Escort Mexico from AVO
Killing umpteen birds with one stone, Ford recently announced that its AVO division is to sell an Escort Mexico to complement the recently inaugurated production of Escort BDAs at AVO's…
you can trust your car to start. When you wade through the snow in the earpark amongst all the ears which are grinding their starters, get into your own car and it immediately springs to life, you always feel a bit sorry for the owners of expensive blancmange flour-wagons who have to Make their way to the nearest bus stop. We have a 3-litre 1925
Red Label Bentley ; 12 tr.p., 1925, ” 9/20 ” and ” 14/40 ” (rebuilt) 1927 1-lumbers, and we have been driven to believe that a vintage car will never let you down. I am, Yours, etc.,
P. 13. MArnaws.
Jeer Heath. * a