Sir, I am enclosing a photograph which I think may prove of interest to your readers. It is a picture of my 2900 B Corto Alfa-Romeo, eight-cylinders, two superchargers, 9 ft.wheelbase, special body
by Carrozzeria Touring of Milan. lt was considered by the manufacturers to be as fine a finished automobile as ever constructed by them. The chassis would be classed as a show chassis ; the entire motor is polished and chromium plated, the independent suspensions, the wheels and brake drums all chromium plated. It took twelve months after the order was placed before it was completed and it is without a doubt the finest sportscar that has ever been imported into this country. The body work is outstanding— perfectly streamlined and still a beautiful car to look at. The way the car is to-day, it has a guaranteed speed of 120 m.p.h. I am, Yours etc., MCCLURE HALLEY_ Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, N.Y.,