Motor Sport Classified Advertisement Section
HEAD OFFICES: 39, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.I Telephone : VICTORIA 5218 Rates (prepaid) (minimum ; , /per line
‘CLOSING DATE first post on the 23rd of the month, for publication on the :.3t of the following month.
1930 Alfa Romeo 11-litre Sports 2-seater, grey with green wheels, chromium plated fittings, many extras, including racing type speedometer and revolution counter, folding windscreen with Triplex glass, attractive appearance, very fast ; £385.—Bellevue Garage and Service Station, Ltd., 19, Bellevue Rd., S.W.17. Battersea 0479.
1929 ALFA-ROMEO 11-litre twin o.b.v. camshaft, first registered 1930, fitted with very attractive low-built sportsman’s coupe, colour maroon, blue leather upholstery, chromium-plated, exceptional road performance, (425; exchanges and deferred. A. J. Guppy, Ltd., 314, Easton Rd., N.W.1. Museum 3324. V / 22-9011.p. 4-seater sports ALFA-ROMEO,
°lout’ 1925-6, just overhauled, amazing performance, 85 m.p.h., taxed, tonneau cover, all-weather equipment. Apply Box R507, c/o MOTOR SPORT.
AIX’S F.W.D. supercharged sportsman’s 4-seater
coupe, black and green, 85 m.p.h., definitely as new (1929), 12 months’ guarantee ; terms, exchanges.—Albert (Mews) Motors, 192-194, Belsize Rd., N.W.6. Maida Vale 5204.
Temple Bar 8135-6-7.
12/50 Alvis. Late ’27 overhauled, fast, £90.— Denmans, 132/3, Long Acre, W.C.
14 ROOKLANDS Austin. 7.2 seater. Denmans, 132/3, Long Acre, W.C. Temple Bar 8135-6-7. Open week-ends.
EAL bargain, 19 h.p. AUSTRO-DAIMLER -11V sports 2-4-seater, twin carburetters, f.w.b., finished cream cellulose, red wheels, f.w.b., very fast ; exchanges, terms, Box No. A.97, c/o MOTOR SPORT.
I 929 17/75 6-cyl. Hadfield Bean. Vanden Plas sports 4-seater. Rev. counter. Tonneau cover, wire wheels. £75. Denmaus, 132/3, Long , Acre, W.C. Temple Bar 8135.6-7.
1929 Bentley 41-litre Vanden Plas 4-seater Sports Tourer, in excellent condition ; £425,—Ryan and Ewen, Ltd., 24, Bruton Place, W.I. Mayfair 0093.
ROOKLANDS MOTOR CO., offers BENTLEY -ILI 1928 41-litre Vanden Piss sports tourer, exceptional condition throughout, any trial, £425; exchanges, deferred, 167, Gt. Portland Street, W. 1. Museum 3143-4.
1 998 Spec. fitted Brooklaud.s 2-seater body,
4-4 cycle-type wings, Rudge racing wheels, 6 rev, counter, etc. Overhauled, repainted and taxed. A genuinely fast car. 83 gns.—Surbiton Hill Garage, The Avenue, Surbiton. Elmbridge 1529.
1931_ (May) Frazer-Nash. Interceptor. Blk. and Gm. 4 speeds. 12v. equipment. Bosch horn, rev, counter, speeds, etc., £250. Would consider exchange, also deferred terms, condition is as new and car has been vetted by makers.— 11.10 I, C/O MOTOR SPORT.
FRAZER NASH cars, Falcon Works, London Rd. Isleworth (Hounslow 3172) always have for disposal reconditioned and guaranteed cars, fitted with new tyres and F.W.B. Prices from £125.
1 929 Husky Hillman. Fabric Sports, 4-seater £85.—Denmans, 132-3, Long Acre, W.C. Temple Bar 8135-6-7. Open week-ends.
1931 Experimental, 18.80. 5000 rev. Thomson Taylor tuned engine, chassis short Mark I speed, brakes and gear box Mark II. Two seater Special fabric body, Midget style, fawn and
chocolate. Rad. guard. Outside exhaust. 7,000 miles only, carefully kept by fastidious owner, who has purchased Le Mans four-seater for the R.A.C. Rally. Factory references and any trial. £350. Donald Monro, Geo. Monro Ltd., Covent Garden. Temple Bar 4091,
I 090 14/40 M.G. Sports 4-seater. Blue and t/zsti Aluminium. £85.—Denmans, 132-3, Long Acre, W.C. Temple Bar 8135-6-7. Open weekends. 34
Supercharged Montlhery M.G. Midget, 24 4/ complete as per catalogue, many extras and any trial.—Major Gardner, 1, Brighton Rd., South ‘Croydon. ‘Phone 1852.
1 Q30 (July) M.G. Midget Coupe, spotless condition, small mileage, very fast ; consider exchange. £125.—’Phone, Victoria 0467, tt.
ONTLHF,RY Midget Supercharged, actual 01double-twelve model. Completely rebuilt.
In A.1 I. condition for fast motoring, touring or racing. Price £335. Apply—Lord March, Kevill-Davies and March, 9, Bruton St. W.I. Mayfair 5446. pROOKLANDS MOTOR COMPANY offers : 1–0 M.G. 1931 Mark I speed model touring car, very small mileage ; cost £525, our price ‘265. U.G. Mark I Salonette, late 1929, exceptional con-04dition throughout ; £165; written guarantee ; exchanges and private deferred terms.-167, Great i.ortland St. W.I. Museum 3143-4. 1929 mileage. .G. 14/40 2-seater. Red and aluminium,
very clean, small 70 m.p.h. £105. C. H. Wells, Mount Arlington, Shortlands, Kent. Ravensbourne 1295.
i5(1 1! M.G. 14-40 Super-sports 4-seater, specially %-/ finished in cream and red, wire wheels, servo f.w.b., new set side curtains and hood, leather upholstery, bucket seats, good tyres, really smart and fast car. Below.
g I M.G. 14-40 Super-sports 2-seater, blue and iLItJ aluminium, f.w.b., 6 new tyres, good hood, etc., new battery, 70 m.p.h., very attractive car ; both the above cars carry our written guarantee ; exchanges, deferred. Greenwood Motors, 302, Highgate Rd., N.W.5. Gulliver 4223.
in.p.h., perfect condition, M.G. Midget, blue / •-/ fabric 2-seater, Brooklands exhaust, R.A.G. twin carburetters, double valve springs, stoneguard, double Hartford shock absorbers, etc., mileage negligible; any trial.—Sloane 7219.
1931 Model Midget Sports 2-seater, Blue. Two spare wheels, many extras. Excellent condition. 290. Eastern Garages, Ltd., Chelmsford, M.G. Distributors.
9 2P7 O.M. Light Six 4-seater ; bargain, £60 or offer.—Denman’s, 132-3, Long acre, W.C. Open week-ends: Temple Bar 8135-6-7.
1.931. Rsaetiarer1.2/c500zeh.
t1.3tesg1Poe;reeirlar, og:tdsiar exhaust. 100 re.p.h. Ball bearing engine. Cost over £300. Bargain £125. S. D. C. Taylor & Co., Ltd., 6, Kendrick Place, Near South Kensington Station. Kensington 8965.
1 6 5 “! IleIrLInYbealu9OfulBcoroonlitEitliondsthrsop=ou2t,
taxed to December, guaranteed speed 85 m.p,b. Apply Box M510, C/0 MOTOR SPORT.
Pounds. SALMSON, 1930 grand sports streamline 2-seater, latest low-built chassis, upholstery and bodywork almost unmarked, chromium fittings, V-screen, excellent tyres, innumerable extras and equipment, including clock, rev, counter, automatic wiper, Boyce meter, Triplex glass, etc., very small mileage, tip-top mechanically throughout ; exchanges, terms. Nearly 200 others under 2100. Box No. S.93, cio MOTOR SPORT. 1930 Salmson G.P. o.h.v. Camshaft 2-seater sports, underslung, £100; 1926 tourer,
£15; 1924 camshaft sports 4-seater, £20; no deposits ; exchanges.—Page, 199b, Upper Richmond Rd. Putney 7671. 99
NTADITM Co. Specialise in the Speedy and Econov mical 9.5 h.p. Sahnson, 35-40 m.p.g., insurance from 21 Os. 6d. service, spares, repairs. Open Saturdays.
69 Guineas.-1928f Grand Prix, underslung, dropped front axle, large F.W.B., low streamline body, twin o.h.c., really smart, taxed.
67 Guineas.-19284Grand Prix Special, twin o.h.c., 4 speeds, F.W.B., balloons, chromium, handsome Manx sports 3-seater body.
NTADUM Co., 352, High Road, Willesden Green, N.W.10. Willesden 2469.
9 m.p.h. Stutz 37 h.p. 1930 series. Weyman sports saloon, delivered 1929. Cost £1,400. Excellent condition. £365 or offer.—Denmans, 132-3, Long Acre, W.C. Temple Bar 8135-6-7. Open week-ends.
high compression head, 4-speed close ratio gear box, twin Solex carburetters, lavishly equipped, including 1929 Special Vernon-Derby 6-cyl. Super Sports
2-seater, underslung, fitted with special rev, counter, new hood, etc., fitted with magneto and coil ignition, new tyres, this car has just had a genuine overhaul, any trial, taxed ; £95, or exchange for M.G. Midget.—” Ileatham House,” Twickenham. Popesgrove 1163. 1929 VERNON DERBY 6-cylinder special underslung sports 2-seater, black and green, twin carburettors, dual ignition, 4 speed close ratio gear box, chassis recently overhauled throughout. Excellent tyres ; taxed. £110 or exchange.—, 5, Wetherby Mews, S.W.5. Plaxman 8859
VOR Superior Stoneguards, radiator repairs, chromium-plating, accessories ; consult Motor Car Components Co., 43, Lonsdale Road, Kilburn, N.W.6. Maida ‘Vale, 0082, 6286.
Vauxhall Spares of Every Description 30-98 ht%abelow Maker’s Prices, both for s.v. and o.h.v. models, engine gear boxes, back axles, etc —Crackington Motors. Welwyn 154.