What Do Von Know About Cars
IN response to many requests from our readers, we are continuing in this issue our competition of “Spotting the car.” The .photograph reproduced On this page was submitted by Mr. C. W. Weeks, of 340, Portobello Road, London, W. 10, to whom we have sent a cheque for 10s: 6d. Take out that photograph album of yOurs, and see if you have any picture which is difficult to recognise—it may earn you half a guinea.
Problem No. 11.
The rules for Problem No. 11 are as follow :—
1. Cut out the coupon on the inside back cover, fill in your name and addre and solution in block letters, and send it to us in a sealed envelope, marked “Competition.”
2. Any alterations on the coupon will automatically disqualify the entrant.
3. The Editor’s decision is final.
4. Entries must reach this office, 39, Victoria Street, London, SW. 1, not later than the first post. February 15th, and a prize of one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened on that day.
Hurry Up for the Rally !
We are asked by the R.A.C. to remind intending entrants for the R.A.C. Rally that the limit of 400 entries is being rapidly reached. Entries close on February 6th, and the Rally takes place on 26th-30th March.
An interesting point has been raised in connection with the system of awards. It will be remembered that the best 334per cent. in each group will receive First-class awards, and the next 331 per cent. secondclass awards. The R.A.C. has been asked what award will be given to any competitor who may tie for a first or secondclass award, if by reason of such ties the proportion of 33f per cent. is exceeded. The Club proposes in all such cases to give to all competitors the award in the higher class. For the convenience of competitors and others, the R.A.C. gives the following list of Controls in the Rally, the Starting Controls being the first nine in the list :—
London. Ace of Spades Garage. Great West Road.
Buxton. Palace Hotel.
5. More than one coupon may be inchided in one envelope.
6. No letter must be sent With the coupon.
7. The result will b2 published in our March issue.
8. Employees of Moroa SPORT (1929), Ltd are not eligible to compete.
Edinburgh. Messrs John Croall Sc Sons, Castle Terrace. (Intermediate Control—North British Hotel).
Harrogate. Grand Hotel. Leamington. Regent Hotel.
Liverpool. Adelphi Hotel (Voss Motor Car Co. adjoining).
Llandrindod Wells. Pump House Hotel • (Tom Norton’s Garage adjoining).
Torquay. Grand Hotel.
Qt. Yarmouth. Royal Hotel, Marine Parade.
Newcastle. Royal Station Hotel (Central Station Garage).
Llandudno. North Western Hotel (Red Garages).
Tenby. Royal Oak House Hotel (George Ace’s Garage).
Skegness. Seacroft Hotel (W.O. Knott’s Garage, I )1 inoniond Road ).
Cheltenham. Queen’s Hotel (Steel’s Garage adj’ing). King’s Lynn. Globe Hotel.
Scarborough. Grand Hotel (Vernon Road Garage).
Truro. RI.,1 I.),n Hotel.
The Dunlop Art Society.
What must be the first international exhibition of its kind was held last month at the Burlington Galleries, London,
when the Dunlop Art Society held its first ” show.”
Sir Eric Geddes presided over the opening ceremony, which was performed by Sir Michael Sadler. Both the French and the German Ambassadors were present, for the show included exhibits from employees of the Associated Dunlop Companies in France and Germany.
The exhibits comprised works of poetry, photography, needlework, oilpainting, water-colours, sculpture, pastels, etchings, and black and white work, all executed by Dunlop workers, their wives and children. The exhibition was organised by Mr. S. R. Saunders, Secretary of the Society.
Sir Eric Geddes said : “It is offered as an indication of what can be done to assist in the fruitful use of leisure by stimulating the creative talent which is latent in all classes.” As such, the Dunlop Art Society Exhibition was a remarkably fine achievement.