The Godiva and the Loryc
The Godiva and the Lox, The Godiva mentioned by Nigel Mills in the May issue (Vintage Postbag) may be the sole survivor of the marque, but is certainly not the…
HOW many motorists in this country listen and respond to the slogan ” Buy British ? ” Or put another way, how many British motorists drive British cars ? Some figures shedding light on this problem are provided by the R.A.C. through its Engineer’s Department. This Department of the Club carries out for members examinations of cars in various connections and the number of cars inspected each year numbers many hundreds. The membership of the R.A.C. is made up of every type of private user and may be said, therefore, to be representative of the general body of motorists in this country. The same applies to the cars used, and the figures given below therefore, can almost certainly be regarded as proportionate to the total number of private motor cars in use in this country. A record has been kept showing the country of origin of cars examined by the R.A.C. Engineers during 1933, and for the sake of comparison, the figures for 1925 (the earliest available) are also shown. Two principal facts emerge from these figures—first, that more than 86% of the cars are British, and second, that
the percentage of British cars has risen by 20% in eight years. The figures are as follows :