The Austin 10/4
Sir, I was most interested to see mention of the 1934 Austin 10/4 saloon in your "Years motoring" article (Motor Sport, February). My first motor car was a similar model…
Sir, Boddy says that the Morris Minor i000 will have to be renamed following the fitting of a larger engine. Not so. For some time, B.M.C. have chosen to misname this vehicle—Nine-Fifty would have been more accurate. Whereas in the past, people like myself have felt that somewhere they have been cheated out of 52 c.c., perhaps they may now have an 86-c.c. bonus. Furthermore if the car is to continue looking exactly the same as the older model, I want the people that I overtake to think that the extra little hit of performance comes from some fiendish modification of my own.
Southport. PETER BROOKS. • 4s *