Alla Romeo Service


Some of your readers may be interested in hearing of my recent experiences with Alfa Romeo (Great Britain) Limited. In March this year I purchased a second-hand 2000 Berlina (July, 1972), with approximately 4,500 miles on the clock. The car was as new. After driving the car for four to six weeks I realised that at 4,000 revs, in all five forward gears, when the engine was hot, a rather worrying mechanical noise developed. Being unable to identify the source and still less the cause, I took the car to Mr. S. A. Morley (the proprietor of Rarnponi Rockell & Co.) who has looked after the various Alfas I have owned over the past nine years. Mr. Morley was unable to identify the cause of the noise with any certainty and so he called in one of Alfa’s technical people. Further road tests were unable to produce the answer and so Alfa’s took the car into their Edgware Road workshops. Here the car was put on rollers, but the noise could not be reproduced. It was, however, still present when the car was driven on the road, and at this time it was suggested that the problem could be the clutch. Alfa’s then took in the car (at this time the mileage was 8,260 miles), and replaced the clutch; still the noise continued. They then replaced the carburetters and distributor but the noise was still to be heard.

The engine was taken out and stripped down. Where there was any doubt about tolerances on any parts, Alfa’s replaced them, and then reassembled the engine. At the end of this exercise the noise had gone and was put down to being cauted by the timing gear. All this work was undertaken during a three week period and was completely free of charge.


There can be very few, if any at all, of the major car manufacturers who would give this type of service and attention to a car which was purchased second-hand and well outside the warranty period. I personally feel that this speaks very highly for Alfa’s and their service agents. Needless to say I am extremely grateful to them. Kingston-upon-Thames J. C. WHITE