Mercedes-Benz in Britain
Developments at Brentford and some comments on the 250SE from Stuttgart Everyone should drive a Mercedes-Benz at least once a year, in order to appreciate just how mediocre by comparison…
SUPPLIER LOTUS CARS (SALES) LIMITED PROPOSER (Name & address) See notes 1 and 3 Occupation Employer Householder (Owner or tenant) House/Flat/Other See Note 2 BANKERS
How 1011.1 with present Employe?
For how long _.. M/S
Premos last Agrr.I. COMPANIES & FIRMS Nature of Business Incorporated/Established Issued Capital State if owners of premises in which goods are to be housed
Is property mortgaged or charged?
Are there any other charges?
N. INDEMNIFIER (IF UNDER 21) Occupation M/S TERMS Cash Price First Payment: Cash Balance of cash price Charges (pr. E £ Period Payments REMARKS: (for Branch use only) YEAR OF MANUFACTURE 1968 DESCRIPTION LOTUS 51 Employer Householder (Owner or tenant) For how long House/Flat/Other Bankers How long with preSeni Employer
Previous exp. lest Aurnt.
NOTE 1. If the Proposer is a woman, please state whether married, widow or spinster. If married, the husband must either indemnify or be a party to the Agreement, and in the former case details under “Indemnifier” should be completed.
NOTE 2. If the Proposer is not a householder, the transaction must be indemnified by another person (not a married woman) who IS a householder. Please give the necessary details under’ Indemnifier”. NOTE 3. If resident at the address given for less than three years. Please state here previous address: PROPOSER .. INDEMNIFIER