Archive The Monotrace Sir, Was the Monotrace, as featured in the V-E-V section of your August issue, really of French origin? I think you will find that it was originated by the German… October 1976 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive LEICESTERSHIRE C.C TRAIL LEICESTERSHIRE C.C. TRIAL (Sept. 5th) The Bowmaker Trophy Trial was run on September 5th, 25 cars leaving Leicester at 11 p.m. with Llandudno as their goal. The route consisted mainly… October 1953 Issue By admin
Archive Sunbeam Superchargers In 1922, in the pursuit of more power from Grand Prix and voiturette racing car engines restricted by prevailing race regulations to 2 or 1 1/2 litres, Fiat developed the… December 1996 Issue By Bill Boddy
Archive CONTROLLING SUSPENSION CONTROLLING SUSPENSION THE laminated spring, which is still the standard method of suspension on most motor vehicles, has a number of advantages, but is incapable of dealing satisfactorily with all… December 1932 Issue By admin