,thig oral e:irs iiL?10..10,01a; .11)al threarlaWd wo111,1 Hot I ‘Map (11/1V11 On 01,111. ‘111.• Oaf ZI, alls1 all .111ald 1,e0igiril 15,t ler Mal Peter th.lallS, b Ifni. system ni s•Nnehrimi,ed they hope, enable them to do tvitiima titio•Vel VI. Then the Ila liy, lb/M.41ln illtlIftt4 in I, sport must In, 13111 MT’ ITT, now,ii, t:/a?•.,.a.ii • a, •gollalia less ttaitel, or II :[,,, nin 0,1 T


(.1 11.1 T nn tin’ 11.111,. Hit liii Tli’t a I I I I/his Init,o1,1 nil the srarter,„ t;oni 1.1.isgms , I :11 :1, I:, IlltomnII, being from sideop III finial), aid tracrii 4 ,loei at imiet,. III OW I, e’,11t111LICIII ,1111 ,II/t 11111311On Lauder ‘It a 1:’,. dor \”1411,I1.111 and III III`f I A1,111,), I ;,,,,IffeY (1(1.:il, a / rind 0ta Nlorris. ‘,lite other-. ottly -.1arte(I. Mit all rearlied leolkostomi Imagli Nelwa, If arra; l’ord Pilot, delayed Ir.> lighting &ally ga there in time, sailed in saanhita• at tt quarter-of-ail-hour bp.fr.,re mat ni Itooloime all the Val-, Wi,ri` 111110:nit-II imeNa.mViiily awl wen passed through the Fr,meli ClIS,tilf11,, %WY T•tiiinlititni,IN. Alt,. Allard mai her eroiv hail shllt sotaid(i. erossileg. At Itoakigoe. Marray (Itri-tol) on-ditty ” iti the Iniek ol Vamniard. m.ore amongst tirotatse,1 drive. In nod coffin,’ at o 1 . 1,kixoniliotirr,

perliap hr a •111 1.01′. 1111. 10111),IP tilat in,r,`,1 1,1 I?vvrain. in m.p.h., hut fn, Earn, Wintl• had Mir:1,1,rd at1,01011 NI had ,fralled it hotore embarking.. Mita* Scaimell earriotl ”’it their plan 14 haViliTi. their ROHS 1.TO’T lloChantal lo Tmattlet_ arm mg redo., I ill rantinDie Pa tin. i’T nil inisiTtnin.nd inn Nilosrt, r, of the rompel um., aim…it, ti ITT HS,’ Town nniln thmuith

or roma! I maim,. hul tha,, follouing the It.A.C. roan, %tell loario,1 in,, tta4 the Nair, route. to Proti•et, led hy a non , Ilyde Cortier :0 ..1..ei1 At ititorvals thereafter came Vatiguard. 1ttstia from. th,, .lit eel ii,, ul ibea

Garrad awl Pearinalt, [1111/1ilig 10;e111,1′ alai crisp of Xi ills) iii, ikek’s Allard. Barslay’s ravish’, liroolrinan’s ii tern AA’. saloon, Reel:nem’, Jaewir, Murphie’s Hunran. Healey coupe whiell had d leielate ill stopping at the Park Line teat.. lights, LeaNains’ Javelin. ;old the team et three radioequipped Itillmauul lix ill formation. The route through mu ilium was easily tolliared *Ltd eloinpvl itorS lInt t1111111g11 at a rousing speed, police e3r.; tak 111+4 hut he slit4hI es!. wale, A ValliCaal’41 IlliSa..41 a hailing near Peekham. leit ire were follow ing ie the Nlorris and pm the driver rielit. Indeed, everywhere enthusiasm was at a high level. probably ‘I u. to Ole exeelletit. coverag, 111tordial liy the 11..B.c. II,Voliaitally, needing a tasi car to keep UV WI’. I, 11 What d theihichy dies,. a. Allard Coitpc. 3 I ribut., to that exedlent eat 01,0, did not go mewl Wed. At Candwre ell Green a polleeman less on pant (hit y and waved the cars on with gxeat %ea Imsiasni. Th4, Clifton Service Station On the ;seism) tiy.euss again laid ui, heal-boxes for all the creepetiters, free sandwieles and mace, and rapid retnellieg faritities whist, were mud% seer, elated awl mete use of by the majority of tlw competitors. Bete, too, really hie erowds colleeted as the parked ears ‘,stifled. carter’s ‘Vauxhall seemed to have brake fade and seine %.%1 the Fent Pilots seemed In drink lets of Of tleuimmilslmil lit! huts :cud hiddentally closed bodyw..rIc ia now insisted Opal ill tile !Ii.conte Carlo Itally the works ” Javelins laud twin high.se. Litess sET sees sp. d Sumps, holders on the fade for Iwo wateles. kilometre speedometers and bolus %lulled in t heir ‘his’ wheels. One had ir maptable tor t passonger and %Vise’s car a roof-mounted searchlight, while the Itilkier’l:lementaski proved almost tintseirai ay. well heated it haul thermometers inside ;old eetsids the windscreen. Th, left. (hive, rear-wished Hum:nets lee! -well-padded liceolrests for the front out passenger. while I.eotiard Potter’s Allard had no fewer than eight forwardfacing lamps, instituting two emivergine steal:imps,

while complex stop-doeks ‘CO.’% mounted near the steerlies eolumn.

GavsetCs Dad Ten lied an It):1 rut, elkin-shod. spare wheel en its higgage boot lid, licilisley’s II lIllIan a Palle 011 it.liar Miniver. while Franklin’s beautiful 41-lit-re Lagotela had very powerful lights. Robinson’s Javelin had trapdoors In its Kenai(‘ to direct tel air (A) the screen, It cece’s Ford Pilot had a chain-shod eparmu wheel in its roe( luggage racks-reef luggage ranks were not so evident. this year, however and the new none In 4%1, Notek apotlampa were very popular. I sill’s Sineer s. M. ” 1,500 ” saloon using two, as, well as a Lisns spot lamp mounted (in the near-aide screen pilkir, mid Ta vim s Arinstrong-Siddeley 000 new Notek. The younaest driver a.:IS taunter. hi white overalls, and a pre-war Morris Tell saloon with cardboard shield on its steal:one and its rear plaque resting inside the rear window. Zetter’s Allard carried its luggage in an %men ilk-key, Illautrieren’s fine had a battered liallye plaque but showed no sign otherwise of air episode, laonald’s 21-litre Jaguar Hew a seottish nag froth the base of its radio aerial, while liandayk javelin had a roof rack for luggage which /Oa° carried the Itallye plaque. Leavens’ Javelin haul two spades on the roof and It good cigarette supply alasird. Terrier’s .lavelin displayed B.R.l l,c. and pre-war 11..&.H.1′. trelees, the rear plaque of Hartwell’s Suntwaind’albet. wan bolted to the luggage boot lid, ltrookman hail removed the rear spits from his A CS, while the driver and Paassuger in %miaow’s Boyer disPellsed with overcoats •whereas others even wore white helmets and e -R.A.i’, tly lite kit. I’rhai lent a spare wheel recessed in ea4.11 feed e ins, of his Allard, the tyres

pnimgrippered,;mil Newton’s Briuutol had dual utitterdee,ilet batteries beneath a Perspex sheet and twin steel:imps belOw tile bumper. A canvas part it iii mclvi privaey to the rear compartment of l’orter’a Javelin, Allison’s JaVelill hall I Tilion Jack transfers on its rear Windows, and about’s% Healey saloon was in British raeing-greeti. with straps to its ,i1 I tea In lemilet. Peter Mcink house drove an ex-Alpine Trial smibeam-Talbrit Nvith much-louvred bonnet.

All the oar irrived in apparent good fettle at Folkestone. :at hough Eiirruiher’s pre-war Triumph saloon, which took a wide line into fast corners on the way %town, had an (mations creak from the region of me front wheel.

Apart from the conipeitises, !us, ears, much as Fords and a Mk. V .1 memoir, also went over. Many crews aliaved with eleetrie ra sons adapted to carvcdtages and looked very fresh. The weather rim:lined lenient. tlie roads hard and ice-free, li spit.% ef the frost. It is not the organisers’ Melt that posAwar routes lire easier, winters far warmer, nor is it their intention that the Rally should deteriorate into a hieh-spced tour. Nor had it, for hy Monday Meta e2 ears haul retired, Includine Betty Ilaig’s 11-litre MA L. which, only 100 kilometres covered, had damaged its front

sumpension in a crash at St. Vanier. She and Barbara Marshall were unhurt. At Hamburg white-helmeted police waved on the ears from Oslo and Stoekholm, and poliee outriders guided them through the town, in 32 deg. of frost. The drat competitor in Wils Feiner (1,13oese, Peugeot), from Stockholm, two hours before schedule. Here Eras’ 4-lit re Ford. from Oslo. (win, iti oih tu a damaged off-front wing, losing it marks. Mrs. aVisdom’a Vanguard, from Monte Corti>, was going well, mid the 13.11.C. Allard averaged 50 m.p.h. frOut

hinilogne 1.0 rallenlbOttrg Wh’. I’m verage wall re,ally excellent. The French police kill been efficiency personified, but the Lexembourg cent rut was a bit eltaotie, as the tlrand Duchess’ Iuictl Coincided with the Rally. An the. thasgow Contingent checked in on time (it A materdarn, the roads ag %in saw but the cold intense. At Bruesela, those roan Itaintetrg checked in, after negotiating dirt roads :eel skidding on ice paRthes. Of the Glasgow competitors, Mike Couper’s RollsRoyce, attracting vault, attention everywhere, had averaged about 50 m.p.h., cruising rut 60.7o m.p.h., its drivers doing two-hour spells ; Mrs. Allard put her average at abort, 45 m.p.h. and said of course her car held the road—” it’s all Allard “—while la-year-old Blunter, in his 10:11) Morris Ten, trying Ii, average 40 m.p.h., had managed 37-I3s

in spite of stops to tighten tousle lamps. In I lie seri the ears went on, their crews warmly praising the Dutch organkation on the Amsterdam route. Before Rheims the going became more ditlieult, dustmaking passing a trieky undertaking, hut the French emitinued to render the eonipetitors inagnillcent assistance. One Sinail car from Stockholm appeared to suffer serious engine tronble tat this seethes At Rheims it waa cold, but the A.C, de cilainnarme had floodlit the square, marked out parking bays, and laid on free champagne for all. All starters converged bete and the dub was in an uproar. Three ears had failed to get through from Lisbon, (apparently M. Pieard’s 760ese. lIehmalIlt, whieh crashed, Meneres’ 4-litre Ford Milt Arnaud a .1-litre Ford), but Imbof’s Allard mei the NV isihen!Black Venetian’ were In order ;111,1 on t nue. Tlw Hosiers, pere it .frere, in their 7011-cc. Renault, Trevor’s, last year’s winner, in his Delahaye, and Chiron and LOIlVeall in Heir Ford Vedette from alma,. Carlo, were zits° on time. Indeed, no ono still running was thought to be late so far in these (amtineents, except possibly for one Frenchman, hut

lierk’s Jaguar had crashed badly. Howes er, Franklin’S 41-litre lattallda had torn oft hot II front %vines in Holland when trying to pass another car, and repairs in The Hague lost him 11 hours, which he nevertheless) made up over rough, dusty roads. Morton, his wife as co-driver, haul met bad tout’ patties ittiul iCy Wads from Oslo and had put on chains, only to have them break up and wrap theme selves round his Vanguard’s brake drums. He wasix minitten late at Rheims but very cheerful. Hers Eerraeher and Croll m ere either very late or had retired, in their pre-war 1,767-ess Triiimpli Dolomite, Some 100 miles farther on. at Paris, all the remitting Glaagow competitors got in on tittle after a rull over elm r rmds in fine weather. The 1111.C. Allard WaS sad to have done the run illaboitt too minutes. News came through by Tuesday Meta that. 20 competitors haul retired before reachipg Brussels.

Then it happened ! On the long run south anther Ills third night on the road the drivers met six inches of RIMY on the roads and suow still falling. The B.B.C. was caught out without challis, and the general position became extremely exeiting. A very large number of ears failed to report on time at Lyons, hut Bartlett and Salvage (Vauxhall) got In within two minutes of e.t.a., and others front (Ilasgrim. to check correctly were Allard anti Warburton (Allard), White and Spring (Ford), Glenie and Abrahams (Austin), Milton aml Edve (Ifillwan), and Harper and Evan Coek CH illinall). But these were the only ones front this cuanars. still with full marks.

The TAstion cats, however, were Hamlett before tile snow fell on the hills before Lyons, hut they ran into it good and proper in the alaritime Alps. Delabaye, the Rosters’ tiny Retimilt. Imhof’s Allard and Wisdom’s Vanguard left Lyens on sehedule, as did Chiron front Monte Carlo. The first Gentians to compete in a pout-war inotoring event, Einsiedel and Monteelaa. a ko mule iii oh time in their Volkswagen, from Stoekholin. Ilia others were up to three hours late or hail retired altogether. airs. Allard haul been .40(.11 peeriee henefall the alligator bOnnet of her Allard between Nevers and Lyees. and no news of air… Wiadumes Vanguard bad eonie in. ‘Setter and Lee (Allard), tamper MollsRoyee), the brothers Warwiek (St-litre Jaguar), WaktlaW and Henson (Hillman). sad Peannan and Chipperton of the Sunbeam-Talbot fie team, all from Glasgow, were penalised for being late, and Powell uumul RFaCkeIllaITY (VialttailT(1) Weill later still. Blunter’s old Morris was reported out. Brookinalik AC:, also, and other retirements were ()arson’s Ford ; while :tones’ Morris, Taylor’s ArmstrongSiddeley and Price’s Allard bad not. reported. ‘rwo of the Hillman Mall( team were through, lea their captain. Kemsley, was missing-doubtless speaking furious things into his two-wa)’ radio–tind Robinson’s Javelin and Triumph

Roadstwr were either late or out. Many of these starting from Stolkholin Neer,. known to he se retired, cattle Skidding into the ditches, Yonle cars even overturning. Riley and licacon (YlorrIsi. front Monte Carlo, had lea reported at Lyons. So the Glasgow and Stu ekholni starters went off on their final tough drive through tlie show into the hills to the finials Allard still with full (narks rainditione Woruwned end the Rally became all at. at Valenee, once teneli and highly exeit hes. It had been for as hours as the ears ‘MSS to the Diene control, where the Rosier; arrived first. They proeewled to remove the snow front the wings and engine ;or vents of the rear-engimal Renault mid Trevoux went off before they restarted. Roth had lost. marks for late arrival en route. Innvever. The roads between Invite and Grasse wen. I,V1•11 WOrSoamiil

th1,11 the lilizvard got really Fl!Ver,•, the Ar moete (sato, gone was the sum shihieg on lab. arrivals at Digne. the bleu; Mediterranean. Rain poured (teen in tonri.flt.S. Ilia lartal erOWlIS were out to greet the crews after I heir long struggle against the cicincnrs and personal fatigue. The Iles! i•iir in of all the 11,..s2 starters was the 1,29o-c.e. Peugeot. driven I nit),,js and Cli. ile i’ortaliZe, the Frenchmen, who got a great ??vation a, I heY drew up under the grey, dismal

sky on the Mutt Carlo tiartwur road l’revenx and Le:miaow arrived nest in the aerodynamie, Italian-bodied DelateiNas hearing No. I as betits the previous Near’s winner, followed by Besquart and Secret in their Hotchkiss. law Rosiers eallle IleNt, but ail I heSi• uoIllpet it,ws hail lost ;narks save Dubois, and Trevonx Ito morc by making an error during the acceleration and braking test which all drivers took immediately on arrival. First Itritish car ill was the Inthof-lliashison Allard. ILIUM/WI/I it had been in collision with a telegraph pow ell Palle. It VAS followed by the Wisdom -Week Viuiguard. All these cars had started f noun Lisbon and had missed 1011 miles of Ice and the worst of the snow. After a long pause Harper Willman) value In from Glasgow, followed by Allard and Warburton (Allard). Thereafter ears of the Glasgow contingent canw lhm spasmodieally —all three Sunbearn-Talbots, Vises% saeettus Ilolt’s Ford, lihe. A Hotchkiss hit a !Heise on the final section alai 11Ially were the cars that slid into lorries or It the road. Brinkman and Ellis :IITiV1,1 ru thein Riley from LiSbOn. Lan•r du Iitassisha list gave the le:wings after tile acceleration aud braking less taken inunediately 41;1 arrival, its :-Allard (Allard), Crovel to (Dekhrtyc), Ic Jomt (Ford), Potter (Allard), Trevtimi (Delaleryci. Imhof susnis Giro (Ford), ‘imbue! (Renault). Aversene (Sinai% Eight), 1)uhois (Peugeot), Bataan tisiniste,is Gatsonides (Humber Snipe). Bee:peat Illetelikis,), Satigiorgio (ShwaSix), Worms diotelikissi. Hartwell (Sunbeam-Talbot.), Franklin (Lawonda). Scholl Delahaye), Sprenger van Eijk (Chevrolet). Beekman );..rurs known to have arrived at Monte Carlo ( Cl(t)rtoheeirt Include Lall(1011.9 Renault, Sanill’s Henault. Prodellet’s Simea-Eight, Istcombe’s Peugeot, Lativergnat’s Citroen Six, Itainos-toree’s Hotchkiss, Giro’s 4-litre Ford, all from Lislittil Franklin’s 41-litre logonda and Potter’s Allard from Glasgow ; Jentsen’s little Lesease. Skoda from Stockholm, and Scaron’s Shwa-Enid, t,liului hin Blonders sinner-Six, and GatsOnidts’ Humber Snipe, all ei whom started svhere they had finished. front Boni, Carlo. Of the 73 British starters, 40 arrived at t he le, kis s_..uuote this—out of the total of SOIlle eompetitors only

five retained full marks of those who arrived at the finish. As we close for Press we learn that, of those militiut five, the Barclay Cup for the last perfornutnee by to British car in the road-section (if the Rally less been awarded ta (Ile 4-litre Hunilier Snipe which M. Gatsonidea and k, S. liarendreet brought through from Monte (7arlo.

This year’s Monte Carlo Rally certainly turned Mit unexpectedly tough—suddenly 30141 dralliatieally, and ill IL degree reasOnably impartial to all competitors, although the earlier starters from Lisbon got oft snore lightly than some. There ie no doubt about it—the Rally is not only a very sterti. tatdurance feat for the press’s, even in modem closed ears, but It is a searching, all-embrauing eliminator of inefficient automobiles, and the final results will he of immumse interest in vonsequence. Shirley Allard lost time In the final section, and Gatsortides’ Humber Snipe is M174111051 the five ears Minh haul lost no marks on arrival. As I write, the examination of ears for defeeta and the stern final tests !IRV(‘ yet to tome. The five who will take the tests are: Beerniart (3.4145-e.e. Ftotchkiss), Nu ho started from Lisbon; Scaron ( I .221 -e.e. Simea-Eieht): A ngelvIn (1,221-e.e. Simen-Eight) : Quhnliii (1.00(t-e.e. Simca-Eight); Gatsonides (4-litre Humber Snipe, who all started from MonteCarlo. Certaitly the interest in the: outcome of this year’s Rally is greater than ever before, thanks largely to the .11.11.C. coverage.—W. B. [The full req. late will be published in the next issue of alreroa SPORT,J