Archive Life in the RAFVR Sir, The RAFVR was barely a year old when I received my first flying instruction at the De Havilland School of Flying (also known as No. 13 E & RFTS)… June 1982 Issue By admin
Archive Jochen print Sir, Please find enclosed a photograph taken at the recent Essen Motor Show. It shows Nina Rindt with the Brabham BT18 (F2-22-26) raced by her late husband, for Roy Winkelmann,… March 1993 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Bertone Blunder SIR, One would have thought that on his last appointment with your readers (Obituary, April) Giuseppe Bertone's name might have been spelled correctly. "Guiseppe" is not Italian. In any case,… May 1997 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive The Rover Sports Register Sir, Would you please like to correct the impression given in February's V-E-V Odds and Ends that the RSR only caters for P4 and newer cars. The club was originally… April 1978 Issue By Motor Sport