Winning for Britain
Sir George Harriman has sent a personal letter to each of 100,000 employees as part of his "B.M.H. is out to win for Britain" campaign. After devaluation the company's production…
What Do You Know About Cars ?
IN response to the many requests from readers to continue our Competition, we are publishing on this page No. 8 of the series. All you have to do is as follows : 1. Cut out the coupon on the inside back cover, fill in your name and
address and solution in block letters, and send it to us in a sealed envelope, marked “Competition.”
2. Any alterations on the coupon will automatically disqualify the entrant.
3. The Editor’s decision is final. 4. Entries must reach this office, 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1
not later than the first post February 15th, and a prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution opened on that day.
5. More than one coupon may be included in one envelope.
6. No letter must be sent with the coupon.
7. The result will be published in our March issue.
A New Offer to our Readers.
Most followers of motor-racing are keen photographers, and have a collection of photographs they have taken at various events. Look through your collection, and if you think you have any pictures that would puzzle other readers, send them along. A cheque for 10s. 6d. will be sent to the owner of every photograph used. The only condition
is that the photograph must be the handwork of the sender. All those not used will be returned if a stamped addressed envelope is included.
Get that album out now, and send your photographs to The Editor, MOTOR SPORT, 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I.