A Motorist's Lament
Sir, I apologise for the poor Cyril Fletcher imitation but it does relate my recent motoring experiences: "Vauxhall Rubbish" they used to say; "The bodywork just rots away." But what…
For a fee of 1/6 per year additional to the 1/affiliation fee, the Northern Section of the Vintage S.C.C. sends out a photograph with each of its Notes. The first concerns Norman Ledson’s special 1926 2-litre Lagonda. This car has had fifteen inches of side-member removed from immediately before the rear spring shackles, rejoining being by bolts and welding. The body, a four-seater, was shortened to suit, ash-framing with steel panels being used for the new body sides; finished in green cellulose. The hood came from a 3-litre Sunbeam, the screen from. a 16 h.p. Sunbeam. The cylinders did’ not require re-boring after a vast mileage, but at the time of the conversion new valve-guides, new timing chains and four new exhaust valves were fitted. The flywheel was lightened considerably, and an S.0 carburetter replaced the existing
Zenith. This conversion cost between £70 and i,80, The car weighs 25 cwt., pulls atop gear of 4.65 to 1, does 75 m.p.h.