When he was living in Beckenham he took part in a pre-war Brighton Run on an 1896 de Dion Bouton tricycle, and special building occupied him. thereafter all described in Motor Sport for May 1991. This happy enthusiast with the ever-cheerful smile was President of the Cape Town MC and drove in their speed events. He would turn anything into a Special, vintage or modern, for pure enjoyment, starting with an AV Monocar as a basis and coming up to two Honda coupe bodies cut-and-shut to contain a Ford engine. There had been something like a dozen or more by then, with time out to build himself a fine house and an ocean-going yacht. Our deep sympathy to his wife Pearl and family.

Chalenor-Barson’s Specials: Veteran to classic
Specials-builder supreme, not just in the vintage period but right up to the present, I took the opportunity of chatting about these cars with Mr E Chalenor-Barson while he was…