V-to-C miscellany, July 1993, July 1993
Another aero-engined hybrid to add to the burgeoning interest in such cars is this fine Type CO2 40/50hp Delage chassis with a rare V12 130 x170mm (27-litre) Hispano Suiza S7…
FIRAZER NASH Cars, Falcon Works, London Road, Islcworth (Hounslow 3172 have for disposal a number of reconditioned cars.—Fuli particulars on application. G.N. RACING ENGINE
G.N. racing engine. 1,086 c.c., 0.II.C., air cooled, 90° twin. Inclined valves, modified polished ports and hemispherical heads, high compression aluminitint pistons, polished and balanced rods and crankshaft. With two Amal carbs, Bosch mag., engine bearers to fit G.N. chassis, etc. In perfect condition, running on dope, very reliable, cheap to run, wonderfully docile. Has climbed Shelsley walsh in 49 secs. Apply R. V. C. Bolster, Woodlands, Meopham, Kent. 30/98 VAUXHALL
SECOND-HAN1) spares for Side Valve and O.H.V. models. Everything in stock. Warburton, 420, Walkden Road, Worsley, Manchester.
LATE 1931 WO LE ELEY 1′ ornet E.W. special sports 4-seater, coachbuilt, colours green and silver, fitted Magna-type wheels, oversized tyres, taxed, excellent chassis, very attractive appearance. (90. Box 11.9, c/o MOTOR SPORT.
WOLSI.EY HORNET Coach Saloon. 1 930 Any trial. Fast, (100. Graham V. Osborn, Croydon Road, Beckenham. WANTED
WIANTED.—Special Crankshaft, Herrington Pacing Manifold and Exhaust, Blower complete for Austin 7, Good second hand. Mitchison, Police, Jenin, 1 alestine.
RACING Car of 2 litres or under. History and full particulars essential. Must be cheap. 1 rivate owner preferred. Box A, 12. C/O MOTOR SPORT. SITUATIONS IEQUIRED
puBLIc Schoolman, with five years previous experience in Advertising and Publicity I lepartment of Engineering firm, seeks appointment as Assistant Advertisement Manager, or similar position. Write Box M. 15, c/o MOTOR SPORT. MAGNETO and DYNAMO OVERHAULS s 21 L—Flat rate magneto overhauls (no extras. / whatever) : 12 months’ guarantee, repair. while you wait, or exchange.—The Johnson Engineer. lug Co., 86, Great Portland St., W. 1. Musetun 7852