For the Ford owner
Bucklers list some special parts of great appeal to enthusiasts anxious to improve their Fords. The Buckler multi-tubular chassis frame is available to take either a Ford Eight transmission (7…
As one who was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of your excellent paper, Tim BROOKI,ANDS GAZETTE, shortly after its first publication, may I be allowed to congratulate you and also to make a few suggestions.
In its capacity as a review of motoring events of the month, I maintain that the greatest attraction of THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE will be its photographs. Those published in past numbers have been really excellently produced, but in some cases have been distinctly scarce.
I confess I was rather disappointed with the Olympia show reports. The scope for photographs of sporting machines, particularly in the case of motor-cycles, was almost unlimited, but the photographs which were published were in most cases hardly the type of machine which readers of THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE would choose to ride.
However, I do not wish my letter to consist entirely of criticism. I consider your paper to be quite the most interesting motoring publication which can be obtained.
In your December issue, you mention the ” Brooklands Year Book” and the B.M.C.R.C. Handbook. Are these available only to members of the two Brooklands Clubs or can they be obtained by the general public, and if so, from whom ?
Wishing your paper the greatest success in the future. Yours faithfully, ALLAN HARTLEY. [The Handbooks mentioned can be obtained from the Clubs named.—ED.1