Alain Prost: 'It sounds like a joke but I’m completely underrated'
He divides opinion. Always has done. And it tends to distil to a single, fundamental question: are you for Senna, or are you for Prost? Even Motor Sport can’t resist.…
Women on Wheels
I am at present carrying out research fir a hook which will trace the achievements and influence of women on motoring in general, not forgetting the enormous contribution they made during the wars in driving vehicles of every sort all over the world. The book will cover a large range of subiects and I would be grateful if any of your readers who know of any ladies still alive who distinguished themselves in the motoring field — as drivers, designers or engineers — could get in touch with me.
The book is provisionally entitled Women on Wheels and will, of cousse, cover four as well as two-wheeled vehicles. Beaulieu, Hants MONTAGU