Tuning the 4 1/2-Litre Lagonda and Invicta
By L. S. Michael, O.B.E. (Continued from the January issue) In calculating compression-ratios use the method advocated in popular books on tuning, usually involving the pouring of liquid into the…
Those Perks
I think M. W. Trenerry (Nov. Issue) would be well advised to keep his mouth shut and pay the “Taxable benefit scale charges”; he doesn’t realise how lucky he is. It is a well known fact that the private sector middle and top management have many perks other than motor cars and that tax evasion is rife amongst this section of the community. I work in local government where there are no perks whatsoever. We must buy our own cars and pay all running cous from our own pockets at full retail prices. The only car allowance I get is on official council duties within the boundaries of the borough in which I work and that is scrutinised thoroughly by a team of auditors. Is it right that someone with a company car can get his private motoring at next to nothing and pay nothing to get from his home to the office when! have to pay the full cost and I cannot even claim any expenses back from the taxman, Mr. Trenerry mentions
the cheap coal obtained by the miners. It is my guess if 100 tonnes of the stuff was offered to him fora week’s work underground he would refuse to go down to such a dangerous and unhealthy place. He openly admits to having voted the Tories in, well let him now take their medicine. Mold, Clwyd G. B. KERR